#BeamformIt sample configuration file for AMI data (http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/ami/download/) # scrolling size to compute the delays scroll_size = 250 # cross correlation computation window size window_size = 500 #amount of maximum points for the xcorrelation taken into account nbest_amount = 4 #flag wether to apply an automatic noise thresholding do_noise_threshold = 1 #Percentage of frames with lower xcorr taken as noisy noise_percent = 10 ######## acoustic modelling parameters #transition probabilities weight for multichannel decoding trans_weight_multi = 25 trans_weight_nbest = 25 ### #flag wether to print the feaures after setting them, or not print_features = 1 #flag wether to use the bad frames in the sum process do_avoid_bad_frames = 1 #flag to use the best channel (SNR) as a reference #defined from command line do_compute_reference = 1 #flag wether to use a uem file or not(process all the file) do_use_uem_file = 0 #flag wether to use an adaptative weights scheme or fixed weights do_adapt_weights = 1 #flag wether to output the sph files or just run the system to create the auxiliary files do_write_sph_files = 1 ####directories where to store/retrieve info#### #channels_file = ./cfg-files/channels #show needs to be passed as argument normally, here a default one is given just in case #show_id = Ttmp