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function CHiME3_simulate_data_patched_parallel(official,nj,chime4_dir,chime3_dir) % CHIME3_SIMULATE_DATA Creates simulated data for the 3rd CHiME Challenge % % CHiME3_simulate_data % CHiME3_simulate_data(official) % % Input: % official: boolean flag indicating whether to recreate the official % Challenge data (default) or to create new (non-official) data % % If you use this software in a publication, please cite: % % Jon Barker, Ricard Marxer, Emmanuel Vincent, and Shinji Watanabe, The % third 'CHiME' Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge: Dataset, % task and baselines, submitted to IEEE 2015 Automatic Speech Recognition % and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), 2015. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright 2015 University of Sheffield (Jon Barker, Ricard Marxer) % Inria (Emmanuel Vincent) % Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (Shinji Watanabe) % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License % version 3 ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% utils_folder = sprintf('%s/tools/utils', chime4_dir); enhancement_folder = sprintf('%s/tools/enhancement/', chime3_dir); addpath(utils_folder,'-end'); addpath(enhancement_folder); sim_folder = sprintf('%s/tools/simulation', chime4_dir); addpath(sim_folder); upath = sprintf('%s/data/audio/16kHz/isolated/', chime4_dir); cpath = sprintf('%s/data/audio/16kHz/embedded/', chime4_dir); bpath = sprintf('%s/data/audio/16kHz/backgrounds/', chime4_dir); apath = sprintf('%s/data/annotations/', chime4_dir); upath_ext = 'local/nn-gev/data/audio/16kHz/isolated_ext/'; upath_simu = 'local/nn-gev/data/audio/16kHz/isolated/'; nchan=6; % Define hyper-parameters pow_thresh=-20; % threshold in dB below which a microphone is considered to fail wlen_sub=256; % STFT window length in samples blen_sub=4000; % average block length in samples for speech subtraction (250 ms) ntap_sub=12; % filter length in frames for speech subtraction (88 ms) wlen_add=1024; % STFT window length in samples for speaker localization del=-3; % minimum delay (0 for a causal filter) %% Create simulated training dataset from original WSJ0 data %% if exist('equal_filter.mat','file'), load('equal_filter.mat'); else % Compute average power spectrum of booth data nfram=0; bth_spec=zeros(wlen_sub/2+1,1); sets={'tr05' 'dt05'}; for set_ind=1:length(sets), set=sets{set_ind}; mat=json2mat([apath set '_bth.json']); for utt_ind=1:length(mat), oname=[mat{utt_ind}.speaker '_' mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name '_BTH']; fprintf('%s ',[upath set '_bth/' oname '.CH0.wav']); o=audioread([upath set '_bth/' oname '.CH0.wav']); O=stft_multi(o.',wlen_sub); nfram=nfram+size(O,2); bth_spec=bth_spec+sum(abs(O).^2,2); end end bth_spec=bth_spec/nfram; % Compute average power spectrum of original WSJ0 data nfram=0; org_spec=zeros(wlen_sub/2+1,1); olist=dir([upath 'tr05_org/*.wav']); for f=1:length(olist), oname=olist(f).name; o=audioread([upath 'tr05_org/' oname]); O=stft_multi(o.',wlen_sub); nfram=nfram+size(O,2); org_spec=org_spec+sum(abs(O).^2,2); end org_spec=org_spec/nfram; % Derive equalization filter equal_filter=sqrt(bth_spec./org_spec); save('equal_filter.mat','equal_filter'); end % Read official annotations if official, mat=json2mat([apath 'tr05_simu.json']); % Create new (non-official) annotations else mat=json2mat([apath 'tr05_org.json']); ir_mat=json2mat([apath 'tr05_real.json']); for utt_ind=1:length(mat), oname=[mat{utt_ind}.speaker '_' mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name '_ORG']; osize=audioread([upath 'tr05_org/' oname '.wav'],'size'); dur=osize(1)/16000; envirs={'BUS' 'CAF' 'PED' 'STR'}; envir=envirs{randperm(4,1)}; % draw a random environment mat{utt_ind}.environment=envir; blist=dir([bpath '*' envir '.CH1.wav']); dur_diff=inf(1,length(ir_mat)); for ir_ind=1:length(ir_mat), if strcmp(ir_mat{ir_ind}.environment,envir), ir_dur=ir_mat{ir_ind}.end-ir_mat{ir_ind}.start; dur_diff(ir_ind)=abs(ir_dur-dur); end end ir_ind=find(isinf(dur_diff)); ir_ind=ir_ind(1); nfail=true; while nfail, bname=blist(randperm(length(blist),1)).name(1:end-8); % draw a random background recording mat{utt_ind}.noise_wavfile=bname; bsize=audioread([bpath bname '.CH1.wav'],'size'); bdur=bsize(1)/16000; mat{utt_ind}.noise_start=ceil(rand(1)*(bdur-dur)*16000)/16000; % draw a random time mat{utt_ind}.noise_end=mat{utt_ind}.noise_start+dur; nname=mat{utt_ind}.noise_wavfile; nbeg=round(mat{utt_ind}.noise_start*16000)+1; nend=round(mat{utt_ind}.noise_end*16000); n=zeros(nend-nbeg+1,nchan); for c=1:nchan, n(:,c)=audioread([bpath nname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],[nbeg nend]); end npow=sum(n.^2,1); npow=10*log10(npow/max(npow)); nfail=any(npow<=pow_thresh); % check for microphone failure end xfail=true; while xfail, dur_diff(ir_ind)=inf; [~,ir_ind]=min(dur_diff); % pick impulse response from the same environment with the closest duration if dur_diff(ir_ind)==inf, keyboard; end mat{utt_ind}.ir_wavfile=ir_mat{ir_ind}.wavfile; mat{utt_ind}.ir_start=ir_mat{ir_ind}.start; mat{utt_ind}.ir_end=ir_mat{ir_ind}.end; iname=mat{utt_ind}.ir_wavfile; ibeg=round(mat{utt_ind}.ir_start*16000)+1; iend=round(mat{utt_ind}.ir_end*16000); x=zeros(iend-ibeg+1,nchan); for c=1:nchan, x(:,c)=audioread([cpath iname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],[ibeg iend]); end xpow=sum(x.^2,1); xpow=10*log10(xpow/max(xpow)); xfail=any(xpow<=pow_thresh); % check for microphone failure end mat{utt_ind}=orderfields(mat{utt_ind}); end mat2json(mat,[apath 'tr05_simu_new.json']); end p = parpool('local', nj); % Loop over utterances parfor utt_ind=1:length(mat), if official, udir=[upath_simu 'tr05_' lower(mat{utt_ind}.environment) '_simu/']; udir_ext=[upath_ext 'tr05_' lower(mat{utt_ind}.environment) '_simu/']; else udir=[upath 'tr05_' lower(mat{utt_ind}.environment) '_simu_new/']; end if ~exist(udir,'dir'), system(['mkdir -p ' udir]); end if ~exist(udir_ext,'dir'), system(['mkdir -p ' udir_ext]); end oname=[mat{utt_ind}.speaker '_' mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name '_ORG']; iname=mat{utt_ind}.ir_wavfile; nname=mat{utt_ind}.noise_wavfile; uname=[mat{utt_ind}.speaker '_' mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name '_' mat{utt_ind}.environment]; ibeg=round(mat{utt_ind}.ir_start*16000)+1; iend=round(mat{utt_ind}.ir_end*16000); nbeg=round(mat{utt_ind}.noise_start*16000)+1; nend=round(mat{utt_ind}.noise_end*16000); % Load WAV files fprintf('%s ',[upath 'tr05_org/' oname '.wav']); o=audioread([upath 'tr05_org/' oname '.wav']); [r,fs]=audioread([cpath iname '.CH0.wav'],[ibeg iend]); fprintf('%s ',[cpath iname '.CH0.wav'],[ibeg iend]); x=zeros(iend-ibeg+1,nchan); n=zeros(nend-nbeg+1,nchan); for c=1:nchan, fprintf('%s Place1 ',[cpath iname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav']); x(:,c)=audioread([cpath iname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],[ibeg iend]); n(:,c)=audioread([bpath nname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],[nbeg nend]); fprintf('%s Place2 ',[bpath nname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav']); end % Compute the STFT (short window) O=stft_multi(o.',wlen_sub); R=stft_multi(r.',wlen_sub); X=stft_multi(x.',wlen_sub); % Estimate 88 ms impulse responses on 250 ms time blocks A=estimate_ir(R,X,blen_sub,ntap_sub,del); % Derive SNR Y=apply_ir(A,R,del); y=istft_multi(Y,iend-ibeg+1).'; SNR=sum(sum(y.^2))/sum(sum((x-y).^2)); % Equalize microphone [~,nfram]=size(O); O=O.*repmat(equal_filter,[1 nfram]); o=istft_multi(O,nend-nbeg+1).'; % Compute the STFT (long window) O=stft_multi(o.',wlen_add); X=stft_multi(x.',wlen_add); [nbin,nfram] = size(O); % Localize and track the speaker [~,TDOAx]=localize(X); % Interpolate the spatial position over the duration of clean speech TDOA=zeros(nchan,nfram); for c=1:nchan, TDOA(c,:)=interp1(0:size(X,2)-1,TDOAx(c,:),(0:nfram-1)/(nfram-1)*(size(X,2)-1)); end % Filter clean speech Ysimu=zeros(nbin,nfram,nchan); for f=1:nbin, for t=1:nfram, Df=sqrt(1/nchan)*exp(-2*1i*pi*(f-1)/wlen_add*fs*TDOA(:,t)); Ysimu(f,t,:)=permute(Df*O(f,t),[2 3 1]); end end ysimu=istft_multi(Ysimu,nend-nbeg+1).'; % Normalize level and add ysimu=sqrt(SNR/sum(sum(ysimu.^2))*sum(sum(n.^2)))*ysimu; xsimu=ysimu+n; % Write WAV file for c=1:nchan, audiowrite([udir uname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],xsimu(:,c),fs); audiowrite([udir_ext uname '.CH' int2str(c) '.Noise.wav'],n(:, c),fs); audiowrite([udir_ext uname '.CH' int2str(c) '.Clean.wav'],ysimu(:, c), fs); end end %% Create simulated development and test datasets from booth recordings %% sets={'dt05' 'et05'}; for set_ind=1:length(sets), set=sets{set_ind}; % Read official annotations if official, mat=json2mat([apath set '_simu.json']); % Create new (non-official) annotations else mat=json2mat([apath set '_real.json']); clean_mat=json2mat([apath set '_bth.json']); for utt_ind=1:length(mat), for clean_ind=1:length(clean_mat), % match noisy utterance with same clean utterance (may be from a different speaker) if strcmp(clean_mat{clean_ind}.wsj_name,mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name), break; end end noise_mat=mat{utt_ind}; mat{utt_ind}=clean_mat{clean_ind}; mat{utt_ind}.environment=noise_mat.environment; mat{utt_ind}.noise_wavfile=noise_mat.wavfile; dur=mat{utt_ind}.end-mat{utt_ind}.start; noise_dur=noise_mat.end-noise_mat.start; pbeg=round((dur-noise_dur)/2*16000)/16000; pend=round((dur-noise_dur)*16000)/16000-pbeg; mat{utt_ind}.noise_start=noise_mat.start-pbeg; mat{utt_ind}.noise_end=noise_mat.end+pend; mat{utt_ind}=orderfields(mat{utt_ind}); end mat2json(mat,[apath set '_simu_new.json']); end % Loop over utterances parfor utt_ind=1:length(mat), if official, udir=[upath_simu set '_' lower(mat{utt_ind}.environment) '_simu/']; udir_ext=[upath_ext set '_' lower(mat{utt_ind}.environment) '_simu/']; else udir=[upath set '_' lower(mat{utt_ind}.environment) '_simu_new/']; end if ~exist(udir,'dir'), system(['mkdir -p ' udir]); end if ~exist(udir_ext,'dir'), system(['mkdir -p ' udir_ext]); end oname=[mat{utt_ind}.speaker '_' mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name '_BTH']; nname=mat{utt_ind}.noise_wavfile; uname=[mat{utt_ind}.speaker '_' mat{utt_ind}.wsj_name '_' mat{utt_ind}.environment]; tbeg=round(mat{utt_ind}.noise_start*16000)+1; tend=round(mat{utt_ind}.noise_end*16000); % Load WAV files o=audioread([upath set '_bth/' oname '.CH0.wav']); [r,fs]=audioread([cpath nname '.CH0.wav'],[tbeg tend]); nsampl=length(r); x=zeros(nsampl,nchan); for c=1:nchan, x(:,c)=audioread([cpath nname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],[tbeg tend]); end % Compute the STFT (short window) R=stft_multi(r.',wlen_sub); X=stft_multi(x.',wlen_sub); % Estimate 88 ms impulse responses on 250 ms time blocks A=estimate_ir(R,X,blen_sub,ntap_sub,del); % Filter and subtract close-mic speech Y=apply_ir(A,R,del); y=istft_multi(Y,nsampl).'; level=sum(sum(y.^2)); n=x-y; % Compute the STFT (long window) O=stft_multi(o.',wlen_add); X=stft_multi(x.',wlen_add); [nbin,nfram] = size(O); % Localize and track the speaker [~,TDOAx]=localize(X); % Interpolate the spatial position over the duration of clean speech TDOA=zeros(nchan,nfram); for c=1:nchan, TDOA(c,:)=interp1(0:size(X,2)-1,TDOAx(c,:),(0:nfram-1)/(nfram-1)*(size(X,2)-1)); end % Filter clean speech Ysimu=zeros(nbin,nfram,nchan); for f=1:nbin, for t=1:nfram, Df=sqrt(1/nchan)*exp(-2*1i*pi*(f-1)/wlen_add*fs*TDOA(:,t)); Ysimu(f,t,:)=permute(Df*O(f,t),[2 3 1]); end end ysimu=istft_multi(Ysimu,nsampl).'; % Normalize level and add ysimu=sqrt(level/sum(sum(ysimu.^2)))*ysimu; xsimu=ysimu+n; % Write WAV file for c=1:nchan, audiowrite([udir uname '.CH' int2str(c) '.wav'],xsimu(:,c),fs); audiowrite([udir_ext uname '.CH' int2str(c) '.Noise.wav'],n(:, c),fs); audiowrite([udir_ext uname '.CH' int2str(c) '.Clean.wav'],ysimu(:, c), fs); end end end delete(p); end |