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#!/usr/bin/env bash # run this from ../.. if [ "$1" == "--really" ]; then really_do_it=true else really_do_it=false echo "$0: this will not really do anything, use --really for that." fi cd src cat Makefile | perl -e ' @libdirs = (); while(<>){ if ($x && m/(\S+)\:/) { push @libdirs, $1; chop; print "$_ .phony "; } if (m/have inter-dependencies/) {$x=1;}} print("all: " . join(" ", @libdirs) . " "); print(".phony: ")' > Makefile.temp # for each directory this automatic rule says, just print its name. echo '%:' >> Makefile.temp printf '\techo ${@F} ' >> Makefile.temp # the following prints out the directory names in the order we want to # have them in the ADDLIBS in the individual Makefiles; note, 'tac' reverses # the order of its input lines. make -s -f Makefile.temp all | grep -v all | grep -v .phony | tac > library_order echo "Library order is:" cat library_order for f in */Makefile; do echo "$0: processing $f" cat $f | perl -e ' open(F, "<library_order") || die "opening file library_order"; $n = 1; while (<F>) { chop; $library_name_to_order{$_} = $n; $order_to_library_name{$n} = $_; $n++; } while(<>) { if (m/^ADDLIBS = (.+)/) { @addlibs = (); $cur_line = $1; while (1) { if ($cur_line =~ s/\\$//) { $had_backslash = 1; } else { $had_backslash = 0; } @A = split(" ", $cur_line); push @addlibs, @A; if (!$had_backslash) { last; } # break from the while loop. if (!($cur_line = <>)) { last; } } @weird_libs = (); %normal_lib_names = {}; foreach $lib (@addlibs) { if ($lib =~ m|^\.\./(.+)/kaldi-(.+)\.a$| && $1 == $2 && defined $library_name_to_order{$1}) { $normal_lib_names{$1} = 1; } else { push @weird_libs, $lib; } } @normalized_addlibs = (); for ($k = 1; $k < $n; $k++) { $test_name = $order_to_library_name{$k}; if (defined $normal_lib_names{$test_name}) { push @normalized_addlibs, "../$test_name/kaldi-$test_name.a"; } } if (@weird_libs > 0) { print STDERR "Unexpected libraries: " . join(":", @weird_libs) . " "; } # unexpected libraries that aren not part of the normal list will go last. push @normalized_addlibs, @weird_libs; @rearranged_lines = (); $cur_line = ""; $max_partial_line_size = 70; # after the initial "ADDLIBS = " or spaces. foreach $lib (@normalized_addlibs) { if (length($cur_line . $lib . " ") > $max_partial_line_size) { push @rearranged_lines, $cur_line; $cur_line = ""; } $cur_line .= ($lib . " "); } if ($cur_line ne "") { push @rearranged_lines, $cur_line; } $num_lines = @rearranged_lines; for ($k = 0; $k < $num_lines; $k++) { if ($k == 0) { print "ADDLIBS = "; } else { print " "; } print $rearranged_lines[$k]; if ($k + 1 < $num_lines) { print "\\ "; } else { print " "; } } } else { print; } } ' > temp_makefile diff $f temp_makefile if $really_do_it; then cp temp_makefile $f fi done rm library_order Makefile.temp |