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#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 Vimal Manohar # 2016 Xiaohui Zhang # Apache 2.0. # we're using python 3.x style print but want it to work in python 2.x, from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict import argparse import sys class StrToBoolAction(argparse.Action): """ A custom action to convert bools from shell format i.e., true/false to python format i.e., True/False """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if values == "true": setattr(namespace, self.dest, True) elif values == "false": setattr(namespace, self.dest, False) else: raise Exception("Unknown value {0} for --{1}".format(values, self.dest)) def GetArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Converts pronunciation statistics (from phonetic decoding or g2p) " "into a lexicon for. We prune the pronunciations " "based on a provided stats file, and optionally filter out entries which are present " "in a filter lexicon.", epilog = "e.g. steps/dict/ --min-prob=0.4 \\" "--filter-lexicon=exp/tri3_lex_0.4_work/phone_decode/filter_lexicon.txt \\" "exp/tri3_lex_0.4_work/phone_decode/prons.txt \\" "exp/tri3_lex_0.4_work/lexicon_phone_decoding.txt" "See steps/dict/ for examples in detail.") parser.add_argument("--set-sum-to-one", type = str, default = False, action = StrToBoolAction, choices = ["true", "false"], help = "If normalize lexicon such that the sum of " "probabilities is 1.") parser.add_argument("--set-max-to-one", type = str, default = True, action = StrToBoolAction, choices = ["true", "false"], help = "If normalize lexicon such that the max " "probability is 1.") parser.add_argument("--top-N", type = int, default = 0, help = "If non-zero, we just take the top N pronunciations (according to stats/pron-probs) for each word.") parser.add_argument("--min-prob", type = float, default = 0.1, help = "Remove pronunciation with probabilities less " "than this value after normalization.") parser.add_argument("--filter-lexicon", metavar='<filter-lexicon>', type = str, default = '', help = "Exclude entries in this filter lexicon from the output lexicon." "each line must be <word> <phones>") parser.add_argument("stats_file", metavar='<stats-file>', type = str, help = "Input lexicon file containing pronunciation statistics/probs in the first column." "each line must be <counts> <word> <phones>") parser.add_argument("out_lexicon", metavar='<out-lexicon>', type = str, help = "Output lexicon.") print (' '.join(sys.argv), file = sys.stderr) args = parser.parse_args() args = CheckArgs(args) return args def CheckArgs(args): if args.stats_file == "-": args.stats_file_handle = sys.stdin else: args.stats_file_handle = open(args.stats_file) if args.filter_lexicon is not '': if args.filter_lexicon == "-": args.filter_lexicon_handle = sys.stdout else: args.filter_lexicon_handle = open(args.filter_lexicon) if args.out_lexicon == "-": args.out_lexicon_handle = sys.stdout else: args.out_lexicon_handle = open(args.out_lexicon, "w") if args.set_max_to_one == args.set_sum_to_one: raise Exception("Cannot have both " "set-max-to-one and set-sum-to-one as true or false.") return args def ReadStats(args): lexicon = {} word_count = {} for line in args.stats_file_handle: splits = line.strip().split() if len(splits) < 3: continue word = splits[1] count = float(splits[0]) phones = ' '.join(splits[2:]) lexicon[(word, phones)] = lexicon.get((word, phones), 0) + count word_count[word] = word_count.get(word, 0) + count return [lexicon, word_count] def ReadLexicon(lexicon_file_handle): lexicon = set() if lexicon_file_handle: for line in lexicon_file_handle.readlines(): splits = line.strip().split() if len(splits) == 0: continue if len(splits) < 2: raise Exception('Invalid format of line ' + line + ' in lexicon file.') word = splits[0] phones = ' '.join(splits[1:]) lexicon.add((word, phones)) return lexicon def ConvertWordCountsToProbs(args, lexicon, word_count): word_probs = {} for entry, count in lexicon.iteritems(): word = entry[0] phones = entry[1] prob = float(count) / float(word_count[word]) if word in word_probs: word_probs[word].append((phones, prob)) else: word_probs[word] = [(phones, prob)] return word_probs def ConvertWordProbsToLexicon(word_probs): lexicon = {} for word, entry in word_probs.iteritems(): for x in entry: lexicon[(word, x[0])] = lexicon.get((word,x[0]), 0) + x[1] return lexicon def NormalizeLexicon(lexicon, set_max_to_one = True, set_sum_to_one = False, min_prob = 0): word_probs = {} for entry, prob in lexicon.iteritems(): t = word_probs.get(entry[0], (0,0)) word_probs[entry[0]] = (t[0] + prob, max(t[1], prob)) for entry, prob in lexicon.iteritems(): if set_max_to_one: prob = prob / word_probs[entry[0]][1] elif set_sum_to_one: prob = prob / word_probs[entry[0]][0] if prob < min_prob: prob = 0 lexicon[entry] = prob def TakeTopN(lexicon, top_N): lexicon_reshaped = defaultdict(list) lexicon_pruned = {} for entry, prob in lexicon.iteritems(): lexicon_reshaped[entry[0]].append([entry[1], prob]) for word in lexicon_reshaped: prons = lexicon_reshaped[word] sorted_prons = sorted(prons, reverse=True, key=lambda prons: prons[1]) for i in range(len(sorted_prons)): if i >= top_N: lexicon[(word, sorted_prons[i][0])] = 0 def WriteLexicon(args, lexicon, filter_lexicon): words = set() num_removed = 0 num_filtered = 0 for entry, prob in lexicon.iteritems(): if prob == 0: num_removed += 1 continue if entry in filter_lexicon: num_filtered += 1 continue words.add(entry[0]) print("{0} {1}".format(entry[0], entry[1]), file = args.out_lexicon_handle) print ("Before pruning, the total num. pronunciations is: {}".format(len(lexicon)), file=sys.stderr) print ("Removed {0} pronunciations by setting min_prob {1}".format(num_removed, args.min_prob), file=sys.stderr) print ("Filtered out {} pronunciations in the filter lexicon.".format(num_filtered), file=sys.stderr) num_prons_from_phone_decoding = len(lexicon) - num_removed - num_filtered print ("Num. pronunciations in the output lexicon, which solely come from phone decoding" "is {0}. num. words is {1}".format(num_prons_from_phone_decoding, len(words)), file=sys.stderr) def Main(): args = GetArgs() [lexicon, word_count] = ReadStats(args) word_probs = ConvertWordCountsToProbs(args, lexicon, word_count) lexicon = ConvertWordProbsToLexicon(word_probs) filter_lexicon = set() if args.filter_lexicon is not '': filter_lexicon = ReadLexicon(args.filter_lexicon_handle) if args.top_N > 0: TakeTopN(lexicon, args.top_N) else: NormalizeLexicon(lexicon, set_max_to_one = args.set_max_to_one, set_sum_to_one = args.set_sum_to_one, min_prob = args.min_prob) WriteLexicon(args, lexicon, filter_lexicon) args.out_lexicon_handle.close() if __name__ == "__main__": Main() |