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#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Tokyo Institute of Technology # (Authors: Takafumi Moriya, Tomohiro Tanaka and Takahiro Shinozaki) # 2015 Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (Author: Shinji Watanabe) # Apache 2.0 # Acknowledgement This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 26280055. # This recipe is based on the Switchboard corpus recipe, by Arnab Ghoshal, # in the egs/swbd/s5c/ directory. # This is a shell script, but it's recommended that you run the commands one by # one by copying and pasting into the shell. # Caution: some of the graph creation steps use quite a bit of memory, so you # should run this on a machine that has sufficient memory. . ./ . ./ set -e # exit on error #: << '#SKIP' use_dev=false # Use the first 4k sentences from training data as dev set. (39 speakers.) CSJDATATOP=/export/corpora5/CSJ/USB #CSJDATATOP=/db/laputa1/data/processed/public/CSJ ## CSJ database top directory. CSJVER=usb ## Set your CSJ format (dvd or usb). ## Usage : ## Case DVD : We assume CSJ DVDs are copied in this directory with the names dvd1, dvd2,...,dvd17. ## Neccesary directory is dvd3 - dvd17. ## e.g. $ ls $CSJDATATOP(DVD) => 00README.txt dvd1 dvd2 ... dvd17 ## ## Case USB : Neccesary directory is MORPH/SDB and WAV ## e.g. $ ls $CSJDATATOP(USB) => 00README.txt DOC MORPH ... WAV fileList.csv ## Case merl :MERL setup. Neccesary directory is WAV and sdb if [ ! -e data/csj-data/.done_make_all ]; then echo "CSJ transcription file does not exist" #local/csj_make_trans/ <RESOUCE_DIR> <MAKING_PLACE(no change)> || exit 1; local/csj_make_trans/ $CSJDATATOP data/csj-data $CSJVER fi wait [ ! -e data/csj-data/.done_make_all ]\ && echo "Not finished processing CSJ data" && exit 1; # Prepare Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ) data. # Processing CSJ data to KALDI format based on switchboard recipe. # local/ <SPEECH_and_TRANSCRIPTION_DATA_DIRECTORY> [ <mode_number> ] # mode_number can be 0, 1, 2, 3 (0=default using "Academic lecture" and "other" data, # 1=using "Academic lecture" data, # 2=using All data except for "dialog" data, 3=using All data ) local/ data/csj-data # local/ data/csj-data 1 # local/ data/csj-data 2 # local/ data/csj-data 3 local/ utils/ --num-sil-states 4 data/local/dict_nosp "<unk>" data/local/lang_nosp data/lang_nosp # Now train the language models. local/ data/local/train/text data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt data/local/lm # We don't really need all these options for SRILM, since the LM training script # does some of the same processing (e.g. -subset -tolower) srilm_opts="-subset -prune-lowprobs -unk -tolower -order 3" LM=data/local/lm/ utils/ --srilm-opts "$srilm_opts" \ data/lang_nosp $LM data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt data/lang_nosp_csj_tg # Data preparation and formatting for evaluation set. # CSJ has 3 types of evaluation data #local/ <SPEECH_and_TRANSCRIPTION_DATA_DIRECTORY_ABOUT_EVALUATION_DATA> <EVAL_NUM> for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 ; do local/ data/csj-data/eval $eval_num done # Now make MFCC features. # mfccdir should be some place with a largish disk where you # want to store MFCC features. mfccdir=mfcc for x in train eval1 eval2 eval3; do steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/$x exp/make_mfcc/$x $mfccdir steps/ data/$x exp/make_mfcc/$x $mfccdir utils/ data/$x done echo "Finish creating MFCCs" #SKIP ##### Training and Decoding steps start from here ##### # Use the first 4k sentences as dev set. Note: when we trained the LM, we used # the 1st 10k sentences as dev set, so the 1st 4k won't have been used in the # LM training data. However, they will be in the lexicon, plus speakers # may overlap, so it's still not quite equivalent to a test set. if $use_dev ;then dev_set=train_dev utils/ --first data/train 4000 data/$dev_set # 6hr 31min n=$[`cat data/train/segments | wc -l` - 4000] utils/ --last data/train $n data/train_nodev else cp -r data/train data/train_nodev fi # Calculate the amount of utterance segmentations. # perl -ne 'split; $s+=($_[3]-$_[2]); END{$h=int($s/3600); $r=($s-$h*3600); $m=int($r/60); $r-=$m*60; printf "%.1f sec -- %d:%d:%.1f ", $s, $h, $m, $r;}' data/train/segments # Now-- there are 162k utterances (240hr 8min), and we want to start the # monophone training on relatively short utterances (easier to align), but want # to exclude the shortest ones. # Therefore, we first take the 100k shortest ones; # remove most of the repeated utterances, and # then take 10k random utterances from those (about 8hr 9mins) utils/ --shortest data/train_nodev 100000 data/train_100kshort utils/ data/train_100kshort 30000 data/train_30kshort # Take the first 100k utterances (about half the data); we'll use # this for later stages of training. utils/ --first data/train_nodev 100000 data/train_100k utils/data/ 200 data/train_100k data/train_100k_nodup # 147hr 6min # Finally, the full training set: utils/data/ 300 data/train_nodev data/train_nodup # 233hr 36min ## Starting basic training on MFCC features steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_30kshort data/lang_nosp exp/mono steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_100k_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/mono exp/mono_ali steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \ 3200 30000 data/train_100k_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/mono_ali exp/tri1 graph_dir=exp/tri1/graph_csj_tg $train_cmd $graph_dir/mkgraph.log \ utils/ data/lang_nosp_csj_tg exp/tri1 $graph_dir for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 $dev_set ; do steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \ $graph_dir data/$eval_num exp/tri1/decode_${eval_num}_csj done steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_100k_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/tri1 exp/tri1_ali steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \ 4000 70000 data/train_100k_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/tri1_ali exp/tri2 # The previous mkgraph might be writing to this file. If the previous mkgraph # is not running, you can remove this loop and this mkgraph will create it. while [ ! -s data/lang_nosp_csj_tg/tmp/CLG_3_1.fst ]; do sleep 60; done sleep 20; # in case still writing. graph_dir=exp/tri2/graph_csj_tg $train_cmd $graph_dir/mkgraph.log \ utils/ data/lang_nosp_csj_tg exp/tri2 $graph_dir for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 $dev_set ; do steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \ $graph_dir data/$eval_num exp/tri2/decode_${eval_num}_csj done # From now, we start with the LDA+MLLT system steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_100k_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/tri2 exp/tri2_ali_100k_nodup # From now, we start using all of the data (except some duplicates of common # utterances, which don't really contribute much). steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/tri2 exp/tri2_ali_nodup # Do another iteration of LDA+MLLT training, on all the data. steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \ 6000 140000 data/train_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/tri2_ali_nodup exp/tri3 graph_dir=exp/tri3/graph_csj_tg $train_cmd $graph_dir/mkgraph.log \ utils/ data/lang_nosp_csj_tg exp/tri3 $graph_dir for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 $dev_set ; do steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \ $graph_dir data/$eval_num exp/tri3/decode_${eval_num}_csj_nosp done # Now we compute the pronunciation and silence probabilities from training data, # and re-create the lang directory. steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" data/train_nodup data/lang_nosp exp/tri3 utils/ --max-normalize true \ data/local/dict_nosp exp/tri3/pron_counts_nowb.txt exp/tri3/sil_counts_nowb.txt \ exp/tri3/pron_bigram_counts_nowb.txt data/local/dict utils/ data/local/dict "<unk>" data/local/lang data/lang LM=data/local/lm/ srilm_opts="-subset -prune-lowprobs -unk -tolower -order 3" utils/ --srilm-opts "$srilm_opts" \ data/lang $LM data/local/dict/lexicon.txt data/lang_csj_tg graph_dir=exp/tri3/graph_csj_tg $train_cmd $graph_dir/mkgraph.log \ utils/ data/lang_csj_tg exp/tri3 $graph_dir for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 $dev_set ; do steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \ $graph_dir data/$eval_num exp/tri3/decode_${eval_num}_csj done # Train tri4, which is LDA+MLLT+SAT, on all the (nodup) data. steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_nodup data/lang exp/tri3 exp/tri3_ali_nodup steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \ 11500 200000 data/train_nodup data/lang exp/tri3_ali_nodup exp/tri4 graph_dir=exp/tri4/graph_csj_tg $train_cmd $graph_dir/mkgraph.log \ utils/ data/lang_csj_tg exp/tri4 $graph_dir for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 $dev_set ; do steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \ $graph_dir data/$eval_num exp/tri4/decode_${eval_num}_csj done steps/ --nj 50 --cmd "$train_cmd" \ data/train_nodup data/lang exp/tri4 exp/tri4_ali_nodup || exit 1 # You can execute DNN training script [e.g. local/chain/] from here. # MMI training # local/ # this will help find issues with the lexicon. # steps/cleanup/ --nj 300 --cmd "$train_cmd" data/train_nodev data/lang exp/tri4 data/local/dict/lexicon.txt exp/debug_lexicon # SGMM system # local/ #SKIP ##### Start DNN training ##### # Karel's DNN recipe on top of fMLLR features # local/nnet/ # nnet3 TDNN+Chain local/chain/ # nnet3 TDNN recipe # local/nnet3/ ##### Start RNN-LM training for rescoring ##### # local/ # getting results (see RESULTS file) # for eval_num in eval1 eval2 eval3 $dev_set ; do # echo "=== evaluation set $eval_num ===" ; # for x in exp/{tri,dnn}*/decode_${eval_num}*; do [ -d $x ] && grep WER $x/wer_* | utils/; done ; # done |