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#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 David Snyder # Apache 2.0. # # Calculates the 3s, 10s, and 30s error rates and C_avgs on the LRE07 # General Language Recognition closed-set using the directory containing # the language identification posteriors. Detailed results such as the # probability of misses for individual languages are computed in # local/lre07_eval/lre07_results. . ./ . ./ set -e posterior_dir=$1 languages_file=$2 mkdir -p local/lre07_eval/lre07_results lre07_dir=local/lre07_eval/lre07_results local/lre07_eval/ $posterior_dir/posteriors data/lre07/utt2lang \ $languages_file $lre07_dir/targets \ $lre07_dir/nontargets>/dev/null # Create the the score (eg, targets.scr) file. local/lre07_eval/ -t $lre07_dir/targets -n $lre07_dir/nontargets # Compute the posterior probabilities for each duration, as well as # the target and nontarget files. for dur in "3" "10" "30"; do utils/ -f 1 data/lre07/"$dur"sec \ $posterior_dir/posteriors > \ $posterior_dir/posteriors_"$dur"sec local/lre07_eval/ $posterior_dir/posteriors_"$dur"sec \ <(utils/ -f 1 data/lre07/"$dur"sec data/lre07/utt2lang) \ $languages_file \ "$lre07_dir"/targets_"$dur"sec "$lre07_dir"/nontargets_"$dur"sec>/dev/null local/lre07_eval/ -t "$lre07_dir"/targets_"$dur"sec -n \ "$lre07_dir"/nontargets_"$dur"sec>/dev/null done printf '% 15s' 'Duration (sec):' for dur in "avg" "3" "10" "30"; do printf '% 7s' $dur; done echo printf '% 15s' 'ER (%):' # Get the overall classification and then individual duration error rates. er=$(compute-wer --text ark:<(lid/ data/lre07/utt2lang) \ ark:$posterior_dir/output 2>/dev/null | grep "WER" | awk '{print $2 }') printf '% 7.2f' $er for dur in "3" "10" "30"; do er=$(compute-wer --text ark:<(utils/ -f 1 \ data/lre07/"$dur"sec data/lre07/utt2lang | lid/ -) \ ark:<(utils/ -f 1 data/lre07/"$dur"sec \ $posterior_dir/output) \ 2>/dev/null | grep "WER" | awk '{print $2 }') printf '% 7.2f' $er done echo printf '% 15s' 'C_avg (%):' # Get the overall C_avg and then C_avgs for the individual durations. cavg=$(tail -n 1 $lre07_dir/targets.scr \ | awk '{print 100*$4 }') printf '% 7.2f' $cavg for dur in "3" "10" "30"; do cavg=$(tail -n 1 $lre07_dir/targets_${dur}sec.scr \ | awk '{print 100.0*$4 }') printf '% 7.2f' $cavg done echo |