SCLITE revisions

Sclite Revision.txt

sclite 1.0 - Released July 27, 1995

sclite 1.1 - Released September 27, 1995
	- New/modified output options:
	  * Added options to '-o':  'none' to not make any reports,
 	    'sgml' to create an sgml file for alignments, 'lur' for the
 	    labeled utterance report.
	  * '-p'.  Pipes output of alignments to other sclite utilities.
	    in the sgml format.
	- New Input options:
	  * '-P' accepts piped sgml format input from other sclite utilities.
	  * '-e' identifies the input character encoding.
	- New alignment options:
	  * '-S' performs an inferred word segmentation algorithm rather
	    than using the word segmentation of the reference and hyp files.
	  * '-F' aligns fragments to words with matching substrings and scores
	    them as correct.
	  * Changed the -c option to include the optional flag "ASCIITOO"
	    which also splits ascii words when doing a character alignment.
	    Also added another flag, "DH", to delete hyphens from the ref and
	    hyp transcripts before alingment.
	- Fixes and Changes:
	  * Modified the '-n' option to handle multiple hyp files.
	  * Fixed a bug in 'parse_stm_line' to handle empty texts.
	  * Modified the read function for a CTM file so that any length
	    file will be properly read in.
	- Compiled and tested using the HP-UX and DEC OSF1 native cc

sclite 1.2 - Released March 8, 1996
	- Corrected a bug in the lur report that was activated if a speaker
	  had no reference words, but had errorneously hypothesized words.
	- Added the sent, spk, and ovrdtl reports to sclite.
	- Added the option to score CTM to CTM files.  This is essentially
	  the same code used for the first SWB LVCSR evaluation, however, since
	  the new network alignment routines were used unifying the alignment
   	  into a single step, alignments will differ slightly from those 
	  generated with the old scoring package.
	- Added the "-T" option to do time-mediated alignments.
	- Removed the size limitations in the report generation software,
	  'rpg.c'.  There is still are hard limit on the length of characters
	  for each cell of 200.
	- Standardize program exit codes to be 0 for successfull execution
	  and 1 for failed execution.
	- Correct the handling of NULL alternatives in the hypothesis file.
	  Scoring reference to hypothesis yields the same error rates as
	  scoring hypothesis to reference.  The only difference is insertions
	  are swapped with deletions.
	- The installer now has the option to enable or disable alignments
	  via GNU's diff.
	- Added informative error messages when label definitions, which are
	  used by the 'lur' report, have been improperly specified.

sclite 1.2a - Released March 15, 1996
	- Forgot one minor file in the distrubution, "sclite.c".

sclite 1.3 - Released April 22, 1996
	- Corrected a minor makefile inconsistency. (One file was compiled 
	- Changed Network_dp_align to optionally include NULLS in the output.
	- Changed the -m option to now reduce either the reference or 
	  hypothesis file, or both before alignment takes place.
	- fixed an uninitialized variable in alex.c which became apparent
	  in the 'dtl' and 'spk' reports.
	- Corrected a argument passed to fill_STM_structure() in stm2ctm.c
	  which caused a warning on some compilers.
	- Added a bug report proceedures.

Revision 1.4 - Released October 18, 1996
	- Forced confidence values to flow through the entire data pipeline.
	- Added the '-C' option to include 'normalized cross-entropy'
	  statistics in all output files.
	- Added algo2 for the inferred segmentation option '-S'
	- Added "IGNORE_TIME_SEGMENT_IN_SCORING" as an allowable 
	  transcript for an stm record.  See the stm file documentation for
	  it's use.

Revision 1.4a - Released May 29, 1997
	- Cleaned the distribution to be ISO-9669 compatable

Released under a different name, sctk Version 1.0
	- Modified the label extraction function 'parse_input_comment_line'
	  to ignore duplicate LABEL and CATEGORY lines.
	- Added a sequence number to each PATH in alignment sequence so
          that the input sequence of alignments can be reconstructed.
	- Added the capability to keep track of reference confidence scores
	  when aligning ref ctm's against hyp ctm's.
	- Corrected the .pre dump of the alignment structure when the case
	  sensitive flag is set.  The error was introduced by modifications.
	- Fixed a problem in TEXT_strcasecmp().  It failed to handle the
	  case where str1 was shorter than srt2.
	- Fixed a problem in 'align.c/extract_speaker()' a NULL was not
	  terminating each newly extracted speaker id.
	- Revised the reports lut, sum, snt, spkr,ovr to handle speakers W/o
	  any reference tokens, In the sum report, the speakers W/o	
	  reference tokens are ignored when computing the speaker
	  mean, sd, and median.
 	- fixed a  bug in which output an error when test 5 was
	  run and the use of gnudiff was not compiled in to sclite.
	- fixed a bug in which was propagated to  The 
	  problem was a missing backquote on "uname -s".
	- Added error checking to the ctm2ctm alignment module.  No checking
	  had been performed to make sure the ref and hyp files had the 
	  same conversations and channels.
	- Fixed a problem in 'expand_words_to_chars()' it was not deleting
	  hyphens from single character words do to an incorrect conditional.
	- Added a new way to score, 'Optionally Deletable'.  This required a
	  major set of modifications and generalizations.
	- Modified the character scoring proceedure so that confidence scores
	  are imputed to the sub-characters making up the word.
	- Corrected a bug in Compute_ROC:det.c which incorrectly incremented

SCTK Version 1.1 - Released November 13, 1997
	- Utility versions in this release: sclite V2.1, sc_stats V1.1
	- added the Executive and Raw Executive Summaries to sc_stats.
	- added the det curve to sc_stats so that combined plots are 
	- modified mapsswe test to handle arbitrary number of segments.
	- Correct a bug in mtchprs.c which was free-ing a the test
	  confindence array prematurely.

SCTK Version 1.2
	- added the prn report to sc_stats.   Prints N-system alignments together.
	- Added option alignment by word-weighted-mediated alignments.
		- Weight inputs include wwl file (-w) and LM file (-L).
		- Added testing scripts and documentation examples.
		- Added the .wws output format.
	- Update .prf output to include word weights and other information.
	- Add SLM toolkit v2 into the sctk package.
		- modified, and the installation process
	- Various internal structures modified to handle word weights.
	- Compiles under Linux using gmake.
	- Documetation changes, including additional comments concerning the 
	  waveform id in the STM and CTM file formats.

SCTK Version 1.2a
        - Fixed an installation problem for Linux involving scfp.

SCTK Version 1.2b - Released October 1, 2000
	- Improved testing code to not report errors under Linux

SCTK Version 1.2c - Released October 11, 2000
	- Improved installation targets in makefile

SCTK Version 1.3 - Release July 30, 2004
        - Minor bug fixes for core dumps
	- Added the ability to pass two tags attached to each word through the
          scorer.   The tags are attached to the words by appending ';'
          to the word's text.  There can be up to two tags, and they may be empty.
        - Added a '#' after NCE values in the .sys reports to indicate the
          abscence of reference lexemes for a speaker.
	- Expanded the buffers in the rpg.c suite of routines for report generation.
        - Expanded the maximum alternation size to 10000 characters.
        - Added a "Lattice" error rate calculation in the .prn reports.  It's the
          percent of reference tokens not correct in any systems transcript.