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# # -------------------------------------------------------- # LIA_PHON : Un systeme complet de phonetisation de textes # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2001 FREDERIC BECHET # # .................................................................. # # This file is part of LIA_PHON # # LIA_PHON is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # .................................................................. # # Pour toute publication utilisant tout ou partie de LIA_PHON, la # reference suivante doit etre inseree dans la bibliographie : # # Bechet F., 2001, "LIA_PHON - Un systeme complet de phonetisation # de textes", revue Traitement Automatique des Langues (T.A.L.) # volume 42, numero 1/2001, edition Hermes # .................................................................. # # Contact : # FREDERIC BECHET - LIA - UNIVERSITE D'AVIGNON # AGROPARC BP1228 84911 AVIGNON CEDEX 09 FRANCE # # .................................................................. # /* Regles de postprocession des phonetiques */ /* Warning !! il faut faire des reecriture uniquement avec le meme */ /* nombre de caractere, cela est du a l'accolage des phonemes suiv et prec */ regle(1,<l,"kkzz",l>,"ggzz","","eikkzzaakktt") /* Les ii qui restent ii */ regle(2,<"||rr","ii",V>,"ii","","rriion") regle(2,<C.C,"ii",V>,"ii","","pprriion") /* Les ii qui se transforment en yy */ regle(2,<V,"ii",V>,"yy","","aaiion") regle(2,<C,"ii",V>,"yy","","lliieu") regle(4,<C.C,"iiai",l>,"yyai"," ","lliiai") regle(4,<C.C,"iiei",l>,"yyei"," ","bombardier") regle(6,<C.C,"iiin",l>,"yyin"," ","lliiin") regle(6,<"||".C,"iiin",l>,"yyin"," ","rriiin") regle(6,<C.C,"iioe",l>,"yyoe"," ","ingénieur") regle(6,<C.C,"iiEU",l>,"yyeu"," ","Montesquieu") # regle(2,<l,"iiei",l>,"yyei","","ppiiei") #regle(3,<C.C.C,"iiai",l>,"iiai","","lliiai") #regle(4,<l,"iiai",l>,"yyai","","lliiai") #regle(6,<l,"iiin",l>,"yyin","","lliiin") #regle(6,<l,"iioe",l>,"yyoe","","ingénieur") /* On transforme tous les II en ii */ regle(8,<l,"II",l>,"ii","","LIA") /* On transforme tous les eu en ee */ regle(8,<l,"eu",l>,"ee","","BRUTAL") regle(6,<l,"EU",l>,"eu","","on remet les eu") #regle(7,<V.C,"eu",C.V>,"ee","","mmouvveumman - un eu entre 2 voye") #regle(8,<V.C,"eu",C.W.V>,"ee","","gibecière - un eu entre 2 voye") #regle(9,<V.C.W,"eu",C.V>,"ee","","???? - un eu entre 2 voye") #regle(10,<V."||".C,"eu",C.V>,"ee","","que||cela") #regle(11,<V."||".C,"eu","||".C.V>,"ee","","cela||que||maintenant") /* Insertion de emuet entre les mots */ regle(12,<D,"||",l>,"ee","","apres double generatrice") #regle(12,<L,"||",P>,"ee","","entre liquide et occl sourde") #regle(12,<L,"||",B>,"ee","","entre liquide et occl sonore") #regle(12,<L,"||",F>,"ee","","entre liquide et fricative sourde") #regle(12,<R,"||",B>,"ee","","entre RR et occl sonore") /* C'est tout pour le moment */ |