# Whenever make is run in this directory, call ./get_version.sh as the # first thing. This script regenereates ./version.h if necessary, e.g. # if it does not already exist or if the version number has changed. LOG := $(shell ./get_version.sh; echo " $$?") ifneq ($(strip $(LOG)), 0) RC := $(lastword $(LOG)) OUT := $(wordlist 1,$(shell echo $$(($(words $(LOG))-1))),$(LOG)) ifeq ($(RC),0) $(info $(OUT)) else $(error $(OUT)) endif endif all: include ../kaldi.mk TESTFILES = kaldi-math-test io-funcs-test kaldi-error-test timer-test OBJFILES = kaldi-math.o kaldi-error.o io-funcs.o kaldi-utils.o timer.o LIBNAME = kaldi-base ADDLIBS = include ../makefiles/default_rules.mk