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#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2012-2013 Karel Vesely, Daniel Povey # Apache 2.0. # Create denominator lattices for MMI/MPE/sMBR training. # Creates its output in $dir/lat.*.ark,$dir/lat.scp # The lattices are uncompressed, we need random access for DNN training. # Begin configuration section. nj=4 sub_split=1 beam=13.0 lattice_beam=7.0 acwt=0.1 max_active=5000 nnet= max_mem=20000000 # This will stop the processes getting too large. # This is in bytes, but not "real" bytes-- you have to multiply # by something like 5 or 10 to get real bytes (not sure why so large) # End configuration section. use_gpu_id=-1 # disable gpu parallel_opts="-pe smp 2" echo "$0 $@" # Print the command line for logging [ -f ./ ] && . ./; # source the path. . || exit 1; if [ $# != 4 ]; then echo "Usage: steps/$0 [options] <data-dir> <lang-dir> <src-dir> <exp-dir>" echo " e.g.: steps/$0 data/train data/lang exp/tri1 exp/tri1_denlats" echo "Works for plain features (or CMN, delta), forwarded through feature-transform." echo "" echo "Main options (for others, see top of script file)" echo " --config <config-file> # config containing options" echo " --nj <nj> # number of parallel jobs" echo " --cmd (utils/|utils/ <queue opts>) # how to run jobs." echo " --sub-split <n-split> # e.g. 40; use this for " echo " # large databases so your jobs will be smaller and" echo " # will (individually) finish reasonably soon." exit 1; fi data=$1 lang=$2 srcdir=$3 dir=$4 sdata=$data/split$nj splice_opts=`cat $srcdir/splice_opts 2>/dev/null` mkdir -p $dir/log [[ -d $sdata && $data/feats.scp -ot $sdata ]] || $data $nj || exit 1; echo $nj > $dir/num_jobs oov=`cat $lang/` || exit 1; mkdir -p $dir cp -r $lang $dir/ # Compute grammar FST which corresponds to unigram decoding graph. new_lang="$dir/"$(basename "$lang") echo "Making unigram grammar FST in $new_lang" cat $data/text | utils/ --map-oov $oov -f 2- $lang/words.txt | \ awk '{for(n=2;n<=NF;n++){ printf("%s ", $n); } printf(" "); }' | \ utils/ | fstcompile > $new_lang/G.fst \ || exit 1; # expects a whole directory "lang", so put everything in one directory... # it gets L_disambig.fst and G.fst (among other things) from $dir/lang, and # final.mdl from $srcdir; the output HCLG.fst goes in $dir/graph. echo "Compiling decoding graph in $dir/dengraph" if [ -s $dir/dengraph/HCLG.fst ] && [ $dir/dengraph/HCLG.fst -nt $srcdir/final.mdl ]; then echo "Graph $dir/dengraph/HCLG.fst already exists: skipping graph creation." else utils/ $new_lang $srcdir $dir/dengraph || exit 1; fi #Get the files we will need cp $srcdir/{tree,final.mdl} $dir [ -z "$nnet" ] && nnet=$srcdir/final.nnet; [ ! -f "$nnet" ] && echo "Error nnet '$nnet' does not exist!" && exit 1; class_frame_counts=$srcdir/ali_train_pdf.counts [ -z "$class_frame_counts" ] && echo "Error class_frame_counts '$class_frame_counts' does not exist!" && exit 1; feature_transform=$srcdir/final.feature_transform if [ ! -f $feature_transform ]; then echo "Missing feature_transform '$feature_transform'" exit 1 fi model=$dir/final.mdl [ -z "$model" ] && echo "Error transition model '$model' does not exist!" && exit 1; ### ### Prepare feature pipeline (same as for decoding) ### # Create the feature stream: feats="ark,s,cs:copy-feats scp:$sdata/JOB/feats.scp ark:- |" # Optionally add cmvn if [ -f $srcdir/norm_vars ]; then norm_vars=$(cat $srcdir/norm_vars 2>/dev/null) [ ! -f $sdata/1/cmvn.scp ] && echo "$0: cannot find cmvn stats $sdata/1/cmvn.scp" && exit 1 feats="$feats apply-cmvn --norm-vars=$norm_vars --utt2spk=ark:$sdata/JOB/utt2spk scp:$sdata/JOB/cmvn.scp ark:- ark:- |" fi # Optionally add deltas if [ -f $srcdir/delta_order ]; then delta_order=$(cat $srcdir/delta_order) feats="$feats add-deltas --delta-order=$delta_order ark:- ark:- |" fi # Finally add feature_transform and the MLP feats="$feats nnet-forward --feature-transform=$feature_transform --no-softmax=true --class-frame-counts=$class_frame_counts --use-gpu-id=$use_gpu_id $nnet ark:- ark:- |" ### ### ### ### ### We will produce lattices, where the correct path is not necessarily present ### #1) We don't use reference path here... echo "Generating the denlats" #2) Generate the denominator lattices if [ $sub_split -eq 1 ]; then $cmd $parallel_opts JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/decode_den.JOB.log \ latgen-faster-mapped --beam=$beam --lattice-beam=$lattice_beam --acoustic-scale=$acwt \ --max-mem=$max_mem --max-active=$max_active --word-symbol-table=$lang/words.txt $srcdir/final.mdl \ $dir/dengraph/HCLG.fst "$feats" "ark,scp:$dir/lat.JOB.ark,$dir/lat.JOB.scp" || exit 1; else for n in `seq $nj`; do if [ -f $dir/.done.$n ] && [ $dir/.done.$n -nt $alidir/final.mdl ]; then echo "Not processing subset $n as already done (delete $dir/.done.$n if not)"; else sdata2=$data/split$nj/$n/split$sub_split; if [ ! -d $sdata2 ] || [ $sdata2 -ot $sdata/$n/feats.scp ]; then --per-utt $sdata/$n $sub_split || exit 1; fi mkdir -p $dir/log/$n mkdir -p $dir/part feats_subset=$(echo $feats | sed s:JOB/:$n/split$sub_split/JOB/:g) $cmd $parallel_opts JOB=1:$sub_split $dir/log/$n/decode_den.JOB.log \ latgen-faster-mapped --beam=$beam --lattice-beam=$lattice_beam --acoustic-scale=$acwt \ --max-mem=$max_mem --max-active=$max_active --word-symbol-table=$lang/words.txt $srcdir/final.mdl \ $dir/dengraph/HCLG.fst "$feats_subset" "ark,scp:$dir/lat.$n.JOB.ark,$dir/lat.$n.JOB.scp" || exit 1; echo Merging lists for data subset $n for k in `seq $sub_split`; do cat $dir/lat.$n.$k.scp done > $dir/lat.$n.all.scp echo Merge the ark $n lattice-copy scp:$dir/lat.$n.all.scp ark,scp:$dir/lat.$n.ark,$dir/lat.$n.scp || exit 1; #remove the data rm $dir/lat.$n.*.ark $dir/lat.$n.*.scp $dir/lat.$n.all.scp touch $dir/.done.$n fi done fi #3) Merge the SCPs to create full list of lattices (will use random access) echo Merging to single list $dir/lat.scp for ((n=1; n<=nj; n++)); do cat $dir/lat.$n.scp done > $dir/lat.scp echo "$0: done generating denominator lattices." |