/****************************************************************/ /* */ /* FILE: stat_dist.c */ /* WRITTEN BY: Jonathan G. Fiscus */ /* DATE: April 14 1989 */ /* NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS */ /* AND TECHNOLOGY */ /* SPEECH RECOGNITION GROUP */ /* */ /* USAGE: This file initializes the distribution */ /* structures for Z1tail, Z2tail, and X2 */ /* distributions */ /* */ /****************************************************************/ #include "sctk.h" #define MAX_Z 10 #define MAX_X2 32 Z_STRUCT Z2tail[MAX_Z] = { { 2.575, "99%", "01%", 0.99 }, { 2.329, "98%", "02%", 0.98 }, { 2.170, "97%", "03%", 0.97 }, { 2.055, "96%", "04%", 0.96 }, { 1.960, "95%", "05%", 0.95 }, { 1.881, "94%", "06%", 0.94 }, { 1.811, "93%", "07%", 0.93 }, { 1.751, "92%", "08%", 0.92 }, { 1.695, "91%", "09%", 0.91 }, { 1.645, "90%", "10%", 0.90 } }; Z_STRUCT Z1tail[MAX_Z] = { { 2.330, "99%", "01%", 0.99 }, { 2.055, "98%", "02%", 0.98 }, { 1.881, "97%", "03%", 0.97 }, { 1.751, "96%", "04%", 0.96 }, { 1.645, "95%", "05%", 0.95 }, { 1.555, "94%", "06%", 0.94 }, { 1.474, "93%", "07%", 0.93 }, { 1.405, "92%", "08%", 0.92 }, { 1.340, "91%", "09%", 0.91 }, { 1.381, "90%", "10%", 0.90 } }; X2_STRUCT X2 = { { 99.0, 98.0, 95.0, 90.0, 80.0, 70.0, 50.0, 30.0, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0999999 }, { "99%", "98%", "95%", "90%", "80%", "70%", "50%", "30%", "20%", "10%", "5%", "2%", "1%", ".1%" }, { "1%", "2%", "5%", "10%", "20%", "30%", "50%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "95%", "98%", "99%", "99.9%" }, {{ "df1", { 0.00016, 0.00063, 0.0039, 0.016, 0.064, 0.15, 0.46, 1.07, 1.64, 2.71, 3.84, 5.41, 6.64, 10.83 } }, { "df2", { 0.02, 0.04, 0.10, 0.21, 0.45, 0.71, 1.39, 2.41, 3.22, 4.60, 5.99, 7.82, 9.21, 13.82 } }, { "df3", { 0.12, 0.18, 0.35, 0.58, 1.00, 1.42, 2.37, 3.66, 4.64, 6.25, 7.82, 9.84, 11.34, 16.27 } }, { "df4", { 0.30, 0.43, 0.71, 1.06, 1.65, 2.20, 3.36, 4.88, 5.99, 7.78, 9.49, 11.67, 13.28, 18.46 } }, { "df5", { 0.55, 0.75, 1.14, 1.61, 2.34, 3.00, 4.35, 6.06, 7.29, 9.24, 11.07, 13.39, 15.09, 20.52 } }, { "df6", { 0.87, 1.13, 1.64, 2.20, 3.07, 3.83, 5.35, 7.23, 8.56, 10.64, 12.59, 15.03, 16.81, 22.46 } }, { "df7", { 1.24, 1.56, 2.17, 2.83, 3.82, 4.67, 6.35, 8.38, 9.80, 12.02, 14.07, 16.62, 18.48, 24.32 } }, { "df8", { 1.65, 2.03, 2.73, 3.49, 4.59, 5.53, 7.34, 9.52, 11.03, 13.36, 15.51, 18.17, 20.09, 26.12 } }, { "df9", { 2.09, 2.53, 3.32, 4.17, 5.38, 6.39, 8.34, 10.66, 12.24, 14.68, 16.92, 19.68, 21.67, 27.88 } }, { "df10", { 2.56, 3.06, 3.94, 4.86, 6.18, 7.27, 9.34, 11.78, 13.44, 15.99, 18.31, 21.16, 23.21, 29.59 } }, { "df11", { 3.05, 3.61, 4.58, 5.58, 6.99, 8.15, 10.34, 12.90, 14.63, 17.28, 19.68, 22.62, 24.72, 31.26 } }, { "df12", { 3.57, 4.18, 5.23, 6.30, 7.81, 9.03, 11.34, 14.01, 15.81, 18.55, 21.03, 24.05, 26.22, 32.91 } }, { "df13", { 4.11, 4.76, 5.89, 7.04, 8.63, 9.93, 12.34, 15.12, 16.98, 19.81, 22.36, 25.47, 27.69, 34.53 } }, { "df14", { 4.66, 5.37, 6.57, 7.79, 9.47, 10.82, 13.34, 16.22, 18.15, 21.06, 23.68, 26.87, 29.14, 36.12 } }, { "df15", { 5.23, 5.98, 7.26, 8.55, 10.31, 11.72, 14.34, 17.32, 19.31, 22.31, 25.00, 28.26, 30.58, 37.70 } }, { "df16", { 5.81, 6.61, 7.96, 9.31, 11.15, 12.62, 15.34, 18.42, 20.46, 23.54, 26.30, 29.63, 32.00, 39.29 } }, { "df17", { 6.41, 7.26, 8.67, 10.08, 12.00, 13.53, 16.34, 19.51, 21.62, 24.77, 27.59, 31.00, 33.41, 40.75 } }, { "df18", { 7.02, 7.91, 9.39, 10.86, 12.86, 14.44, 17.34, 20.60, 22.76, 25.99, 28.87, 32.35, 34.80, 42.31 } }, { "df19", { 7.63, 8.57, 10.12, 11.65, 13.72, 15.35, 18.34, 21.69, 23.90, 27.20, 30.14, 33.69, 36.19, 43.82 } }, { "df20", { 8.26, 9.24, 10.85, 12.44, 14.58, 16.27, 19.34, 22.78, 25.04, 28.41, 31.41, 35.02, 37.57, 45.32 } }, { "df21", { 8.90, 9.92, 11.59, 13.24, 15.44, 17.18, 20.34, 23.86, 26.17, 29.62, 32.67, 36.34, 38.93, 46.80 } }, { "df22", { 9.54, 10.60, 12.34, 14.04, 16.31, 18.10, 21.24, 24.94, 27.30, 30.81, 33.92, 37.66, 40.29, 48.27 } }, { "df23", { 10.20, 11.29, 13.09, 14.85, 17.19, 19.02, 22.34, 26.02, 28.43, 32.01, 35.17, 38.97, 41.64, 49.73 } }, { "df24", { 10.86, 11.99, 13.85, 15.66, 18.06, 19.94, 23.34, 27.10, 29.55, 33.20, 36.42, 40.27, 42.98, 51.18 } }, { "df25", { 11.52, 12.70, 14.61, 16.47, 18.94, 20.87, 24.34, 28.17, 30.68, 34.38, 37.65, 41.57, 44.31, 52.62 } }, { "df26", { 12.20, 13.41, 15.38, 17.29, 19.82, 21.79, 25.34, 29.25, 31.80, 35.56, 38.88, 42.86, 45.64, 54.05 } }, { "df27", { 12.88, 14.12, 16.15, 18.11, 20.70, 22.72, 26.34, 30.32, 32.91, 36.74, 40.11, 44.14, 46.96, 55.48 } }, { "df28", { 13.56, 14.85, 16.93, 18.94, 21.59, 23.65, 27.34, 31.39, 34.03, 37.92, 41.34, 45.42, 48.28, 56.89 } }, { "df29", { 14.26, 15.57, 17.71, 19.77, 22.48, 24.58, 28.34, 32.46, 35.14, 39.09, 42.56, 46.69, 49.59, 58.30 } }, { "df30", { 14.95, 16.31, 18.49, 20.60, 23.36, 25.51, 29.34, 33.53, 36.25, 40.26, 43.77, 47.96, 50.89, 59.70 } } } }; /**********************************************************/ /* print to stdout the chi squared distribution table */ /**********************************************************/ void dump_X2_table(void) { int i,j; printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tX2 DISTRIBUTION TABLE\n\n"); printf("\t"); for (i=MIN_X2_PER;i (+%1.3f) or Z < (-%1.3f)\n","", Z2tail[GEN_Z_PER].z, Z2tail[GEN_Z_PER].z); printf("\n"); printf("%s Z = %1.3f\n","",Z_stat); printf("\n\n%s\t\tSUMMARY:\n\t\t-------\n\n",""); if (fabs(Z_stat) > Z2tail[GEN_Z_PER].z){ printf("\tThere is a significant difference between the test results\n"); printf("\tusing a %s confidence level.\n", Z2tail[GEN_Z_PER].str); printf("\n"); printf("\tFurther, the probablity of there being a difference is\n"); for (i=GEN_Z_PER;i>0;i--) if (fabs(Z_stat) < Z2tail[i-1].z) break; if (i==MAX_Z_PER) printf("\tgreater that %s.\n",Z2tail[0].str); else printf("\tbetween %s to %s.",Z2tail[i].str,Z2tail[i-1].str); return(TEST_DIFF); } else{ printf("\tThere is no significant difference between the test\n"); printf("\tresults using a %s confidence level.\n", Z2tail[GEN_Z_PER].str); printf("\n"); printf("\tFurther, the probablity of there being a difference is\n"); for (i=GEN_Z_PER;i Z2tail[i+1].z) break; if (i==MIN_Z_PER) printf("\tless than %s.\n",Z2tail[i].str); else printf("\tbetween %s to %s.",Z2tail[i+1].str,Z2tail[i].str); return(NO_DIFF); } } int Z_pass(double Z_stat) { if (fabs(Z_stat) > Z2tail[GEN_Z_PER].z) return(TEST_DIFF); else return(NO_DIFF); } /**********************************************************************/ /* calc_two_sample_z_test_double by Brett 5/10/93 */ /* a general routine to perform a two-sample z test on two lists */ /* of doubles */ /**********************************************************************/ void calc_two_sample_z_test_double(double *l1, double *l2, int num_l1, int num_l2, double *Z) { double mean_l1,var_l1,sd_l1,med_l1,Z_stat_l1; double mean_l2,var_l2,sd_l2,med_l2,Z_stat_l2; calc_mean_var_std_dev_Zstat_double(l1,num_l1,&mean_l1,&var_l1,&sd_l1, &med_l1,&Z_stat_l1); calc_mean_var_std_dev_Zstat_double(l2,num_l2,&mean_l2,&var_l2,&sd_l2, &med_l2,&Z_stat_l2); *Z=((mean_l1-mean_l2)/sqrt(((sd_l1*sd_l1)/(double)num_l1)+((sd_l2*sd_l2)/(double)num_l2))); /* print_Z_analysis(*Z);*/ } /******************************************************************/ /* Compute the accumulated binomial distribution for the given */ /* parameters. The Formula was taken from */ /* Statistics: Probability, Inference and Decision */ /* By Robert L. Winkler and William L. Hays, Page 206 */ /* */ /* / n \ r n-r */ /* P( R = r | n, p) = | | * p * q */ /* \ r / */ /* */ /* n = number of trials */ /* R = number of successes in 'n' trials */ /* p = Probability of success */ /* q = 1 - p */ /* */ /* Unfortunately, when n is large (> 50?) this algorithm runs */ /* out of precision. Instead, the binomial distribution can be */ /* approximated by the normal distribution, if np(1-p) > 5. */ /* [ "Statistics: Basic Techniques for Solving Applied Problems"*/ /* Stephen A. Book pps. 91-92] */ /******************************************************************/ double compute_acc_binomial(int R, int n, double p) { int r, dbg=0; double sum=0.0; /* printf("Binomial 7,5,0.5 = %f\n",(double)compute_acc_binomial(1,1,0.1));*/ if (n * p * (1.0 - p) <= 5.0){ for (r=0; r <= R; r++) { if (dbg) printf("Binomial [nCr(%d,%d) = %f] * ", n,r,n_CHOOSE_r(n,r)); if (dbg) printf("[pow(%5.3f,%2d) = %f]", p,r,pow(p,(double)r)); if (dbg) printf(" * [pow(%5.3f,%2d) = %f", p,n-r,pow(1.0-p,(double)(n-r))); sum += n_CHOOSE_r(n,r) * pow(p,(double)r) * pow(1.0-p,(double)(n-r)); if (dbg) printf("] = %f\n",sum); } } else { /* use the normal approximation */ double mean, stdev, zstat, flip; mean = n*p; stdev = sqrt(n*p*(1.0-p)); flip = (double)R * 0.5; zstat = (flip - mean) / stdev; sum = normprob((double)fabs(zstat)); if (zstat < 0.0) sum = 1.0 - sum; if (dbg) printf("Binomial Normal Approx. mean= %f stdev= %f flip= %f" " zstat= %f accdist= %f\n",mean,stdev,flip,zstat,sum); } return(sum); } /*******************************************************************/ /* Return the result of multipying all the numbers in the sequence*/ /* from f to to */ /*******************************************************************/ double seq_mult(int f, int t) { double sum=1.0; int i; for (i=f; i<=t; i++) sum *= i; return(sum); } /*******************************************************************/ /* return the result for the N choose R counting Function */ /*******************************************************************/ double n_CHOOSE_r(int n, int r) { return(seq_mult(r+1,n) / seq_mult(1,n-r)); } /*******************************************************************/ /* The following was lifted from Bill Fisher */ /* File normpr1.h */ /* Fnorm[i] is the cumulative standard normal */ /*probability of znorm[i]. Probabilities are */ /* from Winkler & Hays, pp. xiii. */ /* Expanded by JGF using the dataplot commands*/ /* let y = sequence 0 0.01 6 */ /* let x = norcdf (y) */ /* print y x */ /* to generate the extra points. */ /* #ifndef NORMPROB1_HEADER #define NORMPROB1_HEADER */ static int n_normp = 515; static double znorm[515] = {0.0000000E+00, 0.1000000E-01, 0.2000000E-01, 0.3000000E-01, 0.4000000E-01, 0.5000000E-01, 0.6000000E-01, 0.7000000E-01, 0.8000000E-01, 0.9000000E-01, 0.9999999E-01, 0.1100000E+00, 0.1200000E+00, 0.1300000E+00, 0.1400000E+00, 0.1500000E+00, 0.1600000E+00, 0.1700000E+00, 0.1800000E+00, 0.1900000E+00, 0.2000000E+00, 0.2100000E+00, 0.2200000E+00, 0.2300000E+00, 0.2400000E+00, 0.2500000E+00, 0.2600000E+00, 0.2700000E+00, 0.2800000E+00, 0.2900000E+00, 0.3000000E+00, 0.3100000E+00, 0.3200000E+00, 0.3300000E+00, 0.3400000E+00, 0.3500000E+00, 0.3600000E+00, 0.3700000E+00, 0.3800000E+00, 0.3900000E+00, 0.4000000E+00, 0.4100000E+00, 0.4200000E+00, 0.4300000E+00, 0.4400000E+00, 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/************************************************/ /* double normprob(z) */ /* Returns an approximation to the cumulative */ /* standard normal probability of z. The value */ /* is found by table look-up; when z lies */ /* between two table values, the lower one is */ /* returned, as a conservative approximation. */ /* If z is higher than any value in the table, */ /* the highest tabulated value is returned. */ /* */ /************************************************/ double normprob(double z) {int i, ix=0; double zx, p; boolean found; if (z < 0.0) zx = -z; else zx = z; found = F; for (i=1; (i < n_normp)&&(!found); i++) {if (zx < znorm[i]) {ix = i - 1; found = T;} if (zx == znorm[i]){ix = i; found = T;} } if (!found) p = Fnorm[n_normp-1]; else p = Fnorm[ix]; return p; }