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// onlinebin/ // Copyright 2012 Cisco Systems (author: Matthias Paulik) // Copyright 2013 Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (author: Danijel Korzinek) // Modifications to the original contribution by Cisco Systems made by: // Vassil Panayotov // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "feat/feature-mfcc.h" #include "feat/wave-reader.h" #include "online/online-tcp-source.h" #include "online/online-feat-input.h" #include "online/online-decodable.h" #include "online/online-faster-decoder.h" #include "online/onlinebin-util.h" #include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h" #include "lat/word-align-lattice.h" #include "lat/lattice-functions.h" #include "lat/sausages.h" #include "lat/determinize-lattice-pruned.h" #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctime> #include <signal.h> namespace kaldi { /* * This class is for a very simple TCP server implementation * in UNIX sockets. */ class TcpServer { public: TcpServer(); ~TcpServer(); bool Listen(int32 port); //start listening on a given port int32 Accept(); //accept a client and return its descriptor private: struct sockaddr_in h_addr_; int32 server_desc_; }; //write a line of text to socket bool WriteLine(int32 socket, std::string line); //constant allowing to convert frame count to time const float kFramesPerSecond = 100.0f; } // namespace kaldi int32 main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace kaldi; using namespace fst; try { typedef kaldi::int32 int32; typedef OnlineFeInput<Mfcc> FeInput; TcpServer tcp_server; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // up to delta-delta derivative features are calculated (unless LDA is used) const int32 kDeltaOrder = 2; const char *usage = "Starts a TCP server that receives RAW audio and outputs aligned words. " "A sample client can be found in: onlinebin/online-audio-client " "Usage: online-audio-server-decode-faster [options] model-in " "fst-in word-symbol-table silence-phones word_boundary_file tcp-port [lda-matrix-in] " "example: online-audio-server-decode-faster --verbose=1 --rt-min=0.5 --rt-max=3.0 --max-active=6000 " "--beam=72.0 --acoustic-scale=0.0769 final.mdl graph/HCLG.fst graph/words.txt '1:2:3:4:5' " "graph/ 5000 final.mat "; ParseOptions po(usage); BaseFloat acoustic_scale = 0.1; int32 cmn_window = 600, min_cmn_window = 100; // adds 1 second latency, only at utterance start. int32 right_context = 4, left_context = 4; BaseFloat frame_shift = 0.01; OnlineFasterDecoderOpts decoder_opts; decoder_opts.Register(&po, true); OnlineFeatureMatrixOptions feature_reading_opts; feature_reading_opts.Register(&po); po.Register("left-context", &left_context, "Number of frames of left context"); po.Register("right-context", &right_context, "Number of frames of right context"); po.Register("acoustic-scale", &acoustic_scale, "Scaling factor for acoustic likelihoods"); po.Register( "cmn-window", &cmn_window, "Number of feat. vectors used in the running average CMN calculation"); po.Register("min-cmn-window", &min_cmn_window, "Minumum CMN window used at start of decoding (adds " "latency only at start)"); po.Register("frame-shift", &frame_shift, "Time in seconds between frames. "); WordBoundaryInfoNewOpts opts; opts.Register(&po); po.Read(argc, argv); if (po.NumArgs() < 6 || po.NumArgs() > 7) { po.PrintUsage(); return 1; } std::string model_rspecifier = po.GetArg(1), fst_rspecifier = po.GetArg(2), word_syms_filename = po.GetArg(3), silence_phones_str = po.GetArg(4), word_boundary_file = po.GetArg(5), lda_mat_rspecifier = ""; if (po.NumArgs() == 7) lda_mat_rspecifier = po.GetOptArg(7); int32 port = strtol(po.GetArg(6).c_str(), 0, 10); std::vector<int32> silence_phones; if (!SplitStringToIntegers(silence_phones_str, ":", false, &silence_phones)) KALDI_ERR << "Invalid silence-phones string " << silence_phones_str; if (silence_phones.empty()) KALDI_ERR << "No silence phones given!"; if (!tcp_server.Listen(port)) return 0; std::cout << "Reading LDA matrix: " << lda_mat_rspecifier << "..." << std::endl; Matrix < BaseFloat > lda_transform; if (lda_mat_rspecifier != "") { bool binary_in; Input ki(lda_mat_rspecifier, &binary_in); lda_transform.Read(ki.Stream(), binary_in); } std::cout << "Reading acoustic model: " << model_rspecifier << "..." << std::endl; TransitionModel trans_model; AmDiagGmm am_gmm; { bool binary; Input ki(model_rspecifier, &binary); trans_model.Read(ki.Stream(), binary); am_gmm.Read(ki.Stream(), binary); } std::cout << "Reading word list: " << word_syms_filename << "..." << std::endl; fst::SymbolTable *word_syms = NULL; if (!(word_syms = fst::SymbolTable::ReadText(word_syms_filename))) KALDI_ERR << "Could not read symbol table from file " << word_syms_filename; std::cout << "Reading word boundary file: " << word_boundary_file << "..." << std::endl; WordBoundaryInfo info(opts, word_boundary_file); std::cout << "Reading FST: " << fst_rspecifier << "..." << std::endl; fst::Fst < fst::StdArc > *decode_fst = ReadDecodeGraph(fst_rspecifier); // We are not properly registering/exposing MFCC and frame extraction options, // because there are parts of the online decoding code, where some of these // options are hardwired(ToDo: we should fix this at some point) MfccOptions mfcc_opts; mfcc_opts.use_energy = false; int32 frame_length = mfcc_opts.frame_opts.frame_length_ms = 25; int32 mfcc_frame_shift = mfcc_opts.frame_opts.frame_shift_ms = 10; int32 window_size = right_context + left_context + 1; decoder_opts.batch_size = std::max(decoder_opts.batch_size, window_size); DeterminizeLatticePrunedOptions det_opts; det_opts.max_mem = 50000000; det_opts.max_loop = 0; VectorFst < LatticeArc > out_fst; Lattice out_lat; CompactLattice det_lat, aligned_lat; OnlineTcpVectorSource* au_src = NULL; int32 client_socket = -1; while (true) { if (au_src == NULL || !au_src->IsConnected()) { if (au_src) { std::cout << "Client disconnected!" << std::endl; delete au_src; } client_socket = tcp_server.Accept(); au_src = new OnlineTcpVectorSource(client_socket); } //re-initalizing decoder for each utterance OnlineFasterDecoder decoder(*decode_fst, decoder_opts, silence_phones, trans_model); Mfcc mfcc(mfcc_opts); FeInput fe_input(au_src, &mfcc, frame_length * (16000 / 1000), mfcc_frame_shift * (16000 / 1000)); //we always assume 16 kHz Fs on input OnlineCmnInput cmn_input(&fe_input, cmn_window, min_cmn_window); OnlineFeatInputItf *feat_transform = 0; if (lda_mat_rspecifier != "") { feat_transform = new OnlineLdaInput(&cmn_input, lda_transform, left_context, right_context); } else { DeltaFeaturesOptions opts; opts.order = kDeltaOrder; feat_transform = new OnlineDeltaInput(opts, &cmn_input); } // feature_reading_opts contains number of retries, batch size. OnlineFeatureMatrix feature_matrix(feature_reading_opts, feat_transform); OnlineDecodableDiagGmmScaled decodable(am_gmm, trans_model, acoustic_scale, &feature_matrix); clock_t start = clock(); int32 decoder_offset = 0; while (1) { if (!au_src->IsConnected()) break; OnlineFasterDecoder::DecodeState dstate = decoder.Decode(&decodable); if (!au_src->IsConnected()) { break; } if (dstate & (decoder.kEndFeats | decoder.kEndUtt)) { std::vector<int32> word_ids, times, lengths; decoder.FinishTraceBack(&out_fst); decoder.GetBestPath(&out_fst); ConvertLattice(out_fst, &out_lat); Invert(&out_lat); //TopSort(&out_lat); //ArcSort(&out_lat, ILabelCompare<LatticeArc>()); DeterminizeLatticePruned(out_lat, 10.0f, &det_lat, det_opts); WordAlignLattice(det_lat, trans_model, info, 0, &aligned_lat); CompactLatticeToWordAlignment(aligned_lat, &word_ids, ×, &lengths); //count number of non-sil words int32 words_num = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < word_ids.size(); i++) if (word_ids[i] != 0) words_num++; if (words_num > 0) { float dur = (clock() - start) / (float) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; float input_dur = au_src->SamplesProcessed() / 16000.0; start = clock(); au_src->ResetSamples(); std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "RESULT:NUM=" << words_num << ",FORMAT=WSE,RECO-DUR=" << dur << ",INPUT-DUR=" << input_dur; WriteLine(client_socket, sstr.str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < word_ids.size(); i++) { if (word_ids[i] == 0) continue; //skip silences... std::string word = word_syms->Find(word_ids[i]); if (word.empty()) word = "???"; float start = (times[i] + decoder_offset) / kFramesPerSecond; float len = lengths[i] / kFramesPerSecond; std::stringstream wstr; wstr << word << "," << start << "," << (start + len); WriteLine(client_socket, wstr.str()); } } if (dstate == decoder.kEndFeats) { WriteLine(client_socket, "RESULT:DONE"); break; } decoder_offset = decoder.frame(); } else { std::vector<int32> word_ids; if (decoder.PartialTraceback(&out_fst)) { GetLinearSymbolSequence(out_fst, static_cast<vector<int32> *>(0), &word_ids, static_cast<LatticeArc::Weight*>(0)); for (size_t i = 0; i < word_ids.size(); i++) { if (word_ids[i] != 0) { WriteLine(client_socket, "PARTIAL:" + word_syms->Find(word_ids[i])); } } } } } delete feat_transform; } std::cout << "Deinitizalizing..." << std::endl; delete word_syms; delete decode_fst; return 0; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what(); return -1; } } // main() namespace kaldi { // IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CLASSES/METHODS ABOVE MAIN TcpServer::TcpServer() { server_desc_ = -1; } bool TcpServer::Listen(int32 port) { h_addr_.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; h_addr_.sin_port = htons(port); h_addr_.sin_family = AF_INET; server_desc_ = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (server_desc_ == -1) { KALDI_ERR << "Cannot create TCP socket!"; return false; } int32 flag = 1; int32 len = sizeof(int32); if( setsockopt(server_desc_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &flag, len) == -1){ KALDI_ERR << "Cannot set socket options! "; return false; } if (bind(server_desc_, (struct sockaddr*) &h_addr_, sizeof(h_addr_)) == -1) { KALDI_ERR << "Cannot bind to port: " << port << " (is it taken?)"; return false; } if (listen(server_desc_, 1) == -1) { KALDI_ERR << "Cannot listen on port!"; return false; } std::cout << "TcpServer: Listening on port: " << port << std::endl; return true; } TcpServer::~TcpServer() { if (server_desc_ != -1) close(server_desc_); } int32 TcpServer::Accept() { std::cout << "Waiting for client..." << std::endl; socklen_t len; len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); int32 client_desc = accept(server_desc_, (struct sockaddr*) &h_addr_, &len); struct sockaddr_storage addr; char ipstr[20]; len = sizeof addr; getpeername(client_desc, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &len); struct sockaddr_in *s = (struct sockaddr_in *) &addr; inet_ntop(AF_INET, &s->sin_addr, ipstr, sizeof ipstr); std::cout << "TcpServer: Accepted connection from: " << ipstr << std::endl; return client_desc; } bool WriteLine(int32 socket, std::string line) { line = line + " "; const char* p = line.c_str(); int32 to_write = line.size(); int32 wrote = 0; while (to_write > 0) { int32 ret = write(socket, p + wrote, to_write); if (ret <= 0) return false; to_write -= ret; wrote += ret; } return true; } } // namespace kaldi |