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#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014-2016 Brno University of Technology (author: Karel Vesely) # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, # MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. # See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Generated Nnet prototype, to be initialized by 'nnet-initialize'. from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import math, random, sys, re ### ### Parse options ### from optparse import OptionParser usage="%prog [options] <feat-dim> <num-leaves> <num-hid-layers> <num-hid-neurons> >nnet-proto-file" parser = OptionParser(usage) # Softmax related, parser.add_option('--no-softmax', dest='with_softmax', help='Do not put <SoftMax> in the prototype [default: %default]', default=True, action='store_false'); parser.add_option('--block-softmax-dims', dest='block_softmax_dims', help='Generate <BlockSoftmax> with dims D1:D2:D3 [default: %default]', default="", type='string'); # Activation related, parser.add_option('--activation-type', dest='activation_type', help='Select type of activation function : (<Sigmoid>|<Tanh>|<ParametricRelu>) [default: %default]', default='<Sigmoid>', type='string'); parser.add_option('--activation-opts', dest='activation_opts', help='Additional options for protoype of activation function [default: %default]', default='', type='string'); # Affine-transform related, parser.add_option('--hid-bias-mean', dest='hid_bias_mean', help='Set bias for hidden activations [default: %default]', default=-2.0, type='float'); parser.add_option('--hid-bias-range', dest='hid_bias_range', help='Set bias range for hidden activations (+/- 1/2 range around mean) [default: %default]', default=4.0, type='float'); parser.add_option('--param-stddev-factor', dest='param_stddev_factor', help='Factor to rescale Normal distriburtion for initalizing weight matrices [default: %default]', default=0.1, type='float'); parser.add_option('--no-glorot-scaled-stddev', dest='with_glorot', help='Generate normalized weights according to X.Glorot paper, but mapping U->N with same variance (factor sqrt(x/(dim_in+dim_out)))', action='store_false', default=True); parser.add_option('--no-smaller-input-weights', dest='smaller_input_weights', help='Disable 1/12 reduction of stddef in input layer [default: %default]', action='store_false', default=True); parser.add_option('--no-bottleneck-trick', dest='bottleneck_trick', help='Disable smaller initial weights and learning rate around bottleneck', action='store_false', default=True); parser.add_option('--max-norm', dest='max_norm', help='Max radius of neuron-weights in L2 space (if longer weights get shrinked, not applied to last layer, 0.0 = disable) [default: %default]', default=0.0, type='float'); parser.add_option('--affine-opts', dest='affine_opts', help='Additional options for protoype of affine tranform [default: %default]', default='', type='string'); # Topology related, parser.add_option('--bottleneck-dim', dest='bottleneck_dim', help='Make bottleneck network with desired bn-dim (0 = no bottleneck) [default: %default]', default=0, type='int'); parser.add_option('--with-dropout', dest='with_dropout', help='Add <Dropout> after the non-linearity of hidden layer.', action='store_true', default=False); parser.add_option('--dropout-opts', dest='dropout_opts', help='Extra options for dropout [default: %default]', default='', type='string'); (o,args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 4 : parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # A HACK TO PASS MULTI-WORD OPTIONS, WORDS ARE CONNECTED BY UNDERSCORES '_', o.activation_opts = o.activation_opts.replace("_"," ") o.affine_opts = o.affine_opts.replace("_"," ") o.dropout_opts = o.dropout_opts.replace("_"," ") (feat_dim, num_leaves, num_hid_layers, num_hid_neurons) = [int(i) for i in args]; ### End parse options # Check assert(feat_dim > 0) assert(num_leaves > 0) assert(num_hid_layers >= 0) assert(num_hid_neurons > 0) if o.block_softmax_dims: assert(sum(map(int, re.split("[,:]", o.block_softmax_dims))) == num_leaves) # posible separators : ',' ':' # Optionaly scale def Glorot(dim1, dim2): if o.with_glorot: # 35.0 = magic number, gives ~1.0 in inner layers for hid-dim 1024dim, return 35.0 * math.sqrt(2.0/(dim1+dim2)); else: return 1.0 ### ### Print prototype of the network ### # NO HIDDEN LAYER, ADDING BOTTLENECK! # No hidden layer while adding bottleneck means: # - add bottleneck layer + hidden layer + output layer if num_hid_layers == 0 and o.bottleneck_dim != 0: assert(o.bottleneck_dim > 0) assert(num_hid_layers == 0) if o.bottleneck_trick: # 25% smaller stddev -> small bottleneck range, 10x smaller learning rate print("<LinearTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <ParamStddev> %f <LearnRateCoef> %f" % \ (feat_dim, o.bottleneck_dim, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(feat_dim, o.bottleneck_dim) * 0.75 ), 0.1)) # 25% smaller stddev -> smaller gradient in prev. layer, 10x smaller learning rate for weigts & biases print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <LearnRateCoef> %f <BiasLearnRateCoef> %f <MaxNorm> %f" % \ (o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons, o.hid_bias_mean, o.hid_bias_range, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons) * 0.75 ), 0.1, 0.1, o.max_norm)) else: print("<LinearTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <ParamStddev> %f" % \ (feat_dim, o.bottleneck_dim, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(feat_dim, o.bottleneck_dim)))) print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <MaxNorm> %f" % \ (o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons, o.hid_bias_mean, o.hid_bias_range, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons)), o.max_norm)) print("%s <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (o.activation_type, num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.activation_opts)) # Non-linearity # Last AffineTransform (10x smaller learning rate on bias) print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <LearnRateCoef> %f <BiasLearnRateCoef> %f" % \ (num_hid_neurons, num_leaves, 0.0, 0.0, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(num_hid_neurons, num_leaves)), 1.0, 0.1)) # Optionaly append softmax if o.with_softmax: if o.block_softmax_dims == "": print("<Softmax> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d" % (num_leaves, num_leaves)) else: print("<BlockSoftmax> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BlockDims> %s" % (num_leaves, num_leaves, o.block_softmax_dims)) print("</NnetProto>") # We are done! sys.exit(0) # NO HIDDEN LAYERS! # Add only last layer (logistic regression) if num_hid_layers == 0: print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f" % \ (feat_dim, num_leaves, 0.0, 0.0, (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(feat_dim, num_leaves)))) if o.with_softmax: if o.block_softmax_dims == "": print("<Softmax> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d" % (num_leaves, num_leaves)) else: print("<BlockSoftmax> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BlockDims> %s" % (num_leaves, num_leaves, o.block_softmax_dims)) print("</NnetProto>") # We are done! sys.exit(0) # THE USUAL DNN PROTOTYPE STARTS HERE! # Assuming we have >0 hidden layers, assert(num_hid_layers > 0) # Begin the prototype, # First AffineTranform, print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <MaxNorm> %f %s" % \ (feat_dim, num_hid_neurons, o.hid_bias_mean, o.hid_bias_range, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(feat_dim, num_hid_neurons) * \ (math.sqrt(1.0/12.0) if o.smaller_input_weights else 1.0)), o.max_norm, o.affine_opts)) # Note.: compensating dynamic range mismatch between input features and Sigmoid-hidden layers, # i.e. mapping the std-dev of N(0,1) (input features) to std-dev of U[0,1] (sigmoid-outputs). # This is done by multiplying with stddev(U[0,1]) = sqrt(1/12). # The stddev of weights is consequently reduced with scale 0.29, print("%s <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (o.activation_type, num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.activation_opts)) if o.with_dropout: print("<Dropout> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.dropout_opts)) # Internal AffineTransforms, for i in range(num_hid_layers-1): print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <MaxNorm> %f %s" % \ (num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.hid_bias_mean, o.hid_bias_range, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons)), o.max_norm, o.affine_opts)) print("%s <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (o.activation_type, num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.activation_opts)) if o.with_dropout: print("<Dropout> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.dropout_opts)) # Optionaly add bottleneck, if o.bottleneck_dim != 0: assert(o.bottleneck_dim > 0) if o.bottleneck_trick: # 25% smaller stddev -> small bottleneck range, 10x smaller learning rate print("<LinearTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <ParamStddev> %f <LearnRateCoef> %f" % \ (num_hid_neurons, o.bottleneck_dim, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(num_hid_neurons, o.bottleneck_dim) * 0.75 ), 0.1)) # 25% smaller stddev -> smaller gradient in prev. layer, 10x smaller learning rate for weigts & biases print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <LearnRateCoef> %f <BiasLearnRateCoef> %f <MaxNorm> %f %s" % \ (o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons, o.hid_bias_mean, o.hid_bias_range, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons) * 0.75 ), 0.1, 0.1, o.max_norm, o.affine_opts)) else: # Same learninig-rate and stddev-formula everywhere, print("<LinearTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <ParamStddev> %f" % \ (num_hid_neurons, o.bottleneck_dim, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(num_hid_neurons, o.bottleneck_dim)))) print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <MaxNorm> %f %s" % \ (o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons, o.hid_bias_mean, o.hid_bias_range, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(o.bottleneck_dim, num_hid_neurons)), o.max_norm, o.affine_opts)) print("%s <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (o.activation_type, num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.activation_opts)) if o.with_dropout: print("<Dropout> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d %s" % (num_hid_neurons, num_hid_neurons, o.dropout_opts)) # Last AffineTransform (10x smaller learning rate on bias) print("<AffineTransform> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BiasMean> %f <BiasRange> %f <ParamStddev> %f <LearnRateCoef> %f <BiasLearnRateCoef> %f" % \ (num_hid_neurons, num_leaves, 0.0, 0.0, \ (o.param_stddev_factor * Glorot(num_hid_neurons, num_leaves)), 1.0, 0.1)) # Optionaly append softmax if o.with_softmax: if o.block_softmax_dims == "": print("<Softmax> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d" % (num_leaves, num_leaves)) else: print("<BlockSoftmax> <InputDim> %d <OutputDim> %d <BlockDims> %s" % (num_leaves, num_leaves, o.block_softmax_dims)) # We are done! sys.exit(0) |