OpenFst: Release 1.6 * The `first_path` option to ShortestPath is now optimal for A* (1.6.7) * Renames SymbolTable::kNoSymbol to kNoSymbol (1.6.7) * Exposes PowerMapper to the scripting API (1.6.7) * Fixes linking of the special SOs (1.6.7) * Fixes error handling in HashMatcher (1.6.6) * Adds kShortestDelta for operations dependent on shortest-distance (1.6.6) * Adds Python methods for (un)pickling and (de)serializing FSTs (1.6.6) * Adds constructive variants of Invert and Project (1.6.6) * Increases code sharing in MemoryPool/MemoryArena (1.6.6) * Improves consistency of matcher FST ownership (1.6.6) * Adds non-trivial A* estimator class (1.6.6) * Prevents unreachable code generation in libfstscript (1.6.5) * Adds move constructors for non-trivial weight types (1.6.5) * Standardizes method names for tuple weight types (1.6.5) * Eliminates undefined behavior in weight hashing (1.6.5) * Optimizes binary search in SortedMatcher (1.6.5) * Adds SetWeight (1.6.5) * Fixes typing error in Python FAR reader (1.6.4) * Removes restriction that Prune argument have commutative weights (1.6.3) * Improves configuration of CompositeWeight readers and writers (1.6.3) * Improves accuracy of ShortestDistance summation (1.6.3) * SetFinal now "moves" its weight argument (1.6.3) * Exposes ArcIterator and EncodeMapper flags in Python (1.6.3) * Properly sets return codes in FST binaries (1.6.3) * Eliminates StringWeight macros (1.6.3) * Finalizes most virtual method overrides (1.6.2) * Fixes missing includes of (1.6.1) * Adds float format support to FST drawing (1.6.1) * Extensive modernization for C++11 style (1.6.0) * Many classes and constants moved into an internal namespace (1.6.0) * Adds HashMatcher (1.6.0) * Adds Member method to SymbolTable (1.6.0) * Adds the "special" extension and the fstspecial binary; this is similar to fstconvert but accepts arguments for specifying special labels (phi, rho, and sigma) of FSTs (1.6.0) * Exposes allow_negative_label option for Python symbol tables (1.6.0) OpenFst: Release 1.5 * Added p-subsequential determinization (1.5.0) * Generalized epsilon normalization to non-functional case (1.5.0) * Added general gallic (plus is union) semiring (1.5.0) * Added FST compression extension (1.5.0) * Added Python extension (1.5.0) * Added multiple pushdown transducer (MPDT) support (1.5.0) * Fixed Isomorphic function (1.5.0) * Added final method to matchers (1.5.0) * Fixed various compiler issues (1.5.0) * Fixed missing Isomorphic components (1.5.0) * Added UnionWeight (1.5.0) * Added InputEpsilonMapper and OutputEpsilonMapper arc mappers (1.5.1) * Added TrivialComposeFilter for more efficient composition when one of the arguments is epsilon-free (1.5.1) * Added properties bits kUnweightedCycles and kWeightedCycles (1.5.1) * Added missing const qualification to (1.5.1): - SymbolTableIterator access - EncodeMapper writing to file - EncodeMapper SymbolTable access * Replaced internal custom reference-counting (RefCounter) with C++11 smart pointers where possible, and fixed associated reference-counting bugs (1.5.1) * When calling DeleteStates on a MutableFst with a shared impl, the impl is set to a new empty impl rather than copying and deleting (1.5.1) * Prepended `Pdt` to the Expand libraries and classes in the PDT extension, and prepended `MPdt` to the Expand libraries and classes in the MPDT extension, so that both can be used in the same compilation unit (1.5.1) * Added option to PDT Replace for compiling a strongly-regular RTN into a bounded-stack PDT (1.5.1) * Improved symbol table support for PDT Replace, including automatic generation of parentheses symbols (1.5.1) * Improvements to scripting API (1.5.1): - Added methods for FST access and mutation - Added additional checks for arc/weight compatibility - WeightClass::One and WeightClass::Zero now require a specified weight type at time of construction - Improved VectorFstClass constructors - Added linear-time check for cyclic dependencies in Replace - Added EncodeMapperClass, a template-free box for an EncodeMapper * Improvements to the binaries (1.5.1): - Fixed no-op --precision flag to fstdraw (1.5.1) - Fixed no-op --file_list_input flag to farcreate (1.5.1) * Improvements to the Python extension (1.5.1): - Added methods for creating an empty mutable FST - Added methods for FST access via state and arc iteration - Added FST compilation from arclists (cf. fstcompile) - Added FST printing and drawing - Added FarReader and FarWriter classes. * FarReader's GetFst method now returns a pointer (1.5.2) * Fixed FSTERROR macro (1.5.2) * Fixed build flags for dlopen (1.5.2) * Consolidated Python extension into single module (1.5.2) * Python add_arc now takes an Arc object (1.5.2) * Adds optional minimization of non-deterministic FSTs (1.5.3) * Mutation methods of the Python Fst object now support chaining (1.5.3) * Scripting API and Python weight objects now support semiring arithmetic (1.5.3) * Adds RemoveSymbol method to SymbolTable (1.5.4) * Prevents underflow when using LogProbArcSelector in random generation (1.5.4) * Makes random weight generators a single template class (1.5.4) * Makes weight Properties constexpr where possible (1.5.4) * Adds check for error when opening files when compiling strings into FARs (1.5.4) * Adds routines for parsing string flags to the scripting API (1.5.4) OpenFst: Release 1.4 * Port to C++11 (1.4.0) * Disambiguate function added (1.4.0) * Isomorphic function added (1.4.0) * Matcher interface augmented with Priority method. * Special matchers (rho/sigma/phi) can match special symbols on both input FSTs in composition/intersection provided at each state pair they only match one side (1.4.0) * Added ExplicitMatcher to suppress implicit matches (e.g. epsilon self-loops) (1.4.0) * Linear{Tagger,Classifier}Fst extensions added (1.4.0). * Generalized state-reachable to work when input is cyclic (so long as no final state is in a cycle). This ensures label-reachable (and hence label lookahead) works with cyclic input (1.4.0) * Added Condense to build the condensation graph (SCCs condensed to single states) of an FST (1.4.0). * Added an option to Reverse to specify whether a super-initial state should always be created (1.4.0). * Fixed bugs in FirstCacheStore, PowerWeight, and StringCompiler (1.4.0). * Changed SymbolTable to use faster data structure (1.4.0). * Added 'min' disambiguation in determinizaton to keep only the minimum output in a non-functional transducer when plus=min/max (flag --disambiguate_output) (1.4.1) * Compiler issues in linear-fst fixed (1.4.1) OpenFst: Release 1.3 * Support for non-fatal exits on errors: (1.3.1) - Added FLAGS_fst_error_fatal: FST errors are fatal if true (default); o.w. return objects flagged as bad: e.g., FSTs - kError prop. true, FST weights - not a Member(). - Added kError property bit signifying bad FST - Added NoWeight() method to FST weight requirements that returns weight that is not a Member(). * Various improvements to the FAR extensions (1.3.1) - a single FST is now a FAR type - FLAGS_initial_symbols: Uses the symbol table from the first FST in the archive for all entries" - Input/output to standard input/output for some FAR and arc types * --with-icu configuration option no longer needed (1.3.1) * Improved flags usage esp. if use SET_FLAGS not SetFlags/InitFst (1.3.2) * Added 'fst' as possible far writer type (1.3.2) * phi matcher can now accept 0 as the phi label (1.3.2) * Added ngram-fst extension (1.3.2) * Improved performance of PDT composition (1.3.3) * Memory-map support (1.3.3) * Fixed cross-FST serialization issues (1.3.3) * Fixed NGramFst off-by-one issue (1.3.3) * farextract now allows one to specify a list of comma-separated keys, including key ranges (1.3.3) * Fixed bug in PDT replace that could cause close paren IDs to collide with open paren IDs (1.3.4) OpenFst: Release 1.2 * Added lookahead matching and filtering for faster composition * Added EditFst for mutation of o.w. immutable FSTs * Added script sub-namespace defining type FstClass, a non-templated Fst to hold the arc template type internally. This and FST operations on it allow easier I/O and scripting at the cost of some runtime dispatching. * Added per-arc-iterator control of Fst caching. * Added PowerWeight and Power Arc. * Added SparsePowerWeight and SparsePowerArc (1.2.4) * Added SignedLogWeight and SignedLogArc (1.2.4) * Added ExpectationWeight and ExpectationArc (1.2.4) * Added AStarQueue, PruneQueue and NaturalPruneQueue disciplines (1.2.6) * Added Log64Weight and Log64Arc to FST library throughout, including support throughout scripts/bins/dsos (1.2.8) * Added delayed RandGenFst that outputs tree of paths weighted by count (1.2.8) * Added fstsymbols shell-level command * Added total weight removal option to pushing * Changed methods for symbol table mutation: use MutableInputSymbols()/MutableOutputSymbols(). * Numerous efficiency improvements esp in composition, replace, and caching * Made "fstmap" handle semiring conversion by adding "to_std", "to_log" and "to_log64" as supported 'map_type' arguments (1.2.8). * Made the destructive implementation of RmEpsilon skip over states admitting no non-epsilon incoming transition (1.2.8). * Fixed numerous bugs (1.2 through 1.2.9) including: - improper types of some approximation deltas - sub-optimal hashing functions - issues in internal reuse of shortest distance - hashing bug in FloatWeight - bug in shortest path queue - symbol table checksumming issues - various C++ standards issues - Visit() behavior when visitation aborted - Decode() hash performance bug (1.2.1) - EditFst::Copy(bool) method when the boolean parameter is true (1.2.7) - SymbolTable memory leak in Invert() (1.2.8) - Added escaping of " and \ in labels in fstdraw, needed for dot to function properly (1.2.8) - Fixed handling of final weight of start state in fstpush (1.2.8) - Added FST_LL_FORMAT to fix 64-bit integer printf issues (1.2.9) - Fixed missing includes (1.2.9) - Fixed reused local variable names (1.2.9) - Fixed passing string by reference in FstDraw args (1.2.9) * Added extensions directories including: - finite-state archive (FAR) utilities, added stlist format supporting writing/reading to/from standard out/in at the library-level (1.2.8) - compact fsts - lookahead fsts - pushdown transducers (improved in 1.2.1 through 1.2.7). * Added StateMap/StateMapFst; renamed Map/MapFst to ArcMap/ArcMapFst; map/MapFst retained (but deprecated) (1.2.9) * Deleted ArcSum() and ArcMerge; use StateMap w/ ArcSumMapper and ArcUniqueMapper (1.2.9). * Incremented version of ConstFst/CompactFsts to stop memory alignment that fails on pipes. Made old version raises errors when read on pipes (1.2.9). * Improved determinize hash (1.2.9) * Removed stdio uses (1.2.10) * Fixed library ordering issues esp. with newer GNU build tools (1.2.10) OpenFst: Release 1.1 * Added compat.h to src/include/fst to fix missing defines * Fixed bug in acyclic minimization that led to non-minimal (but equivalent) results * Fixed missing FST typedef in various matchers in matcher.h so that they can be cascaded * Opened file streams binary where appropriate OpenFst: Release 1.0 (Additions to beta version): * Matcher class added for matching labels at FST states. Includes special matchers for sigma (any), rho ('rest'), and phi ('fail') labels. * Composition generalized with arbitrary filters, matchers, and state tables. * Sequence and matching composition filters provided. (see compose.h, compose-filter.h, matcher.h, state-table.h) * Unique n-best (see shortest-path.h) * Pruning in determinization and epsilon removal (see determinize.h, rmepsilon.h) * New Fst class: * Compact Fsts for space-efficient representation (see compact-fst.h) * New Weight classes: * MinMax * Lexicographic * Miscellaneous bug fixes