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// tree/ // Copyright 2012 Vassil Panayotov // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "tree/tree-renderer.h" #include "tree/context-dep.h" namespace kaldi { const int32 TreeRenderer::kEdgeWidth = 1; const int32 TreeRenderer::kEdgeWidthQuery = 3; const std::string TreeRenderer::kEdgeColor = "black"; const std::string TreeRenderer::kEdgeColorQuery = "red"; void TreeRenderer::RenderNonLeaf(int32 id, const EventKeyType &key, bool in_query) { std::string color = in_query? kEdgeColorQuery: kEdgeColor; int32 width = in_query? kEdgeWidthQuery: kEdgeWidth; std::string label; if (key == kPdfClass) { label = "\"PdfClass = ?\""; } else if (key == 0) { if (N_ == 1 && P_ == 0) // monophone tree? label = "\"Phone = ?\""; else if (N_ == 3 && P_ == 1) // triphone tree? label = "\"LContext = ?\""; } else if (key == 2 && N_ == 3 && P_ == 1) { label = "\"RContext = ?\""; } else if (key >= 0 && key <= N_-1) { if (P_ == key) label = "\"Center = ?\""; else { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "\"Ctx Position " << key << " = ?\""; label = oss.str(); } } else { KALDI_ERR << "Invalid decision tree key: " << key; } out_ << id << "[label=" << label << ", color=" << color << ", penwidth=" << width << "];" << std::endl; } std::string TreeRenderer::MakeEdgeLabel(const EventKeyType &key, const ConstIntegerSet<EventValueType> &intset) { std::ostringstream oss; ConstIntegerSet<EventValueType>::iterator child = intset.begin(); for (; child != intset.end(); ++child) { if (child != intset.begin()) oss << ", "; if (key != kPdfClass) { std::string phone = phone_syms_.Find(static_cast<kaldi::int64>(*child)); if (phone.empty()) KALDI_ERR << "No phone found for Phone ID " << *child; oss << phone; } else { oss << *child; } } return oss.str(); } void TreeRenderer::RenderSplit(const EventType *query, int32 id) { ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "SE"); EventKeyType key; ReadBasicType(is_, binary_, &key); ConstIntegerSet<EventValueType> yes_set; yes_set.Read(is_, binary_); ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "{"); EventValueType value = -30000000; // just a value I guess is invalid if (query != NULL) EventMap::Lookup(*query, key, &value); const EventType *query_yes = yes_set.count(value)? query: NULL; const EventType *query_no = (query_yes == NULL)? query: NULL; std::string color_yes = (query_yes)? kEdgeColorQuery: kEdgeColor; std::string color_no = (query && !query_yes)? kEdgeColorQuery: kEdgeColor; int32 width_yes = (query_yes)? kEdgeWidthQuery: kEdgeWidth; int32 width_no = (query && !query_yes)? kEdgeWidthQuery: kEdgeWidth; RenderNonLeaf(id, key, (query != NULL)); // Draw the node itself std::string yes_label = MakeEdgeLabel(key, yes_set); out_ << "\t" << id << " -> " << next_id_++ << " ["; // YES edge if (use_tooltips_) { out_ << "tooltip=\"" << yes_label << "\", label=YES" << ", penwidth=" << width_yes << ", color=" << color_yes << "]; "; } else { out_ << "label=\"" << yes_label << "\", penwidth=" << width_yes << ", penwidth=" << width_yes << ", color=" << color_yes << "]; "; } RenderSubTree(query_yes, next_id_-1); // Render YES subtree out_ << "\t" << id << " -> " << next_id_++ << "[label=NO" // NO edge << ", color=" << color_no << ", penwidth=" << width_no << "]; "; RenderSubTree(query_no, next_id_-1); // Render NO subtree ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "}"); } void TreeRenderer::RenderTable(const EventType *query, int32 id) { ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "TE"); EventKeyType key; ReadBasicType(is_, binary_, &key); uint32 size; ReadBasicType(is_, binary_, &size); ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "("); EventValueType value = -3000000; // just a value I hope is invalid if (query != NULL) EventMap::Lookup(*query, key, &value); RenderNonLeaf(id, key, (query != NULL)); for (size_t t = 0; t < size; t++) { std::string color = (t == value)? kEdgeColorQuery: kEdgeColor; int32 width = (t==value)? kEdgeWidthQuery: kEdgeWidth; std::ostringstream label; if (key == kPdfClass) { label << t; } else if (key >= 0 && key < N_) { if (t == 0) { ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "NULL"); // consume the invalid/NULL entry continue; } std::string phone = phone_syms_.Find(static_cast<kaldi::int64>(t)); if (phone.empty()) KALDI_ERR << "Phone ID found in a TableEventMap, but not in the " << "phone symbol table! ID: " << t; label << phone; } else { KALDI_ERR << "TableEventMap: Invalid event key: " << key; } // draw the edge to the child subtree out_ << "\t" << id << " -> " << next_id_++ << " [label=" << label.str() << ", color=" << color << ", penwidth=" << width << "]; "; const EventType *query_child = (t == value)? query: NULL; RenderSubTree(query_child, next_id_-1); // render the child subtree } ExpectToken(is_, binary_, ")"); } void TreeRenderer::RenderConstant(const EventType *query, int32 id) { ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "CE"); EventAnswerType answer; ReadBasicType(is_, binary_, &answer); std::string color = (query!=NULL)? kEdgeColorQuery: kEdgeColor; int32 width = (query!=NULL)? kEdgeWidthQuery: kEdgeWidth; out_ << id << "[shape=doublecircle, label=" << answer << ",color=" << color << ", penwidth=" << width << "]; "; } void TreeRenderer::RenderSubTree(const EventType *query, int32 id) { char c = Peek(is_, binary_); if (c == 'N') { ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "NULL"); // consume NULL entries return; } else if (c == 'C') { RenderConstant(query, id); } else if (c == 'T') { RenderTable(query, id); } else if (c == 'S') { RenderSplit(query, id); } else { KALDI_ERR << "EventMap::read, was not expecting character " << CharToString(c) << ", at file position " << is_.tellg(); } } void TreeRenderer::Render(const EventType *query = 0) { ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "ContextDependency"); ReadBasicType(is_, binary_, &N_); ReadBasicType(is_, binary_, &P_); ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "ToPdf"); if (query && query->size() != N_+1) KALDI_ERR << "Invalid query size \"" << query->size() << "\"! Expected \"" << N_+1 << '"'; out_ << "digraph EventMap { "; RenderSubTree(query, next_id_++); out_ << "} "; ExpectToken(is_, binary_, "EndContextDependency"); } } // namespace kaldi |