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#!/usr/bin/env python # This script is deprecated, please use ../ # we're using python 3.x style print but want it to work in python 2.x, from __future__ import print_function import re, os, argparse, sys, math, warnings parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Writes config files and variables " "for TDNNs creation and training", epilog="See steps/nnet3/ for example."); parser.add_argument("--splice-indexes", type=str, help="Splice indexes at each hidden layer, e.g. '-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 0 -2,2 0 -4,4 0 -8,8'") parser.add_argument("--feat-dim", type=int, help="Raw feature dimension, e.g. 13") parser.add_argument("--ivector-dim", type=int, help="iVector dimension, e.g. 100", default=0) parser.add_argument("--include-log-softmax", type=str, help="add the final softmax layer ", default="true", choices = ["false", "true"]) parser.add_argument("--final-layer-normalize-target", type=float, help="RMS target for final layer (set to <1 if final layer learns too fast", default=1.0) parser.add_argument("--pnorm-input-dim", type=int, help="input dimension to p-norm nonlinearities") parser.add_argument("--pnorm-output-dim", type=int, help="output dimension of p-norm nonlinearities") parser.add_argument("--relu-dim", type=int, help="dimension of ReLU nonlinearities") parser.add_argument("--use-presoftmax-prior-scale", type=str, help="if true, a presoftmax-prior-scale is added", choices=['true', 'false'], default = "true") parser.add_argument("--num-targets", type=int, help="number of network targets (e.g. num-pdf-ids/num-leaves)") parser.add_argument("config_dir", help="Directory to write config files and variables"); print(' '.join(sys.argv)) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists(args.config_dir): os.makedirs(args.config_dir) ## Check arguments. if args.splice_indexes is None: sys.exit("--splice-indexes argument is required"); if args.feat_dim is None or not (args.feat_dim > 0): sys.exit("--feat-dim argument is required"); if args.num_targets is None or not (args.num_targets > 0): sys.exit("--num-targets argument is required"); if not args.relu_dim is None: if not args.pnorm_input_dim is None or not args.pnorm_output_dim is None: sys.exit("--relu-dim argument not compatible with " "--pnorm-input-dim or --pnorm-output-dim options"); nonlin_input_dim = args.relu_dim nonlin_output_dim = args.relu_dim else: if not args.pnorm_input_dim > 0 or not args.pnorm_output_dim > 0: sys.exit("--relu-dim not set, so expected --pnorm-input-dim and " "--pnorm-output-dim to be provided."); nonlin_input_dim = args.pnorm_input_dim nonlin_output_dim = args.pnorm_output_dim if args.use_presoftmax_prior_scale == "true": use_presoftmax_prior_scale = True else: use_presoftmax_prior_scale = False ## Work out splice_array e.g. splice_array = [ [ -3,-2,...3 ], [0], [-2,2], .. [ -8,8 ] ] splice_array = [] left_context = 0 right_context = 0 split1 = args.splice_indexes.split(); # we already checked the string is nonempty. if len(split1) < 1: sys.exit("invalid --splice-indexes argument, too short: " + args.splice_indexes) try: for string in split1: split2 = string.split(",") if len(split2) < 1: sys.exit("invalid --splice-indexes argument, too-short element: " + args.splice_indexes) int_list = [] for int_str in split2: int_list.append(int(int_str)) if not int_list == sorted(int_list): sys.exit("elements of --splice-indexes must be sorted: " + args.splice_indexes) left_context += -int_list[0] right_context += int_list[-1] splice_array.append(int_list) except ValueError as e: sys.exit("invalid --splice-indexes argument " + args.splice_indexes + str(e)) left_context = max(0, left_context) right_context = max(0, right_context) num_hidden_layers = len(splice_array) input_dim = len(splice_array[0]) * args.feat_dim + args.ivector_dim f = open(args.config_dir + "/vars", "w") print('left_context={}'.format(left_context), file=f) print('right_context={}'.format(right_context), file=f) # the initial l/r contexts are actually not needed. # print('initial_left_context=' + str(splice_array[0][0]), file=f) # print('initial_right_context=' + str(splice_array[0][-1]), file=f) print('num_hidden_layers={}'.format(num_hidden_layers), file=f) f.close() f = open(args.config_dir + "/init.config", "w") print('# Config file for initializing neural network prior to', file=f) print('# preconditioning matrix computation', file=f) print('input-node name=input dim={}'.format(args.feat_dim), file=f) list=[ ('Offset(input, {0})'.format(n) if n != 0 else 'input' ) for n in splice_array[0] ] if args.ivector_dim > 0: print('input-node name=ivector dim={}'.format(args.ivector_dim), file=f) list.append('ReplaceIndex(ivector, t, 0)') # example of next line: # output-node name=output input="Append(Offset(input, -3), Offset(input, -2), Offset(input, -1), ... , Offset(input, 3), ReplaceIndex(ivector, t, 0))" print('output-node name=output input=Append({0})'.format(", ".join(list)), file=f) f.close() for l in range(1, num_hidden_layers + 1): f = open(args.config_dir + "/layer{0}.config".format(l), "w") print('# Config file for layer {0} of the network'.format(l), file=f) if l == 1: print('component name=lda type=FixedAffineComponent matrix={0}/lda.mat'. format(args.config_dir), file=f) cur_dim = (nonlin_output_dim * len(splice_array[l-1]) if l > 1 else input_dim) print('# Note: param-stddev in next component defaults to 1/sqrt(input-dim).', file=f) print('component name=affine{0} type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent ' 'input-dim={1} output-dim={2} bias-stddev=0'. format(l, cur_dim, nonlin_input_dim), file=f) if args.relu_dim is not None: print('component name=nonlin{0} type=RectifiedLinearComponent dim={1}'. format(l, args.relu_dim), file=f) else: print('# In nnet3 framework, p in P-norm is always 2.', file=f) print('component name=nonlin{0} type=PnormComponent input-dim={1} output-dim={2}'. format(l, args.pnorm_input_dim, args.pnorm_output_dim), file=f) print('component name=renorm{0} type=NormalizeComponent dim={1} target-rms={2}'.format( l, nonlin_output_dim, (1.0 if l < num_hidden_layers else args.final_layer_normalize_target)), file=f) print('component name=final-affine type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent ' 'input-dim={0} output-dim={1} param-stddev=0 bias-stddev=0'.format( nonlin_output_dim, args.num_targets), file=f) # printing out the next two, and their component-nodes, for l > 1 is not # really necessary as they will already exist, but it doesn't hurt and makes # the structure clearer. if args.include_log_softmax == "true": if use_presoftmax_prior_scale : print('component name=final-fixed-scale type=FixedScaleComponent ' 'scales={0}/presoftmax_prior_scale.vec'.format( args.config_dir), file=f) print('component name=final-log-softmax type=LogSoftmaxComponent dim={0}'.format( args.num_targets), file=f) print('# Now for the network structure', file=f) if l == 1: splices = [ ('Offset(input, {0})'.format(n) if n != 0 else 'input') for n in splice_array[l-1] ] if args.ivector_dim > 0: splices.append('ReplaceIndex(ivector, t, 0)') orig_input='Append({0})'.format(', '.join(splices)) # e.g. orig_input = 'Append(Offset(input, -2), ... Offset(input, 2), ivector)' print('component-node name=lda component=lda input={0}'.format(orig_input), file=f) cur_input='lda' else: # e.g. cur_input = 'Append(Offset(renorm1, -2), renorm1, Offset(renorm1, 2))' splices = [ ('Offset(renorm{0}, {1})'.format(l-1, n) if n !=0 else 'renorm{0}'.format(l-1)) for n in splice_array[l-1] ] cur_input='Append({0})'.format(', '.join(splices)) print('component-node name=affine{0} component=affine{0} input={1} '. format(l, cur_input), file=f) print('component-node name=nonlin{0} component=nonlin{0} input=affine{0}'. format(l), file=f) print('component-node name=renorm{0} component=renorm{0} input=nonlin{0}'. format(l), file=f) print('component-node name=final-affine component=final-affine input=renorm{0}'. format(l), file=f) if args.include_log_softmax == "true": if use_presoftmax_prior_scale: print('component-node name=final-fixed-scale component=final-fixed-scale input=final-affine', file=f) print('component-node name=final-log-softmax component=final-log-softmax ' 'input=final-fixed-scale', file=f) else: print('component-node name=final-log-softmax component=final-log-softmax ' 'input=final-affine', file=f) print('output-node name=output input=final-log-softmax', file=f) else: print('output-node name=output input=final-affine', file=f) f.close() # component name=nonlin1 type=PnormComponent input-dim=$pnorm_input_dim output-dim=$pnorm_output_dim # component name=renorm1 type=NormalizeComponent dim=$pnorm_output_dim # component name=final-affine type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent input-dim=$pnorm_output_dim output-dim=$num_leaves param-stddev=0 bias-stddev=0 # component name=final-log-softmax type=LogSoftmaxComponent dim=$num_leaves # ## Write file $config_dir/init.config to initialize the network, prior to computing the LDA matrix. # ##will look like this, if we have iVectors: # input-node name=input dim=13 # input-node name=ivector dim=100 # output-node name=output input="Append(Offset(input, -3), Offset(input, -2), Offset(input, -1), ... , Offset(input, 3), ReplaceIndex(ivector, t, 0))" # ## Write file $config_dir/layer1.config that adds the LDA matrix, assumed to be in the config directory as # ## lda.mat, the first hidden layer, and the output layer. # component name=lda type=FixedAffineComponent matrix=$config_dir/lda.mat # component name=affine1 type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent input-dim=$lda_input_dim output-dim=$pnorm_input_dim bias-stddev=0 # component name=nonlin1 type=PnormComponent input-dim=$pnorm_input_dim output-dim=$pnorm_output_dim # component name=renorm1 type=NormalizeComponent dim=$pnorm_output_dim # component name=final-affine type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent input-dim=$pnorm_output_dim output-dim=$num_leaves param-stddev=0 bias-stddev=0 # component name=final-log-softmax type=LogSoftmax dim=$num_leaves # # InputOf(output) says use the same Descriptor of the current "output" node. # component-node name=lda component=lda input=InputOf(output) # component-node name=affine1 component=affine1 input=lda # component-node name=nonlin1 component=nonlin1 input=affine1 # component-node name=renorm1 component=renorm1 input=nonlin1 # component-node name=final-affine component=final-affine input=renorm1 # component-node name=final-log-softmax component=final-log-softmax input=final-affine # output-node name=output input=final-log-softmax # ## Write file $config_dir/layer2.config that adds the second hidden layer. # component name=affine2 type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent input-dim=$lda_input_dim output-dim=$pnorm_input_dim bias-stddev=0 # component name=nonlin2 type=PnormComponent input-dim=$pnorm_input_dim output-dim=$pnorm_output_dim # component name=renorm2 type=NormalizeComponent dim=$pnorm_output_dim # component name=final-affine type=NaturalGradientAffineComponent input-dim=$pnorm_output_dim output-dim=$num_leaves param-stddev=0 bias-stddev=0 # component-node name=affine2 component=affine2 input=Append(Offset(renorm1, -2), Offset(renorm1, 2)) # component-node name=nonlin2 component=nonlin2 input=affine2 # component-node name=renorm2 component=renorm2 input=nonlin2 # component-node name=final-affine component=final-affine input=renorm2 # component-node name=final-log-softmax component=final-log-softmax input=final-affine # output-node name=output input=final-log-softmax # ## ... etc. In this example it would go up to $config_dir/layer5.config. |