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// nnet/nnet-rbm.h // Copyright 2012-2013 Brno University of Technology (Author: Karel Vesely) // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef KALDI_NNET_NNET_RBM_H_ #define KALDI_NNET_NNET_RBM_H_ #include <string> #include "nnet/nnet-component.h" #include "nnet/nnet-nnet.h" #include "nnet/nnet-utils.h" #include "nnet/nnet-various.h" #include "cudamatrix/cu-math.h" namespace kaldi { namespace nnet1 { class RbmBase : public Component { public: typedef enum { Bernoulli, Gaussian } RbmNodeType; RbmBase(int32 dim_in, int32 dim_out): Component(dim_in, dim_out) { } // Inherited from Component:: // void Propagate(...) // virtual void PropagateFnc(...) = 0 virtual void Reconstruct( const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &hid_state, CuMatrix<BaseFloat> *vis_probs ) = 0; virtual void RbmUpdate( const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &pos_vis, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &pos_hid, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &neg_vis, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &neg_hid ) = 0; virtual RbmNodeType VisType() const = 0; virtual RbmNodeType HidType() const = 0; virtual void WriteAsNnet(std::ostream& os, bool binary) const = 0; /// Set training hyper-parameters to the network and its UpdatableComponent(s) void SetRbmTrainOptions(const RbmTrainOptions& opts) { rbm_opts_ = opts; } /// Get training hyper-parameters from the network const RbmTrainOptions& GetRbmTrainOptions() const { return rbm_opts_; } protected: RbmTrainOptions rbm_opts_; private: //// Make inherited methods inaccessible, // as for RBMs we use Reconstruct(.) void Backpropagate(const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &in, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &out, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &out_diff, CuMatrix<BaseFloat> *in_diff) { } void BackpropagateFnc(const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &in, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &out, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &out_diff, CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> *in_diff) { } //// }; class Rbm : public RbmBase { public: Rbm(int32 dim_in, int32 dim_out): RbmBase(dim_in, dim_out) { } ~Rbm() { } Component* Copy() const { return new Rbm(*this); } ComponentType GetType() const { return kRbm; } void InitData(std::istream &is) { // define options, std::string vis_type; std::string hid_type; float vis_bias_mean = 0.0, vis_bias_range = 0.0, hid_bias_mean = 0.0, hid_bias_range = 0.0, param_stddev = 0.1; std::string vis_bias_cmvn_file; // initialize biases to logit(p_active) // parse config, std::string token; while (is >> std::ws, !is.eof()) { ReadToken(is, false, &token); /**/ if (token == "<VisibleType>") ReadToken(is, false, &vis_type); else if (token == "<HiddenType>") ReadToken(is, false, &hid_type); else if (token == "<VisibleBiasMean>") ReadBasicType(is, false, &vis_bias_mean); else if (token == "<VisibleBiasRange>") ReadBasicType(is, false, &vis_bias_range); else if (token == "<HiddenBiasMean>") ReadBasicType(is, false, &hid_bias_mean); else if (token == "<HiddenBiasRange>") ReadBasicType(is, false, &hid_bias_range); else if (token == "<ParamStddev>") ReadBasicType(is, false, ¶m_stddev); else if (token == "<VisibleBiasCmvnFilename>") ReadToken(is, false, &vis_bias_cmvn_file); else KALDI_ERR << "Unknown token " << token << " Typo in config?"; } // Translate the 'node' types, if (vis_type == "bern" || vis_type == "Bernoulli") vis_type_ = RbmBase::Bernoulli; else if (vis_type == "gauss" || vis_type == "Gaussian") vis_type_ = RbmBase::Gaussian; else KALDI_ERR << "Wrong <VisibleType>" << vis_type; // if (hid_type == "bern" || hid_type == "Bernoulli") hid_type_ = RbmBase::Bernoulli; else if (hid_type == "gauss" || hid_type == "Gaussian") hid_type_ = RbmBase::Gaussian; else KALDI_ERR << "Wrong <HiddenType>" << hid_type; // // Initialize trainable parameters, // // visible-hidden connections, vis_hid_.Resize(OutputDim(), InputDim()); RandGauss(0.0, param_stddev, &vis_hid_); // hidden-bias, hid_bias_.Resize(OutputDim()); RandUniform(hid_bias_mean, hid_bias_range, &hid_bias_); // visible-bias, if (vis_bias_cmvn_file == "") { vis_bias_.Resize(InputDim()); RandUniform(vis_bias_mean, vis_bias_range, &vis_bias_); } else { KALDI_LOG << "Initializing from <VisibleBiasCmvnFilename> " << vis_bias_cmvn_file; // Reading Nnet with 'global-cmvn' components, Nnet cmvn; cmvn.Read(vis_bias_cmvn_file); KALDI_ASSERT(InputDim() == cmvn.InputDim()); // The parameters from <AddShift> correspond to 'negative' mean values, Vector<BaseFloat> p(cmvn.InputDim()); dynamic_cast<AddShift&>(cmvn.GetComponent(0)).GetParams(&p); p.Scale(-1.0); // 'un-do' negation of mean values, p.ApplyFloor(0.0001); p.ApplyCeiling(0.9999); // Getting the logit, Vector<BaseFloat> logit_p(p.Dim()); for (int32 d = 0; d < p.Dim(); d++) { logit_p(d) = Log(p(d)) - Log(1.0 - p(d)); } vis_bias_ = logit_p; KALDI_ASSERT(vis_bias_.Dim() == InputDim()); } } void ReadData(std::istream &is, bool binary) { std::string vis_node_type, hid_node_type; ReadToken(is, binary, &vis_node_type); ReadToken(is, binary, &hid_node_type); if (vis_node_type == "bern") { vis_type_ = RbmBase::Bernoulli; } else if (vis_node_type == "gauss") { vis_type_ = RbmBase::Gaussian; } if (hid_node_type == "bern") { hid_type_ = RbmBase::Bernoulli; } else if (hid_node_type == "gauss") { hid_type_ = RbmBase::Gaussian; } vis_hid_.Read(is, binary); vis_bias_.Read(is, binary); hid_bias_.Read(is, binary); KALDI_ASSERT(vis_hid_.NumRows() == output_dim_); KALDI_ASSERT(vis_hid_.NumCols() == input_dim_); KALDI_ASSERT(vis_bias_.Dim() == input_dim_); KALDI_ASSERT(hid_bias_.Dim() == output_dim_); } void WriteData(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const { switch (vis_type_) { case Bernoulli : WriteToken(os,binary, "bern"); break; case Gaussian : WriteToken(os,binary, "gauss"); break; default : KALDI_ERR << "Unknown type " << vis_type_; } switch (hid_type_) { case Bernoulli : WriteToken(os,binary, "bern"); break; case Gaussian : WriteToken(os,binary, "gauss"); break; default : KALDI_ERR << "Unknown type " << hid_type_; } vis_hid_.Write(os, binary); vis_bias_.Write(os, binary); hid_bias_.Write(os, binary); } // Component API void PropagateFnc(const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &in, CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> *out) { // pre-fill with bias out->AddVecToRows(1.0, hid_bias_, 0.0); // multiply by weights^t out->AddMatMat(1.0, in, kNoTrans, vis_hid_, kTrans, 1.0); // optionally apply sigmoid if (hid_type_ == RbmBase::Bernoulli) { out->Sigmoid(*out); } } // RBM training API void Reconstruct(const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &hid_state, CuMatrix<BaseFloat> *vis_probs) { // check the dim if (output_dim_ != hid_state.NumCols()) { KALDI_ERR << "Nonmatching dims, component:" << output_dim_ << " data:" << hid_state.NumCols(); } // optionally allocate buffer if (input_dim_ != vis_probs->NumCols() || hid_state.NumRows() != vis_probs->NumRows()) { vis_probs->Resize(hid_state.NumRows(), input_dim_); } // pre-fill with bias vis_probs->AddVecToRows(1.0, vis_bias_, 0.0); // multiply by weights vis_probs->AddMatMat(1.0, hid_state, kNoTrans, vis_hid_, kNoTrans, 1.0); // optionally apply sigmoid if (vis_type_ == RbmBase::Bernoulli) { vis_probs->Sigmoid(*vis_probs); } } void RbmUpdate(const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &pos_vis, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &pos_hid, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &neg_vis, const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &neg_hid) { // dims KALDI_ASSERT(pos_vis.NumRows() == pos_hid.NumRows() && pos_vis.NumRows() == neg_vis.NumRows() && pos_vis.NumRows() == neg_hid.NumRows() && pos_vis.NumCols() == neg_vis.NumCols() && pos_hid.NumCols() == neg_hid.NumCols() && pos_vis.NumCols() == input_dim_ && pos_hid.NumCols() == output_dim_); // lazy initialization of buffers if ( vis_hid_corr_.NumRows() != vis_hid_.NumRows() || vis_hid_corr_.NumCols() != vis_hid_.NumCols() || vis_bias_corr_.Dim() != vis_bias_.Dim() || hid_bias_corr_.Dim() != hid_bias_.Dim() ) { vis_hid_corr_.Resize(vis_hid_.NumRows(), vis_hid_.NumCols(), kSetZero); vis_bias_corr_.Resize(vis_bias_.Dim(), kSetZero); hid_bias_corr_.Resize(hid_bias_.Dim(), kSetZero); } // ANTI-WEIGHT-EXPLOSION PROTECTION (Gaussian-Bernoulli RBM) // // in the following section we detect that the weights in // Gaussian-Bernoulli RBM are almost exploding. The weight // explosion is caused by large variance of the reconstructed data, // which causes a feed-back loop that keeps increasing the weights. // // To avoid explosion, the standard-deviation of the visible-data // and reconstructed-data should be about the same. // The model is particularly sensitive at the very // beginning of the CD-1 training. // // We compute the standard deviations on // * 'A' : input mini-batch // * 'B' : reconstruction. // When 'B > 2*A', we stabilize the training in this way: // 1. we scale down the weights and biases by 'A/B', // 2. we shrink learning rate by 0.9x, // 3. we reset the momentum buffer, // // A warning message is put to the log. In later stage // the learning-rate returns back to its original value. // // To avoid the issue, we make sure that the weight-matrix // is sensibly initialized. // if (vis_type_ == RbmBase::Gaussian) { // check the data have no nan/inf: CheckNanInf(pos_vis, "pos_vis"); CheckNanInf(pos_hid, "pos_hid"); CheckNanInf(neg_vis, "neg_vis"); CheckNanInf(neg_hid, "pos_hid"); // get standard deviations of pos_vis and neg_vis: BaseFloat pos_vis_std = ComputeStdDev(pos_vis); BaseFloat neg_vis_std = ComputeStdDev(neg_vis); // monitor the standard deviation mismatch : data vs. reconstruction if (pos_vis_std * 2 < neg_vis_std) { // 1) scale-down the weights and biases BaseFloat scale = pos_vis_std / neg_vis_std; vis_hid_.Scale(scale); vis_bias_.Scale(scale); hid_bias_.Scale(scale); // 2) reduce the learning rate rbm_opts_.learn_rate *= 0.9; // 3) reset the momentum buffers vis_hid_corr_.SetZero(); vis_bias_corr_.SetZero(); hid_bias_corr_.SetZero(); KALDI_WARN << "Mismatch between pos_vis and neg_vis variances, " << "danger of weight explosion." << " a) Reducing weights with scale " << scale << " b) Lowering learning rate to " << rbm_opts_.learn_rate << " [pos_vis_std:" << pos_vis_std << ",neg_vis_std:" << neg_vis_std << "]"; return; /* i.e. don't update now, the update would be too BIG */ } } // // End of weight-explosion check // We use these training hyper-parameters // const BaseFloat lr = rbm_opts_.learn_rate; const BaseFloat mmt = rbm_opts_.momentum; const BaseFloat l2 = rbm_opts_.l2_penalty; // UPDATE vishid matrix // // vishidinc = momentum*vishidinc + ... // epsilonw*( (posprods-negprods)/numcases - weightcost*vishid) // // vishidinc[t] = -(epsilonw/numcases)*negprods + momentum*vishidinc[t-1] // +(epsilonw/numcases)*posprods // -(epsilonw*weightcost)*vishid[t-1] // BaseFloat N = static_cast<BaseFloat>(pos_vis.NumRows()); vis_hid_corr_.AddMatMat(-lr/N, neg_hid, kTrans, neg_vis, kNoTrans, mmt); vis_hid_corr_.AddMatMat(+lr/N, pos_hid, kTrans, pos_vis, kNoTrans, 1.0); vis_hid_corr_.AddMat(-lr*l2, vis_hid_); vis_hid_.AddMat(1.0, vis_hid_corr_); // UPDATE visbias vector // // visbiasinc = momentum*visbiasinc + // (epsilonvb/numcases)*(posvisact-negvisact); // vis_bias_corr_.AddRowSumMat(-lr/N, neg_vis, mmt); vis_bias_corr_.AddRowSumMat(+lr/N, pos_vis, 1.0); vis_bias_.AddVec(1.0, vis_bias_corr_, 1.0); // UPDATE hidbias vector // // hidbiasinc = momentum*hidbiasinc + // (epsilonhb/numcases)*(poshidact-neghidact); // hid_bias_corr_.AddRowSumMat(-lr/N, neg_hid, mmt); hid_bias_corr_.AddRowSumMat(+lr/N, pos_hid, 1.0); hid_bias_.AddVec(1.0, hid_bias_corr_, 1.0); } RbmNodeType VisType() const { return vis_type_; } RbmNodeType HidType() const { return hid_type_; } void WriteAsNnet(std::ostream& os, bool binary) const { // header, WriteToken(os, binary, Component::TypeToMarker(Component::kAffineTransform)); WriteBasicType(os, binary, OutputDim()); WriteBasicType(os, binary, InputDim()); if (!binary) os << " "; // data, vis_hid_.Write(os, binary); hid_bias_.Write(os, binary); // sigmoid activation, if (HidType() == Bernoulli) { WriteToken(os, binary, Component::TypeToMarker(Component::kSigmoid)); WriteBasicType(os, binary, OutputDim()); WriteBasicType(os, binary, OutputDim()); } if (!binary) os << " "; } protected: CuMatrix<BaseFloat> vis_hid_; ///< Matrix with neuron weights CuVector<BaseFloat> vis_bias_; ///< Vector with biases CuVector<BaseFloat> hid_bias_; ///< Vector with biases CuMatrix<BaseFloat> vis_hid_corr_; ///< Matrix for linearity updates CuVector<BaseFloat> vis_bias_corr_; ///< Vector for bias updates CuVector<BaseFloat> hid_bias_corr_; ///< Vector for bias updates RbmNodeType vis_type_; RbmNodeType hid_type_; }; } // namespace nnet1 } // namespace kaldi #endif // KALDI_NNET_NNET_RBM_H_ |