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#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Fcntl; # we may at some point support options. $debug = 0; # we set it to 1 for debugging the script itself. if ($ARGV[0] eq "--debug") { $debug = 1; shift @ARGV; } if (@ARGV == 0) { print STDERR "Usage: steps/info/ [--debug] <gmm-dir1> [<gmm-dir2> ... ] " . "e.g: steps/info/ exp/tri3 " . "This script extracts some important information from the logs " . "and displays it on a single (rather long) line. " . "The --debug option is just to debug the script itself. " . "This program exits with status 0 if it seems like the argument " . "really was a GMM dir, and 1 otherwise. "; exit(1); } if (@ARGV > 1) { # repeatedly invoke this program with each of the remaining args. $exit_status = 0; if ($debug) { $debug_opt = "--debug " } else { $debug_opt = ""; } foreach $dir (@ARGV) { if (system("$0 $debug_opt$dir") != 0) { $exit_status = 1; } } exit($exit_status); } $gmm_dir = shift @ARGV; sub list_all_log_files { my @ans = (); my $dh; if (!opendir($dh, "$gmm_dir/log")) { return (); } @ans = readdir $dh; closedir $dh; return @ans; } sub get_num_jobs { if (! -d $gmm_dir) { print STDERR "steps/info/ no such directory $gmm_dir "; exit(1); } if (!open(F, "<$gmm_dir/num_jobs")) { print STDERR "steps/info/ no such file $gmm_dir/num_jobs "; } my $num_jobs = <F>; if (!($num_jobs > 0)) { print STDERR "steps/info/ bad contents of file $gmm_dir/num_jobs "; } close(F); return 0 + $num_jobs; # force conversion to integer. } # this function returns a string containing info from the last set of alignment # jobs. it may be empty if no alignment info was found, or if it didn't have the # expected contents. sub get_last_align_info { $max_align_iter = -1; foreach $f (@log_files) { if ($f =~ m:^align.(\d+).1.log$: && $1 > $max_align_iter) { $max_align_iter = $1; } } if ($debug) { print STDERR "max-align-iter=$max_align_iter "; } if ($max_align_iter == -1) { return ""; } # something went wrong; return no info. $num_utts = 0; $num_utts_err = 0; $num_utts_retry = 0; $num_frames = 0; $tot_loglike = 0; if ($debug) { print STDERR "Starting reading alignment logs "; } for ($j = 1; $j <= $num_jobs; $j++) { if (open(F, "${gmm_dir}/log/align.$max_align_iter.$j.log")) { # we only need the last few lines of the file, e.g. the last 5 lines which # would normally be about 400 characters... so the last 1000 characters # should be enough. seek(F, Fcntl::SEEK_END, -1000); while (<F>) { if (m/Overall log-likelihood per frame is (\S+) over (\S+) frames./) { $tot_loglike += $1 * $2; $num_frames += $2; } elsif (m/Retried (\S+) out of (\S+) utterances/) { $num_utts_retry += $1; $num_utts += $2; } elsif (m/Done \S+, errors on (\S+)/) { $num_utts_err += $1; } } close(F); } } if ($debug) { print STDERR "Done reading alignment logs "; } if ($num_utts == 0 || $num_frames == 0) { return ""; } # something went wrong. # note: the number of hours of data, e.g. "3.23h data", assumes 100 frames # per second, which is almost always true for GMM-based systems. return sprintf(" align prob=%.2f over %.2fh [retry=%.1f%%, fail=%.1f%%]", ($tot_loglike / $num_frames), ($num_frames / 360000.0), ($num_utts_retry * 100.0 / $num_utts), ($num_utts_err * 100.0 / $num_utts)); } # this function returns a string containing info from the last update # job. Right now it includes info about the num-states and num-gauss # and the percentage of Gaussians that had variances floored; we # also say how much data was used if this # the string may be empty if no such job was found. sub get_last_update_info { $max_update_iter = -1; foreach $f (@log_files) { if ($f =~ m:^update.(\d+).log$: && $1 > $max_update_iter) { $max_update_iter = $1; } } if ($debug) { print STDERR "max-update-iter=$max_update_iter "; } if ($max_update_iter == -1) { return ""; } # something went wrong; return no info. $num_gauss = 0; $num_gauss_floored = 0; # number of Gaussians with at least one variance floored. $num_gauss_removed = 0; # number of Gaussians removed due to low-counts. $num_gauss_tot = 0; # total number of Gaussians before splitting. $num_gauss_after_split = 0; # total number of Gaussians after splitting [will # usually be same as before, on last iter.] $num_states = 0; # total number of states [pdf-ids] $num_frames = 0; # total number of frames. $loglike = 0; # log-likelihood [from auxf]. if (open(F, "<${gmm_dir}/log/update.$max_update_iter.log")) { while (<F>) { if (m/variance elements floored in (\S+) Gaussians, out of (\S+)/) { $num_gauss_floored = $1; $num_gauss_tot = $2; } elsif (m/Overall avg like per frame = (\S+) over (\S+) frames/) { $loglike = $1; $num_frames = $2; } elsif (m/Split (\S+) states .+ split #Gauss from \S+ to (\S+)/) { $num_states = $1; $num_gauss_after_split = $2; } } close(F); } else { return ""; # something went wrong. } $ans = ""; if (($align_info eq "" || ! defined $align_info)) { # add some info that we'd otherwise get from the alignment jobs. if ($num_frames != 0) { # add info about how much data we trained on. $ans .= sprintf(" %.2fh data", $num_frames / 360000.0); } if ($loglike != 0) { $ans .= sprintf(" log-like=%.2f", $loglike); } } if ($num_states != 0) { $ans .= sprintf(" states=%d", $num_states); } # the next line is really just in case there was no splitting done-- in that # case we get the num-gauss from the line about the variance flooring. $max_num_gauss = ($num_gauss > $num_gauss_after_split ? $num_gauss : $num_gauss_after_split); if ($max_num_gauss > 0) { $ans .= " gauss=$max_num_gauss"; } if ($num_gauss > 0 && $num_gauss_removed > 0) { $ans .= sprintf(" lowcount-gauss-removed=%d", $num_gauss_removed); } if ($num_gauss > 0 && $num_gauss_floored > 0) { $ans .= sprintf(" gauss-floored=%.02%%", $num_gauss_floored * 100.0 / $num_gauss); } return $ans; } sub get_fmllr_info { my %fmllr_num_frames = (); # maps from fmllr iteration to num-frames my %fmllr_auxf_impr = (); # maps from fmllr iteration to total auxf impr times num-frames. foreach $log_file (@log_files) { if ($log_file =~ m/^fmllr.(\d+).(\d+).log$/) { $iter = $1; $job_number = $2; if ($job_number <= $num_jobs && open(F, "<$gmm_dir/log/$log_file")) { while (<F>) { if (m/Overall fMLLR auxf impr per frame is (\S+) over (\S+) frames/) { $fmllr_num_frames{$iter} += $2; $fmllr_auxf_impr{$iter} += $1 * $2; } } close(F); } } } my $tot_auxf_impr = 0.0; my $num_frames = 0.0; # the fMLLR auxf impr will be summed over the fMLLR iterations. foreach $iter (sort(keys %fmllr_auxf_impr)) { if ($debug) { print STDERR "fmllr iter $iter: $fmllr_auxf_impr{$iter} / $fmllr_num_frames{$iter} "; } $tot_auxf_impr += $fmllr_auxf_impr{$iter} / $fmllr_num_frames{$iter}; $num_frames = $fmllr_num_frames{$iter}; # take the num-frames from the final iteration. } if ($tot_auxf_impr != 0.0 && $num_frames != 0.0) { return sprintf(" fmllr-impr=%.2f over %.2fh", $tot_auxf_impr, $num_frames / 360000.0); } else { return ""; } } sub get_mllt_info { # note: both the objective improvement and logdet are summed over # all the iterations of MLLT update. my $mllt_objf_impr = 0.0; my $mllt_logdet = 0.0; foreach $log_file (@log_files) { if ($log_file =~ m/^mupdate.\d+.log$/) { if (open(F, "<$gmm_dir/log/$log_file")) { while (<F>) { if (m/Overall objective function improvement for MLLT is (\S+) over \S+ frames, logdet is (\S+)/) { $mllt_objf_impr += $1; $mllt_logdet += $2; } } close(F); } } } if ($mllt_objf_impr != 0.0 && $mllt_logdet != 0.0) { return sprintf(" mllt:impr,logdet=%.2f,%.2f", $mllt_objf_impr, $mllt_logdet); } else { return ""; } } sub get_tree_info { $ans = ""; if (open(F, "<$gmm_dir/log/build_tree.log")) { while (<F>) { if (m/Including just phones that were split, improvement is (\S+) per frame/) { $ans = sprintf(" tree-impr=%.2f", $1); } } close(F); } return $ans; } sub get_lda_info { $ans = ""; if (open(F, "<$gmm_dir/log/lda_est.log")) { while (<F>) { if (m/Sum of selected singular values is (\S+)/) { $ans = sprintf(" lda-sum=%.2f", $1); } } close(F); } return $ans; } @log_files = list_all_log_files(); if (@log_files == 0) { exit(1); } $output_string = "$gmm_dir:"; $num_jobs = get_num_jobs(); # will crash on failure. $output_string .= " nj=$num_jobs"; $insufficient_output_string = $output_string; $align_info = get_last_align_info(); $output_string .= $align_info; $output_string .= get_last_update_info($align_info); $output_string .= get_fmllr_info(); $output_string .= get_tree_info(); $output_string .= get_lda_info(); $output_string .= get_mllt_info(); print $output_string . " "; if ($output_string eq $insufficient_output_string) { # if we only had "$gmm_dir: nj=$num_jobs", then it's probably not a GMM dir: # exit with status 1. exit(1); } exit(0); |