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// transform/fmpe.h // Copyright 2011-2012 Yanmin Qian Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey) // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef KALDI_TRANSFORM_FMPE_H_ #define KALDI_TRANSFORM_FMPE_H_ 1 #include <vector> #include "gmm/am-diag-gmm.h" #include "gmm/mle-am-diag-gmm.h" #include "hmm/transition-model.h" #include "hmm/posterior.h" namespace kaldi { struct FmpeOptions { // Probably the easiest place to start, to understand fMPE, is the // paper "Improvements to fMPE for discriminative training of features". // We are simplifying a few things here. We are getting rid of the // "indirect differential"; we are adding a linear transform after the // high->low dimension projection whose function is to "un-whiten" the // transformed features (i.e. project from a nominally Gaussian-distributed // space into our actual feature space), in order to make it unnecessary to // take into account the per-dim variance during the update phase of fMPE; // and the update equations are rather simpler than described in // the paper; we take away some stuff, but add in the capability to // do l2 regularization during the update phase. std::string context_expansion; // This string describes the various contexts... // the easiest way to think of it is, we first generate the high-dimensional // features without context expansion, and we then append the left and right // frames, and also weighted averages of further-out frames, as specified by // this string. Suppose there are 1024 Gaussians and the feature dimension is // 40. In the simple way to describe it, supposing there are 9 contexts (the // central frame, the left and right frames, and 6 averages of more distant // frames), we generate the "offset features" of dimension (1024 * 41), then // add left and right temporal context to the high-dim features so the // dimension is (1024 * 41 * 9), and then project down to 40, so we train a // matrix of 40 x (1024 * 41 * 9). As described in the paper, though, we // reorganize the computation for efficiency (it has to do with preserving // sparsity), and we train a matrix of dimension (40 * 9) x (1024 * 41). The // (40 x 9) -> 40 transformation, which involves time as well, is dictated by // these contexts. // You probably won't want to mess with this "context_expansion" string. // The most important parameter to tune is the number of Gaussians in // the UBM. Typically this will be in the range 300 to 1000. BaseFloat post_scale; // Scale on the posterior component of the high-dim // features (1 of these for every [feat-dim] of the offset features). // Typically 5.0-- this just gives a bit more emphasis to these posteriors // during training, like a faster learning rate. FmpeOptions(): context_expansion("0,1.0:-1,1.0:1,1.0:-2,0.5;-3,0.5:2,0.5;3,0.5:-4,0.5;-5,0.5:4,0.5;5,0.5:-6,0.333;-7,0.333;-8,0.333:6,0.333;7,0.333;8,0.333"), post_scale(5.0) { } void Register(OptionsItf *opts) { opts->Register("post-scale", &post_scale, "Scaling constant on posterior " "element of offset features, to give it a faster learning " "rate."); opts->Register("context-expansion", &context_expansion, "Specifies the " "temporal context-splicing of high-dimensional features."); } // We include write and read functions, since this // object is included as a member of the fMPE object. void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const; void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary); }; struct FmpeUpdateOptions { BaseFloat learning_rate; // Learning rate constant. Like inverse of E // in the papers. BaseFloat l2_weight; // Weight on l2 regularization term FmpeUpdateOptions(): learning_rate(0.1), l2_weight(100.0) { } void Register(OptionsItf *opts) { opts->Register("learning-rate", &learning_rate, "Learning rate constant (like inverse of E in fMPE papers)"); opts->Register("l2-weight", &l2_weight, "Weight on l2 regularization term in objective function."); } }; class Fmpe; struct FmpeStats { FmpeStats() { }; void Init(const Fmpe &fmpe); FmpeStats(const Fmpe &fmpe) { Init(fmpe); } void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const; void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary, bool add = false); SubMatrix<BaseFloat> DerivPlus() const; SubMatrix<BaseFloat> DerivMinus() const; /// If we're using the indirect differential, accumulates certain quantities /// that will be used in the update phase to verify that the computation /// of the indirect differential was done correctly void AccumulateChecks(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feats, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &direct_deriv, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &indirect_deriv); void DoChecks(); // Will check that stuff cancels. Just prints // messages for now. private: Matrix<BaseFloat> deriv; // contains positive and negative parts of derivatives // separately as sub-parts of the matrix, to ensure memory locality. // checks() is an 8 x fmpe.FeatDim() matrix that stores: // (0-1) summed-deriv from direct, +ve and -ve part. // (2-3) summed-deriv from indirect, +ve and -ve part. // (4-5) (summed-deriv from direct * features), +ve and -ve part. // (6-7) (summed-deriv from indirect * features), +ve and -ve part. Matrix<double> checks; // contains quantities we use to check the // indirect and direct derivatives are canceling as they should. }; class Fmpe { public: Fmpe() {} Fmpe(const DiagGmm &gmm, const FmpeOptions &config); int32 FeatDim() const { return gmm_.Dim(); } int32 NumGauss() const { return gmm_.NumGauss(); } int32 NumContexts() const { return static_cast<int32>(contexts_.size()); } // Note: this returns the number of rows and columns in projT_, // which is the transpose of the high->intermediate dimensional // projection matrix. This is the dimension we want for the // stats. int32 ProjectionTNumRows() const { return (FeatDim()+1) * NumGauss(); } int32 ProjectionTNumCols() const { return FeatDim() * NumContexts(); } // Computes the fMPE feature offsets and outputs them. // You can add feat_in to this afterwards, if you want. // Requires the Gaussian-selection info, which would normally // be computed by a separate program-- this consists of // lists of the top-scoring Gaussians for these features. void ComputeFeatures(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feat_in, const std::vector<std::vector<int32> > &gselect, Matrix<BaseFloat> *feat_out) const; // For training-- compute the derivative w.r.t the projection matrix // (we keep the positive and negative parts separately to help // set the learning rates). void AccStats(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feat_in, const std::vector<std::vector<int32> > &gselect, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &direct_feat_deriv, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *indirect_feat_deriv, // may be NULL FmpeStats *stats) const; // Note: the form on disk starts with the GMM; that way, // the gselect program can treat the fMPE object as if it // is a GMM. void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const; void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary); // Returns total objf improvement, based on linear assumption. BaseFloat Update(const FmpeUpdateOptions &config, const FmpeStats &stats); private: void SetContexts(std::string context_str); void ComputeC(); // Computes the Cholesky factor C, from the GMM. void ComputeStddevs(); // Constructs the high-dim features and applies the main projection matrix proj_. void ApplyProjection(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feat_in, const std::vector<std::vector<int32> > &gselect, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *intermed_feat) const; // The same in reverse, for computing derivatives. void ApplyProjectionReverse(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feat_in, const std::vector<std::vector<int32> > &gselect, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &intermed_feat_deriv, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *proj_deriv_plus, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *proj_deriv_minus) const; // Applies the temporal context splicing from the intermediate // features-- adds the result to feat_out which at this point // will typically be zero. void ApplyContext(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &intermed_feat, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *feat_out) const; // This is as ApplyContext but for back-propagating the derivative. // Result is added to intermediate_feat_deriv which at this point will // typically be zero. void ApplyContextReverse(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feat_deriv, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *intermed_feat_deriv) const; // Multiplies the feature offsets by the Cholesky matrix C. void ApplyC(MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *feat_out, bool reverse = false) const; // For computing derivatives-- multiply the derivatives by C^T, // which is the "reverse" of the forward pass of multiplying // by C (this is how derivatives behave...) void ApplyCReverse(MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *deriv) const { ApplyC(deriv, true); } DiagGmm gmm_; // The GMM used to get posteriors. FmpeOptions config_; Matrix<BaseFloat> stddevs_; // The standard deviations of the // variances of the GMM -- computed to avoid taking a square root // in the fMPE computation. Derived variable-- not stored on // disk. Matrix<BaseFloat> projT_; // The transpose of the projection matrix; // this is of dimension // (NumGauss() * (FeatDim()+1)) * (FeatDim() * NumContexts()). TpMatrix<BaseFloat> C_; // Cholesky factor of the variance Sigma of // features around their mean (as estimated from GMM)... applied // to fMPE offset just before we add it to the features. This allows // us to simplify the fMPE update and not have to worry about // the features having non-unit variance, and what effect this should // have on the learning rate.. // The following variable dictates how we use temporal context. // e.g. contexts = { { (0, 1.0) }, { (-1, 1.0) }, { (1, 1.0) }, // { (-2, 0.5 ), (-3, 0.5) }, ... } std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int32, BaseFloat> > > contexts_; }; /// Computes derivatives of the likelihood of these states (weighted), /// w.r.t. the feature values. Used in fMPE training. Note, the /// weights "posterior" may be positive or negative-- for MMI, MPE, /// etc., they will typically be of both signs. Will resize "deriv". /// Returns the sum of (GMM likelihood * weight), which may be used /// as an approximation to the objective function. /// Last two parameters are optional. See GetStatsDerivative() for /// or fMPE paper (ICASSP, 2005) more info on indirect derivative. /// Caution: if you supply the last two parameters, this function only /// works in the MMI case as it assumes the stats with positive weight /// are numerator == ml stats-- this is only the same thing in the MMI /// case, not fMPE. BaseFloat ComputeAmGmmFeatureDeriv(const AmDiagGmm &am_gmm, const TransitionModel &trans_model, const Posterior &posterior, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &features, Matrix<BaseFloat> *direct_deriv, const AccumAmDiagGmm *model_diff = NULL, Matrix<BaseFloat> *indirect_deriv = NULL); } // End namespace kaldi #endif |