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#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2018 Ewald Enzinger # 2018 David Snyder # # Usage: /export/voxceleb1 data/ if (@ARGV != 2) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 <path-to-voxceleb1> <path-to-data-dir> "; print STDERR "e.g. $0 /export/voxceleb1 data/ "; exit(1); } ($data_base, $out_dir) = @ARGV; my $out_test_dir = "$out_dir/voxceleb1_test"; my $out_train_dir = "$out_dir/voxceleb1_train"; if (system("mkdir -p $out_test_dir") != 0) { die "Error making directory $out_test_dir"; } if (system("mkdir -p $out_train_dir") != 0) { die "Error making directory $out_train_dir"; } opendir my $dh, "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav" or die "Cannot open directory: $!"; my @spkr_dirs = grep {-d "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav/$_" && ! /^\.{1,2}$/} readdir($dh); closedir $dh; if (! -e "$data_base/voxceleb1_test.txt") { system("wget -O $data_base/voxceleb1_test.txt"); } if (! -e "$data_base/vox1_meta.csv") { system("wget -O $data_base/vox1_meta.csv"); } open(TRIAL_IN, "<", "$data_base/voxceleb1_test.txt") or die "Could not open the verification trials file $data_base/voxceleb1_test.txt"; open(META_IN, "<", "$data_base/vox1_meta.csv") or die "Could not open the meta data file $data_base/vox1_meta.csv"; open(SPKR_TEST, ">", "$out_test_dir/utt2spk") or die "Could not open the output file $out_test_dir/utt2spk"; open(WAV_TEST, ">", "$out_test_dir/wav.scp") or die "Could not open the output file $out_test_dir/wav.scp"; open(SPKR_TRAIN, ">", "$out_train_dir/utt2spk") or die "Could not open the output file $out_train_dir/utt2spk"; open(WAV_TRAIN, ">", "$out_train_dir/wav.scp") or die "Could not open the output file $out_train_dir/wav.scp"; open(TRIAL_OUT, ">", "$out_test_dir/trials") or die "Could not open the output file $out_test_dir/trials"; my %id2spkr = (); while (<META_IN>) { chomp; my ($vox_id, $spkr_id, $gender, $nation, $set) = split; $id2spkr{$vox_id} = $spkr_id; } my $test_spkrs = (); while (<TRIAL_IN>) { chomp; my ($tar_or_non, $path1, $path2) = split; # Create entry for left-hand side of trial my ($spkr_id, $filename) = split('/', $path1); my $rec_id = substr($filename, 0, 11); my $segment = substr($filename, 12, 7); my $utt_id1 = "$spkr_id-$rec_id-$segment"; $test_spkrs{$spkr_id} = (); # Create entry for right-hand side of trial my ($spkr_id, $filename) = split('/', $path2); my $rec_id = substr($filename, 0, 11); my $segment = substr($filename, 12, 7); my $utt_id2 = "$spkr_id-$rec_id-$segment"; $test_spkrs{$spkr_id} = (); my $target = "nontarget"; if ($tar_or_non eq "1") { $target = "target"; } print TRIAL_OUT "$utt_id1 $utt_id2 $target "; } foreach (@spkr_dirs) { my $spkr_id = $_; my $new_spkr_id = $spkr_id; # If we're using a newer version of VoxCeleb1, we need to "deanonymize" # the speaker labels. if (exists $id2spkr{$spkr_id}) { $new_spkr_id = $id2spkr{$spkr_id}; } opendir my $dh, "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav/$spkr_id/" or die "Cannot open directory: $!"; my @files = map{s/\.[^.]+$//;$_}grep {/\.wav$/} readdir($dh); closedir $dh; foreach (@files) { my $filename = $_; my $rec_id = substr($filename, 0, 11); my $segment = substr($filename, 12, 7); my $wav = "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav/$spkr_id/$filename.wav"; my $utt_id = "$new_spkr_id-$rec_id-$segment"; if (exists $test_spkrs{$new_spkr_id}) { print WAV_TEST "$utt_id", " $wav", " "; print SPKR_TEST "$utt_id", " $new_spkr_id", " "; } else { print WAV_TRAIN "$utt_id", " $wav", " "; print SPKR_TRAIN "$utt_id", " $new_spkr_id", " "; } } } close(SPKR_TEST) or die; close(WAV_TEST) or die; close(SPKR_TRAIN) or die; close(WAV_TRAIN) or die; close(TRIAL_OUT) or die; close(TRIAL_IN) or die; close(META_IN) or die; if (system( "utils/ $out_test_dir/utt2spk >$out_test_dir/spk2utt") != 0) { die "Error creating spk2utt file in directory $out_test_dir"; } system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ $out_test_dir"); if (system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ --no-text --no-feats $out_test_dir") != 0) { die "Error validating directory $out_test_dir"; } if (system( "utils/ $out_train_dir/utt2spk >$out_train_dir/spk2utt") != 0) { die "Error creating spk2utt file in directory $out_train_dir"; } system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ $out_train_dir"); if (system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ --no-text --no-feats $out_train_dir") != 0) { die "Error validating directory $out_train_dir"; } |