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#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2013 Korbinian Riedhammer # Convert a kaldi-lattice and convert it to HTK SLF format; if given an output # directory, each lattice will be put in an individual gzipped file. use utf8; binmode(STDIN, ":encoding(utf8)"); binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)"); # defaults $framerate=0.01; $lmscale=1.0; $acscale=1.0; $wdpenalty=0.0; if (@ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 2) { print STDERR "Convert kaldi lattices to HTK SLF (v1.1) format. "; print STDERR "Usage: [options] lat-file.txt [out-dir] "; print STDERR " e.g. lattice-word-align 'ark:gunzip -c lat.gz |' ark,t:- | $0 - slf/ "; print STDERR "Options regarding the SLF output: --lmscale x LM weight (default: lmscale=$lmscale) --acscale x Acoustic weight (default: acscale=$acscale) --wdpenalty x Word insertion penalty (default: $wdpenalty) --framerate x Frame rate to compute timing information (default: $framerate) "; exit 1; } while (@ARGV gt 0 and $ARGV[0] =~ m/^--/) { $param = shift @ARGV; if ($param eq "--lmscale") { $lmscale = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($param eq "--acscale") { $acscale = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($param eq "--wdpenalty") { $wdpenalty = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($param eq "--framerate") { $framerate = shift @ARGV; } else { print STDERR "Unknown option $param "; exit 1; } } $outdir = ""; if (@ARGV == 2) { $outdir = pop @ARGV; unless (-d $outdir) { print STDERR "Could not find directory $outdir "; exit 1; } } $utt = ""; @links = (); %nodes = (); %trace = (); if ($outdir eq "") { open(FH, ">-") or die "Could not write to stdout (???) "; } open (FI, $ARGV[0]) or die "Could not read from file "; binmode(FI, ":encoding(utf8)"); while(<FI>) { chomp; @A = split /\s+/; if (@A == 1 and $utt eq "") { # new lattice $utt = $A[0]; $nodes{0} = 0.0; $trace{0} = 0; } elsif (@A == 1) { # do nothing with an accepting state } elsif (@A == 4) { # FSA arc ($s, $e, $w, $info) = @A; ($gs, $as, $ss) = split(/,/, $info); # kaldi saves -log, but HTK does it the other way round $gs *= -1; $as *= -1; # the state sequence is something like 1_2_4_56_45 so we remove all digits and count the _+1 $ss =~ s/[0-9]*//g; $ss = 1 + length $ss; # we need the trace to compute the time segment $trace{$e} = $s; $nodes{$e} = $nodes{$s} + $ss * $framerate unless defined $nodes{$e}; # no not overwrite timing push @links, "S=$s\tE=$e\tW=$w\tv=0\ta=$as\tl=$gs"; } elsif (@A == 0) { # print out the lattice; open file handle first unless ($outdir eq "") { open(FH, "|-", "gzip -c > $outdir/$") or die "Could not write to $outdir/$ "; binmode(FH, ":encoding(utf8)"); } # header print FH "VERSION=1.1 "; print FH "UTTERANCE=$utt "; print FH "lmscale=$lmscale "; print FH "acscale=$acscale "; print FH "N=".(keys %nodes)."\tL=".(@links)." "; # nodes for $n (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %nodes) { printf FH "I=%d\tt=%.2f ", $n, $nodes{$n}; } # links/arks for $i (0 .. $#links) { print FH "J=$i\t".$links[$i]." "; } print FH " "; # close handle if it was a file close(FH) unless ($outdir eq ""); # clear data $utt = ""; @links = (); %nodes = (); %trace = (); } } if ($utt != "") { print STDERR "Last lattice was not printed as it might be incomplete? Missing empty line? "; } |