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#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; my $Version="1.1"; ##### # Version 1.0 Released October, 2004 # - Initial Release # Version 1.1 Released October 12, 2004 # - Added -a option # - Fixed problem with word-final tanween characters that were optionally deletable my $Usage="Usage: [ -i fmt ] Infile|- OutFile|- ". "Version: $Version ". "Desc: tanweenFilt removes the tanween Arabic characters from the end of a word. ". " In the Buckwalter normalization scheme, the word-final letters ". " 'F', 'N', and 'K' are removed". "Options: ". " -a Remove all tanween characters, not just the final characters. ". " -i fmt Set the input file formant to 'fmt'. The possible choices are: ". " txt -> plain text, the default ". " ctm -> CTM format, ignores all but the 5th column, and if ". " a division occurs and a confidence score is present, ". " the confidence score is copied to all parts. ". " stm -> STM format, change only the text field of the stm record ". " "; use Getopt::Long; my ($InFmt, $AllTanween) = (undef, 0); my $result = GetOptions ("i:s" => \$InFmt, "a" => \$AllTanween); die "Aborting: $Usage :" if (!$result); if (defined($InFmt)) { die("$Usage Error: Undefined input format '$InFmt'") if ($InFmt !~ /^(txt|ctm|stm)$/); } else { $InFmt = "txt"; } #### The main functions arguements: die "$Usage Too many arguements" if ($#ARGV > 1); die "$Usage Output Not Specified" if ($#ARGV == 0); die "$Usage Input and Output Not Specified" if ($#ARGV == -1); my $InFile=$ARGV[0]; my $OutFile=$ARGV[1]; die("$Usage Error: Input file $InFile does not exist ") if ($InFile ne "-" && ! -r $InFile); open(IN, "$InFile") || die "Unable to open trans-file $InFile"; open(OUT, ">$OutFile") || die "Unable to open new-trans-file $OutFile"; while (<IN>){ chomp; if ($InFmt eq "txt"){ print OUT normalize($_)." "; } elsif ($InFmt eq "ctm"){ if ($_ =~ /^(\;\;|\#)/){ print OUT $_." "; next; } s/^(\s+)//; my $prefix = (defined($1) ? $1 : ""); my @ctm = split(/(\s+)/,$_); $ctm[8] = normalize($ctm[8]); print OUT $prefix.join("", @ctm)." "; } elsif ($InFmt eq "stm"){ if ($_ =~ /^(\;\;|\#)/){ print OUT $_." "; next; } s/^(\s+)//; my $prefix = (defined($1) ? $1 : ""); my @stm = split(/(\s+)/,$_, 7); if ($stm[10] =~ /^<[^<>]*>$/){ $stm[12] = normalize($stm[12]); } else { $stm[10] .= join("",splice(@stm,11,2)); $stm[10] = normalize($stm[10]); } print OUT $prefix.join("", @stm)." "; } else { die "Error: unknown input format '$InFmt' $Usage "; } } close IN; close OUT; exit 0; sub normalize{ my ($text) = @_; $text = " ".$text; if ($AllTanween){ $text =~ s/(\331\215|\331\214|\331\213)//g; } else { $text =~ s/(\331\215|\331\214|\331\213)$//g; $text =~ s/(\331\215|\331\214|\331\213)\)$/\)/g; $text =~ s/(\331\215|\331\214|\331\213)\) /\) /g; $text =~ s/(\331\215|\331\214|\331\213) / /g; } $text =~ s/^ //; $text; } |