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#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey); # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, # MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. # See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Begin configuration section. ngram_order=4 num_extra_ngrams=10000 position_dependent_phones=true use_pocolm=true min_word_length=2 stage=0 phone_disambig_symbol="#1" # end configuration sections [ -f ] && . ./ . utils/ if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [options] <input-dict-dir> <work-dir>" echo "e.g.: $0 data/local/dict exp/make_unk" echo "" echo "This script creates, as an FST, a phone language model suitable for modeling" echo "the unknown word. It first trains a language model on the phone sequences of the" echo "provided dictionary entries (which should be without any word-position-dependency" echo "tags); it then creates an FST from it, while, for compactness after context-dependency" echo "limiting the transitions to seen bigram pairs of phones. Then, by composing with" echo "a separate FST it converts it into word-position-dependent phones if applicable," echo "while imposing a minimum-number-of-phones constraint." echo "" echo " <input-dict-dir>: A dictionary directory (as validated by;" echo " the dictionary from this location (lexicon.txt, lexiconp.txt, or" echo " lexiconp_silprob.txt) will be used to train the language model on" echo " phones. The files silence_phones.txt and nonsilence_phones.txt will" echo " be used to construct a symbol table used internally, and to" echo " exclude lexicon entries containing silences." echo " <work-dir>: A place to put logs and the output of this script. The output of" echo " this script will be written to <work-dir>/unk_fst.txt (we write in" echo " text form so that it's independent of the phones.txt)." echo "Options:" echo " --ngram-order <n> # (default: 4) N-gram order of the phone-level language" echo " # model. Must be in range [2, 7]" echo " --num-extra-ngrams <n> # (default: 10000). The maximum the number of n-grams" echo " # that may be present in the language model in addition" echo " # to the unigrams. The LM will be pruned to achieve this." echo " --use-pocolm <true|false> # (default: true). If true, use pocolm to estimate the" echo " # language model; you will be prompted to install it if" echo " # needed. (If false, we use the script," echo " # which is simpler but the perplexity is not as good)." echo " --position-dependent-phones <true|false> # (default: true). If true, assume position-dependent" echo " # phones (although in any case the lexicon should use position-" echo " # independent phones). If position-dependent phones are used," echo " # after creating the LM we compose with an FST that converts" echo " # into position-dependent phones while enforcing the natural" echo " # constraints that they form a single word." echo " --min-word-length <1|2> # (default: 2). May only be 1 or 2. The minimum word length" echo " # (in number of phones) that is allowed" echo " --phone-disambig-symbol <symbol> # default: '#1'. This is the symbol that will be put on the" echo " # input side of backoff arcs. You won't normally have to change" echo " # this because expects '#1' there." exit 1; fi dict_dir=$1 dir=$2 set -e mkdir -p $dir/log if [ $stage -le 0 ]; then if ! utils/ $dict_dir >&$dir/log/validate_dict_dir.log; then cat $dir/log/validate_dict_dir.log echo "$0: failed to validate input dict-dir $dict_dir" exit 1 fi fi if ! [ $ngram_order -ge 2 ] || ! [ $ngram_order -le 7 ]; then echo "$0: invalid --ngram-order $ngram_order (must be in [2,7])" exit 1 fi if ! [ $min_word_length -ge 1 ] || ! [ $min_word_length -le 2 ]; then echo "$0: invalid --min-word-length $min_word_length (must be in [1,2])" exit 1 fi # The next command creates a symbol table that will cover all the symbols we might # possibly need in this script. The word-position-dependent suffixes (_B and so on # won't be needed if --position-dependent-phones is false, but it won't hurt. cat $dict_dir/silence_phones.txt $dict_dir/nonsilence_phones.txt | \ awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++) print $n; }' | \ awk '{print $1; print $1 "_B"; print $1 "_I"; print $1 "_S"; print $1 "_E";}' | \ cat - <(echo "$phone_disambig_symbol") | \ awk 'BEGIN{print "<eps> 0";} {print $1, NR;}' > $dir/phones.txt phone_disambig_int=$(tail -n 1 <$dir/phones.txt | awk '{print $2}') if ! [ $phone_disambig_int == $phone_disambig_int ]; then echo "$0: problem working out integer form of phone-disambig symbol." exit 1; fi if [ -e $dict_dir/lexicon.txt ]; then src_dict=$dict_dir/lexicon.txt first_phone_field=2 elif [ -e $dict_dir/lexiconp.txt ]; then src_dict=$dict_dir/lexiconp.txt first_phone_field=3 else [ ! -e $dict_dir/lexiconp_silprob.txt ] && \ echo "$0: expected file $dict_dir/lexiconp_silprob.txt to exist" && exit 1 src_dict=$dict_dir/ first_phone_field=6 fi cat $dict_dir/silence_phones.txt | awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++) print $n; }' > $dir/silence_phones.txt # prepare the cleaned up version of the dictionary (to train our phone LM), with # the first field (the word) removed, with prons that have silence phones in # them removed, and with empty prons (which should not be allowed anyway, but # just in case..) removed. awk -v dir=$dir -v ff=$first_phone_field \ 'BEGIN{ while ((getline <(dir"/silence_phones.txt")) > 0) sil[$1]=1; } { ok=1; for (n=ff; n<=NF; n++) { if ($n in sil) ok=0; } if (ok && NF>=ff) { for (n=ff;n<=NF;n++) printf("%s ",$n); print ""; } else { print(" info: not including dict line: ", $0) >"/dev/stderr" }}' <$src_dict >$dir/training.txt cat $dir/training.txt | awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++) seen[$n]=1; } END{for (k in seen) print k;}' > $dir/all_nonsil_phones num_dict_lines=$(wc -l <$src_dict) num_train_lines=$(wc -l < $dir/training.txt) if ! [ $num_train_lines -gt 0 ]; then echo "$0: something went wrong getting text to train phone-level LM." exit 1 fi echo "$0: training on $num_train_lines words out of $num_dict_lines in the " echo " ... original dictionary (excluding words with silence phones)." if [ $num_train_lines -lt 2000 ] && $use_pocolm; then echo "$0: the number of lines of training data is very small [$num_train_lines]." echo " Setting --use-pocolm to false since it probably won't work well" echo " on so little data (e.g. hard to estimate the discounting parameters)" echo " Using instead." use_pocolm=false fi if $use_pocolm; then if [ ! -e $KALDI_ROOT/tools/pocolm ]; then echo "$0: $KALDI_ROOT/tools/pocolm does not exist:" echo " ... please do: cd $KALDI_ROOT/tools; extras/" echo " ... and then rerun this script." exit 1 fi PATH=$KALDI_ROOT/tools/pocolm/scripts:$PATH if [ $stage -le 1 ]; then echo "$0: training $ngram_order-gram LM with pocolm" mkdir -p $dir/pocolm/text heldout_ratio=5 # hold out one fifth of the data as validation to estimate # metaparameters; we'll fold it back in before estimating the # final LM. cat $dir/training.txt | awk -v h=$heldout_ratio '{if(NR%h == 0) print; }' > $dir/pocolm/text/dev.txt cat $dir/training.txt | awk -v h=$heldout_ratio '{if(NR%h != 0) print; }' > $dir/pocolm/text/train.txt # the following options are because we expect the amount of data to be small, # all the data subsampling isn't really needed and will increase the chance of # something going wrong. small_data_opts="--num-splits 4 --warm-start-ratio 1" $cmd $dir/log/train_lm.log \ --wordlist $dir/all_nonsil_phones $small_data_opts \ --fold-dev-into=train $dir/pocolm/text $ngram_order $dir/pocolm fi if [ $stage -le 2 ]; then echo "$0: pruning LM with pocolm" num_words=$(wc -l <$dir/all_nonsil_phones) num_ngrams=$[$num_extra_ngrams+$num_words] $cmd $dir/log/prune_lm_dir.log \ --target-num-ngrams=$num_ngrams \ $dir/pocolm/all_nonsil_phones_${ngram_order}.pocolm $dir/poclm/lm_pruned # format as arpa. $dir/poclm/lm_pruned > $dir/ fi if [ $stage -le 3 ]; then echo "$0: applying bigram constraints and converting from ARPA to FST" # now get bigram constraints: we want to get an FST that only allows phone # bigrams that we've seen (this may enforce certain linguistic constraints, # and also stops the graph from blowing up too much once we introduce # phonetic context. # The NF > 0 is just a double-check that there are no empty prons, which # would be bad as it would allow an empty pronunciation of the unknown word. cat $dir/training.txt | awk '{ if (NF > 0) printf("<s> %s </s> ", $0); }' | \ awk '{for(n=1;n<NF;n++) { m=n+1; seen[ $n " " $m ] = 1; }} END{for(k in seen) print k;}' \ > $dir/allowed_bigrams $cmd $dir/log/arpa2fst.log \ utils/lang/internal/ --verbose=3 \ --disambig-symbol="$phone_disambig_symbol" \ $dir/ $dir/allowed_bigrams '>' $dir/unk_fst_orig.txt fi else if [ $stage -le 1 ]; then echo "$0: using to create $ngram_order-gram language-model FST" $cmd $dir/log/make_phone_lm.log \ utils/ $dir/phones.txt $dir/training.txt '|' \ utils/lang/ --verbose=2 \ --phone-disambig-symbol=$phone_disambig_int \ --num-extra-ngrams=$num_extra_ngrams \ --ngram-order=$ngram_order '|' \ utils/ -f 3-4 $dir/phones.txt '>'$dir/unk_fst_orig.txt fi fi sym_opts="--isymbols=$dir/phones.txt --osymbols=$dir/phones.txt" if ! $position_dependent_phones; then if [ $min_word_length == 1 ]; then echo "$0: no word-length constraint or word-position-dependency, so exiting." # There is no need to compose unk_fst_orig.txt with a separate FST: because of # the bigram constraints and because we ensure that there were no empty prons # in the dictionary (no empty lines in training.txt), the FST wouldn't allow # length-zero words anyway. cp $dir/unk_fst_orig.txt $dir/unk_fst.txt fstcompile $sym_opts <$dir/unk_fst.txt >$dir/unk.fst exit 0; else echo "$0: creating constraint_fst.txt for min-word-length=2 constraint." # min-word-length is 2; we need to apply that constraint. A note on the FST # states: 0 is start state, 1 is "seen one phone", 2 is "seen two or more # phones". # We don't need to take into account the disambig symbol because we compose on # the right with this FST, and it doesn't appear on the output side. cat $dir/all_nonsil_phones | \ awk '{ph[$1]=1} END{ for (p in ph) { print 0,1,p,p; print 1,2,p,p; print 2,2,p,p; } print 2,0.0; }' > $dir/constraint_fst.txt fi else echo "$0: creating constraint_fst.txt for min-word-length=$min_word_length constraint, plus word-position-dependency conversion." # Add constraints and convert phones without tags into phones with the _B, _E, _I and _S # tags (begin, end, internal, singleton). # States: # 0 is start state, # 1 is "seen initial phone (and maybe internal phones) of multi-phone word", # 2 is "seen final phone of multi-phone word". # 3 is "seen phone of single-phone word"; note, if --min-word-length is 2, # then state 3 will not exist. cat $dir/all_nonsil_phones | \ awk -v mwl=$min_word_length -v "disambig=$phone_disambig_symbol" \ '{ph[$1]=1} END{ for (n=0; n<3; n++) print n,n,disambig,disambig; for (p in ph) { printf("0 1 %s %s_B ", p, p); printf("1 1 %s %s_I ", p, p); printf("1 2 %s %s_E ", p, p); if (mwl==1) printf("0 3 %s %s_S ", p, p); } print 2,0.0; if (mwl==1) print 3,0.0; }' >$dir/constraint_fst.txt fi echo "$0: creating final FST via composition, etc." fstcompile $sym_opts <$dir/constraint_fst.txt | fstarcsort > $dir/constraint.fst fstcompile $sym_opts <$dir/unk_fst_orig.txt >$dir/unk_orig.fst # The first 'fstproject' below projects on the input; it makes sure the # disambiguation symbol appears on the output side also. # The fstcompose actually applies the constraints and does the conversion, but # after this the "correct" phones appear only on the output side. # The second 'fstproject' copies the word-position-dependent phones to # the input side. # The 'fstpushspecial' pushes the weights, as the composition with the # constraint FST makes the FST quite non-stochastic [weights per state do not # sum up to one]. # The 'fstrmsymbols' command makes sure the disambiguation symbol appears only # on the input side. # 'fstminimizeencoded' combines states that are the same as far as their output # arcs are concerned; in the case where --min-word-length is 1, this combines # a lot of final-states that have no transitions out of them. fstproject $dir/unk_orig.fst | \ fstcompose - $dir/constraint.fst | \ fstproject --project_output=true | \ fstpushspecial | \ fstminimizeencoded | \ fstrmsymbols --remove-from-output=true <(echo $phone_disambig_int) >$dir/unk.fst fstprint $sym_opts <$dir/unk.fst >$dir/unk_fst.txt exit 0; |