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// sgmm2bin/ // Copyright 2009-2012 Saarland University Microsoft Corporation // Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey) // 2014 Guoguo Chen // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include <string> using std::string; #include <vector> using std::vector; #include "base/kaldi-common.h" #include "util/common-utils.h" #include "sgmm2/am-sgmm2.h" #include "sgmm2/estimate-am-sgmm2.h" #include "hmm/transition-model.h" #include "hmm/posterior.h" namespace kaldi { void AccumulateForUtterance(const Matrix<BaseFloat> &feats, const Posterior &post, const TransitionModel &trans_model, const AmSgmm2 &am_sgmm, const vector< vector<int32> > &gselect, Sgmm2PerSpkDerivedVars *spk_vars, MleSgmm2SpeakerAccs *spk_stats) { kaldi::Sgmm2PerFrameDerivedVars per_frame_vars; KALDI_ASSERT(gselect.size() == feats.NumRows()); Posterior pdf_post; ConvertPosteriorToPdfs(trans_model, post, &pdf_post); for (size_t i = 0; i < post.size(); i++) { am_sgmm.ComputePerFrameVars(feats.Row(i), gselect[i], *spk_vars, &per_frame_vars); for (size_t j = 0; j < pdf_post[i].size(); j++) { int32 pdf_id = pdf_post[i][j].first; spk_stats->Accumulate(am_sgmm, per_frame_vars, pdf_id, pdf_post[i][j].second, spk_vars); } } } } // end namespace kaldi int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { typedef kaldi::int32 int32; using namespace kaldi; const char *usage = "Estimate SGMM speaker vectors, either per utterance or for the " "supplied set of speakers (with spk2utt option). " "Reads Gaussian-level posteriors. Writes to a table of vectors. " "Usage: sgmm2-est-spkvecs [options] <model-in> <feature-rspecifier> " "<post-rspecifier> <vecs-wspecifier> " "note: --gselect option is required."; ParseOptions po(usage); string gselect_rspecifier, spk2utt_rspecifier, spkvecs_rspecifier; BaseFloat min_count = 100; BaseFloat rand_prune = 1.0e-05; po.Register("gselect", &gselect_rspecifier, "rspecifier for precomputed per-frame Gaussian indices from."); po.Register("spk2utt", &spk2utt_rspecifier, "File to read speaker to utterance-list map from."); po.Register("spkvec-min-count", &min_count, "Minimum count needed to estimate speaker vectors"); po.Register("rand-prune", &rand_prune, "Pruning threshold for posteriors"); po.Register("spk-vecs", &spkvecs_rspecifier, "Speaker vectors to use during aligment (rspecifier)"); po.Read(argc, argv); if (po.NumArgs() != 4) { po.PrintUsage(); exit(1); } if (gselect_rspecifier == "") KALDI_ERR << "--gselect option is mandatory."; string model_rxfilename = po.GetArg(1), feature_rspecifier = po.GetArg(2), post_rspecifier = po.GetArg(3), vecs_wspecifier = po.GetArg(4); TransitionModel trans_model; AmSgmm2 am_sgmm; { bool binary; Input ki(model_rxfilename, &binary); trans_model.Read(ki.Stream(), binary); am_sgmm.Read(ki.Stream(), binary); } MleSgmm2SpeakerAccs spk_stats(am_sgmm, rand_prune); RandomAccessPosteriorReader post_reader(post_rspecifier); RandomAccessInt32VectorVectorReader gselect_reader(gselect_rspecifier); RandomAccessBaseFloatVectorReader spkvecs_reader(spkvecs_rspecifier); BaseFloatVectorWriter vecs_writer(vecs_wspecifier); double tot_impr = 0.0, tot_t = 0.0; int32 num_done = 0, num_err = 0; std::vector<std::vector<int32> > empty_gselect; if (!spk2utt_rspecifier.empty()) { // per-speaker adaptation SequentialTokenVectorReader spk2utt_reader(spk2utt_rspecifier); RandomAccessBaseFloatMatrixReader feature_reader(feature_rspecifier); for (; !spk2utt_reader.Done(); spk2utt_reader.Next()) { spk_stats.Clear(); string spk = spk2utt_reader.Key(); const vector<string> &uttlist = spk2utt_reader.Value(); Sgmm2PerSpkDerivedVars spk_vars; if (spkvecs_reader.IsOpen()) { if (spkvecs_reader.HasKey(spk)) { spk_vars.SetSpeakerVector(spkvecs_reader.Value(spk)); am_sgmm.ComputePerSpkDerivedVars(&spk_vars); } else { KALDI_WARN << "Cannot find speaker vector for speaker " << spk << ", not processing this speaker."; num_err++; // standard Kaldi behavior is to not process data // when errors like this happen, as it's generally a script error; continue; } } // else spk_vars is "empty" for (size_t i = 0; i < uttlist.size(); i++) { std::string utt = uttlist[i]; if (!feature_reader.HasKey(utt)) { KALDI_WARN << "Did not find features for utterance " << utt; continue; } if (!post_reader.HasKey(utt)) { KALDI_WARN << "Did not find posteriors for utterance " << utt; num_err++; continue; } const Matrix<BaseFloat> &feats = feature_reader.Value(utt); const Posterior &post = post_reader.Value(utt); if (static_cast<int32>(post.size()) != feats.NumRows()) { KALDI_WARN << "Posterior vector has wrong size " << (post.size()) << " vs. " << (feats.NumRows()); num_err++; continue; } if (!gselect_reader.HasKey(utt) || gselect_reader.Value(utt).size() != feats.NumRows()) { KALDI_WARN << "No Gaussian-selection info available for utterance " << utt << " (or wrong size)"; num_err++; continue; } const std::vector<std::vector<int32> > &gselect = gselect_reader.Value(utt); AccumulateForUtterance(feats, post, trans_model, am_sgmm, gselect, &spk_vars, &spk_stats); num_done++; } // end looping over all utterances of the current speaker BaseFloat impr, spk_tot_t; { // Compute the spk_vec and write it out. Vector<BaseFloat> spk_vec(am_sgmm.SpkSpaceDim(), kSetZero); if (spk_vars.GetSpeakerVector().Dim() != 0) spk_vec.CopyFromVec(spk_vars.GetSpeakerVector()); spk_stats.Update(am_sgmm, min_count, &spk_vec, &impr, &spk_tot_t); vecs_writer.Write(spk, spk_vec); } KALDI_LOG << "For speaker " << spk << ", auxf-impr from speaker vector is " << (impr/spk_tot_t) << ", over " << spk_tot_t << " frames."; tot_impr += impr; tot_t += spk_tot_t; } // end looping over speakers } else { // per-utterance adaptation SequentialBaseFloatMatrixReader feature_reader(feature_rspecifier); for (; !feature_reader.Done(); feature_reader.Next()) { string utt = feature_reader.Key(); const Matrix<BaseFloat> &feats = feature_reader.Value(); if (!post_reader.HasKey(utt) || post_reader.Value(utt).size() != feats.NumRows()) { KALDI_WARN << "Did not find posts for utterance " << utt << " (or wrong size)."; num_err++; continue; } const Posterior &post = post_reader.Value(utt); Sgmm2PerSpkDerivedVars spk_vars; if (spkvecs_reader.IsOpen()) { if (spkvecs_reader.HasKey(utt)) { spk_vars.SetSpeakerVector(spkvecs_reader.Value(utt)); am_sgmm.ComputePerSpkDerivedVars(&spk_vars); } else { KALDI_WARN << "Cannot find speaker vector for utterance " << utt << ", not processing it."; num_err++; continue; } } // else spk_vars is "empty" num_done++; if (!gselect_reader.HasKey(utt) || gselect_reader.Value(utt).size() != feats.NumRows()) { KALDI_WARN << "No Gaussian-selection info available for utterance " << utt << " (or wrong size)"; num_err++; continue; } const std::vector<std::vector<int32> > &gselect = gselect_reader.Value(utt); spk_stats.Clear(); AccumulateForUtterance(feats, post, trans_model, am_sgmm, gselect, &spk_vars, &spk_stats); BaseFloat impr, utt_tot_t; { // Compute the spk_vec and write it out. Vector<BaseFloat> spk_vec(am_sgmm.SpkSpaceDim(), kSetZero); if (spk_vars.GetSpeakerVector().Dim() != 0) spk_vec.CopyFromVec(spk_vars.GetSpeakerVector()); spk_stats.Update(am_sgmm, min_count, &spk_vec, &impr, &utt_tot_t); vecs_writer.Write(utt, spk_vec); } KALDI_LOG << "For utterance " << utt << ", auxf-impr from speaker vectors is " << (impr/utt_tot_t) << ", over " << utt_tot_t << " frames."; tot_impr += impr; tot_t += utt_tot_t; } } KALDI_LOG << "Overall auxf impr per frame is " << (tot_impr / tot_t) << " over " << tot_t << " frames."; KALDI_LOG << "Done " << num_done << " files, " << num_err << " with errors."; return (num_done != 0 ? 0 : 1); } catch(const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what(); return -1; } } |