----------- VERSION 1.2 ----------- - VERSION 1.2 - date: April 2003 * bug fixed (April 2004): - the phonetization of a single '0' was doubled (zero zero). This is now fixed. * new function - script/lia_lex2phon_variante: phonetization of a lexicon according to all the Part-Of-Speech found in the lexicon $LIA_PHON_LEX or lex10k if not defined AND generation of pronunciation variant according to a set of rules contained in the file: data/rule_variante_lex.pro - VERSION 1.1 - date: January 2003 * bug fixed: - all 'main' function end with an 'exit(0)' - the script 'lia_check' is done on the 'pho' format and not the 'ola' one * modif: - now, the lexicon used can be specified in a envt variable: LIA_PHON_LEX for example: set LIA_PHON_LEX = lex10k If this variable is not defined, the default lexicon, lex10k, is used - all the scripts starts now with "#!/bin/csh" * new function - script/lia_lex2phon: phonetization of a lexicon according to all the Part-Of-Speech found in the lexicon $LIA_PHON_LEX or lex10k if not defined * new data - a lexicon with more than 80k words is part of the distribution. This lexicon is useful for the POS tagging programs and for the phonetization of a lexicon. But just for text-to-speech purpose, it's better to use only the default lex10k lexicon. To use this lexicon, compile it first with the command: make lex80k Then, modify the envt variable 'LIA_PHON_LEX' as: setenv LIA_PHON_LEX lex80k