function Generate_mcTrainData_cut(WSJ_dir_name, save_dir) % % Input variables: % WSJ_dir_name: string name of WAV file directory converted from original wsjcam0 SPHERE files % (*Directory structure for wsjcam0 corpus to be kept as it is after obtaining it from LDC. % Otherwise this script does not work.) % % This function generates multi-condition traiing data % based on the following items: % 1. wsjcam0 corpus (WAV files) % 2. room impulse responses (ones under ./RIR/) % 3. noise (ones under ./NOISE/). % Generated data has the same directory structure as original wsjcam0 corpus. % if nargin<2 error('Usage: Generate_mcTrainData(WSJCAM0_data_path, save_dir) *Note that the input variable WSJCAM0_data_path should indicate the directory name of your clean WSJCAM0 corpus. '); end if exist([WSJ_dir_name,'/data/'])==0 error(['Could not find wsjcam0 corpus : Please confirm if ',WSJ_dir_name,' is a correct path to your clean WSJCAM0 corpus']); end if ~exist('save_dir', 'var') error('You have to set the save_dir variable in the code before running this script!') end display(['Name of directory for original wsjcam0: ',WSJ_dir_name]) display(['Name of directory to save generated multi-condition training data: ',save_dir]) % Parameters related to acoustic conditions SNRdB=20; % List of WSJ speech data flist1='etc/audio_si_tr.lst'; % % List of RIRs % num_RIRvar=24; RIR_sim1='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom1_near_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim2='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom1_near_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim3='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom1_far_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim4='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom1_far_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim5='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom1_near_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim6='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom1_near_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim7='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom1_far_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim8='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom1_far_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim9='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom1_near_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim10='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom1_near_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim11='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom1_far_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim12='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom1_far_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim13='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom2_near_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim14='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom2_near_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim15='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom2_far_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim16='./RIR/RIR_SmallRoom2_far_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim17='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom2_near_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim18='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom2_near_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim19='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom2_far_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim20='./RIR/RIR_MediumRoom2_far_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim21='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom2_near_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim22='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom2_near_AnglB.wav'; RIR_sim23='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom2_far_AnglA.wav'; RIR_sim24='./RIR/RIR_LargeRoom2_far_AnglB.wav'; % % List of noise % num_NOISEvar=6; noise_sim1='./NOISE/Noise_SmallRoom1'; noise_sim2='./NOISE/Noise_MediumRoom1'; noise_sim3='./NOISE/Noise_LargeRoom1'; noise_sim4='./NOISE/Noise_SmallRoom2'; noise_sim5='./NOISE/Noise_MediumRoom2'; noise_sim6='./NOISE/Noise_LargeRoom2'; % % Start generating noisy reverberant data with creating new directories % fcount=1; rcount=1; ncount=1; if save_dir(end)=='/'; save_dir_tr=[save_dir,'data/mc_train/']; else save_dir_tr=[save_dir,'/data/mc_train/']; end mkdir([save_dir_tr]); mic_idx=['A';'B';'C';'D';'E';'F';'G';'H']; prev_fname='dummy'; for nlist=1:1 % Open file list eval(['fid=fopen(flist',num2str(nlist),',''r'');']); while 1 % Set data file name fname=fgetl(fid); if ~ischar(fname); break; end idx1=find(fname=='/'); % Make directory if there isn't any if ~strcmp(prev_fname,fname(1:idx1(end))) mkdir([save_dir_tr fname(1:idx1(end))]) end prev_fname=fname(1:idx1(end)); % load speech signal x=audioread([WSJ_dir_name, '/data/', fname, '.wav'])'; % load RIR and noise for "THIS" utterance eval(['RIR=audioread(RIR_sim',num2str(rcount),');']); eval(['NOISE=audioread([noise_sim',num2str(ceil(rcount/4)),',''_',num2str(ncount),'.wav'']);']); % Generate 8ch noisy reverberant data y=gen_obs(x,RIR,NOISE,SNRdB); % cut to length of original signal y = y(1:size(x,2),:); % rotine to cyclicly switch RIRs and noise, utterance by utterance rcount=rcount+1; if rcount>num_RIRvar;rcount=1;ncount=ncount+1;end if ncount>10;ncount=1;end % save the data y=y/4; % common normalization to all the data to prevent clipping % denominator was decided experimentally for ch=1:8 outfilename = [save_dir_tr, fname, '_ch', num2str(ch), '.wav']; eval(['audiowrite(outfilename, y(:,',num2str(ch),'), 16000);']); end display(['sentence ',num2str(fcount),' (out of 7861) finished! (Multi-condition training data)']) fcount=fcount+1; end end %%%% function [y]=gen_obs(x,RIR,NOISE,SNRdB) % function to generate noisy reverberant data x=x'; % calculate direct+early reflection signal for calculating SNR [val,delay]=max(RIR(:,1)); before_impulse=floor(16000*0.001); after_impulse=floor(16000*0.05); RIR_direct=RIR(delay-before_impulse:delay+after_impulse,1); direct_signal=fconv(x,RIR_direct); % obtain reverberant speech for ch=1:8 rev_y(:,ch)=fconv(x,RIR(:,ch)); end % normalize noise data according to the prefixed SNR value NOISE=NOISE(1:size(rev_y,1),:); NOISE_ref=NOISE(:,1); iPn = diag(1./mean(NOISE_ref.^2,1)); Px = diag(mean(direct_signal.^2,1)); Msnr = sqrt(10^(-SNRdB/10)*iPn*Px); scaled_NOISE = NOISE*Msnr; y = rev_y + scaled_NOISE; y = y(delay:end,:); %%%% function [y]=fconv(x, h) %FCONV Fast Convolution % [y] = FCONV(x, h) convolves x and h, and normalizes the output % to +-1. % % x = input vector % h = input vector % % See also CONV % % NOTES: % % 1) I have a short article explaining what a convolution is. It % is available at % % %Version 1.0 %Coded by: Stephen G. McGovern, 2003-2004. % %Copyright (c) 2003, Stephen McGovern %All rights reserved. % %THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" %AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE %IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE %ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE %LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR %CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF %SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS %INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN %CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) %ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE %POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Ly=length(x)+length(h)-1; % Ly2=pow2(nextpow2(Ly)); % Find smallest power of 2 that is > Ly X=fft(x, Ly2); % Fast Fourier transform H=fft(h, Ly2); % Fast Fourier transform Y=X.*H; % y=real(ifft(Y, Ly2)); % Inverse fast Fourier transform y=y(1:1:Ly); % Take just the first N elements