971024_4615_4220-a-0005 15.047205 21.693211 A: i have a hard time believing in ~UFO's i guess until i actually see it with my own eyes i'll just you [laughter] know 971024_4615_4220-b-0004 4.282622 10.184882 B: so what do you think about ah ~UFO's and other paranormal activity sw_40510-b-0013 75.772244 77.653222 B: sort of like UFO's ~BUT sw_40510-b-0013 85.772244 87.653222 B: sort ((%um like )) yeah (( that %um)) sw_40510-b-0013 85.772244 87.653222 B: sort (((%um) like)) yeah ((that (%um) like)) ((that (%um)))