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// transform/ // Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation // 2014 Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey) // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include <utility> #include <vector> using std::vector; #include "transform/lvtln.h" namespace kaldi { LinearVtln::LinearVtln(int32 dim, int32 num_classes, int32 default_class) { default_class_ = default_class; KALDI_ASSERT(default_class >= 0 && default_class < num_classes); A_.resize(num_classes); for (int32 i = 0; i < num_classes; i++) { A_[i].Resize(dim, dim); A_[i].SetUnit(); } logdets_.clear(); logdets_.resize(num_classes, 0.0); warps_.clear(); warps_.resize(num_classes, 1.0); } // namespace kaldi void LinearVtln::Read(std::istream &is, bool binary) { int32 sz; ExpectToken(is, binary, "<LinearVtln>"); ReadBasicType(is, binary, &sz); A_.resize(sz); logdets_.resize(sz); warps_.resize(sz); for (int32 i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ExpectToken(is, binary, "<A>"); A_[i].Read(is, binary); ExpectToken(is, binary, "<logdet>"); ReadBasicType(is, binary, &(logdets_[i])); ExpectToken(is, binary, "<warp>"); ReadBasicType(is, binary, &(warps_[i])); } std::string token; ReadToken(is, binary, &token); if (token == "</LinearVtln>") { // the older code had a bug in that it wasn't writing or reading // default_class_. The following guess at its value is likely to be // correct. default_class_ = (sz + 1) / 2; } else { KALDI_ASSERT(token == "<DefaultClass>"); ReadBasicType(is, binary, &default_class_); ExpectToken(is, binary, "</LinearVtln>"); } } void LinearVtln::Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const { WriteToken(os, binary, "<LinearVtln>"); if(!binary) os << " "; int32 sz = A_.size(); KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(sz) == logdets_.size()); KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(sz) == warps_.size()); WriteBasicType(os, binary, sz); for (int32 i = 0; i < sz; i++) { WriteToken(os, binary, "<A>"); A_[i].Write(os, binary); WriteToken(os, binary, "<logdet>"); WriteBasicType(os, binary, logdets_[i]); WriteToken(os, binary, "<warp>"); WriteBasicType(os, binary, warps_[i]); if(!binary) os << " "; } WriteToken(os, binary, "<DefaultClass>"); WriteBasicType(os, binary, default_class_); WriteToken(os, binary, "</LinearVtln>"); } /// Compute the transform for the speaker. void LinearVtln::ComputeTransform(const FmllrDiagGmmAccs &accs, std::string norm_type, // "none", "offset", "diag" BaseFloat logdet_scale, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *Ws, // output fMLLR transform, should be size dim x dim+1 int32 *class_idx, // the transform that was chosen... BaseFloat *logdet_out, BaseFloat *objf_impr, // versus no transform BaseFloat *count) { int32 dim = Dim(); KALDI_ASSERT(dim != 0); if (norm_type != "none" && norm_type != "offset" && norm_type != "diag") KALDI_ERR << "LinearVtln::ComputeTransform, norm_type should be " "one of \"none\", \"offset\" or \"diag\""; if (accs.beta_ == 0.0) { KALDI_WARN << "no stats, returning default transform"; int32 dim = Dim(); if (Ws) { KALDI_ASSERT(Ws->NumRows() == dim && Ws->NumCols() == dim+1); Ws->Range(0, dim, 0, dim).CopyFromMat(A_[default_class_]); Ws->Range(0, dim, dim, 1).SetZero(); // Set last column to zero. } if (class_idx) *class_idx = default_class_; if (logdet_out) *logdet_out = logdets_[default_class_]; if (objf_impr) *objf_impr = 0; if (count) *count = 0; return; } Matrix<BaseFloat> best_transform(dim, dim+1); best_transform.SetUnit(); BaseFloat old_objf = FmllrAuxFuncDiagGmm(best_transform, accs), best_objf = -1.0e+100; int32 best_class = -1; for (int32 i = 0; i < NumClasses(); i++) { FmllrDiagGmmAccs accs_tmp(accs); ApplyFeatureTransformToStats(A_[i], &accs_tmp); // "old_trans" just needed by next function as "initial" transform. Matrix<BaseFloat> old_trans(dim, dim+1); old_trans.SetUnit(); Matrix<BaseFloat> trans(dim, dim+1); ComputeFmllrMatrixDiagGmm(old_trans, accs_tmp, norm_type, 100, // num iters.. don't care since norm_type != "full" &trans); Matrix<BaseFloat> product(dim, dim+1); // product = trans * A_[i] (modulo messing about with offsets) ComposeTransforms(trans, A_[i], false, &product); BaseFloat objf = FmllrAuxFuncDiagGmm(product, accs); if (logdet_scale != 1.0) objf += accs.beta_ * (logdet_scale - 1.0) * logdets_[i]; if (objf > best_objf) { best_objf = objf; best_class = i; best_transform.CopyFromMat(product); } } KALDI_ASSERT(best_class != -1); if (Ws) Ws->CopyFromMat(best_transform); if (class_idx) *class_idx = best_class; if (logdet_out) *logdet_out = logdets_[best_class]; if (objf_impr) *objf_impr = best_objf - old_objf; if (count) *count = accs.beta_; } void LinearVtln::SetTransform(int32 i, const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &transform) { KALDI_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < NumClasses()); KALDI_ASSERT(transform.NumRows() == transform.NumCols() && static_cast<int32>(transform.NumRows()) == Dim()); A_[i].CopyFromMat(transform); logdets_[i] = A_[i].LogDet(); } void LinearVtln::SetWarp(int32 i, BaseFloat warp) { KALDI_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < NumClasses()); KALDI_ASSERT(warps_.size() == static_cast<size_t>(NumClasses())); warps_[i] = warp; } BaseFloat LinearVtln::GetWarp(int32 i) const { KALDI_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < NumClasses()); return warps_[i]; } void LinearVtln::GetTransform(int32 i, MatrixBase<BaseFloat> *transform) const { KALDI_ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < NumClasses()); KALDI_ASSERT(transform->NumRows() == transform->NumCols() && static_cast<int32>(transform->NumRows()) == Dim()); transform->CopyFromMat(A_[i]); } } // end namespace kaldi |