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#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2012 Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey) # Korbinian Riedhammer # Apache 2.0. # This is a vanilla tandem system where the first stream is just extended with # delta+deltadeltas, in contrast to the script, where the # temoporal context of the first stream is modeled via HLDA # Begin configuration. config= stage=-5 scale_opts="--transition-scale=1.0 --acoustic-scale=0.1 --self-loop-scale=0.1" realign_iters="10 20 30"; mllt_iters="2 4 6 12"; num_iters=35 # Number of iterations of training max_iter_inc=25 # Last iter to increase #Gauss on. beam=10 retry_beam=40 boost_silence=1.0 # Factor by which to boost silence likelihoods in alignment power=0.2 # Exponent for number of gaussians according to occurrence counts randprune=4.0 # This is approximately the ratio by which we will speed up the # LDA and MLLT calculations via randomized pruning. cluster_thresh=-1 # for build-tree control final bottom-up clustering of leaves # apply CMVN to the second feature stream? normft2=true # Do additional LDA after pasting the features dim2=40 extra_lda=false # End configuration. echo "$0 $@" # Print the command line for logging [ -f ] && . ./ . || exit 1; if [ $# != 7 ]; then echo "Usage: steps/tandem/ [options] <#leaves> <#gauss> <data1> <data2> <lang> <alignments> <dir>" echo " e.g.: steps/tandem/ 2500 15000 {mfcc,bottleneck}/data/train_si84 data/lang exp/tri1_ali_si84 exp/tri2b" echo "Main options (for others, see top of script file)" echo " --cmd (utils/|utils/ <queue opts>) # how to run jobs." echo " --config <config-file> # config containing options" echo " --stage <stage> # stage to do partial re-run from." echo " --normft2 (true|false) # apply CMVN to second data set (true)" echo " --extra-lda (true|false) # apply extra LDA after feature paste (false)" echo " --dim2 <n> # dimension of the pasted features after 2nd HLDA" exit 1; fi numleaves=$1 totgauss=$2 data1=$3 data2=$4 lang=$5 alidir=$6 dir=$7 for f in $alidir/final.mdl $alidir/ali.1.gz $data1/feats.scp $data2/feats.scp $lang/phones.txt; do [ ! -f $f ] && echo " no such file $f" && exit 1; done numgauss=$numleaves incgauss=$[($totgauss-$numgauss)/$max_iter_inc] # per-iter #gauss increment oov=`cat $lang/` || exit 1; nj=`cat $alidir/num_jobs` || exit 1; silphonelist=`cat $lang/phones/silence.csl` || exit 1; ciphonelist=`cat $lang/phones/context_indep.csl` || exit 1; mkdir -p $dir/log echo $nj >$dir/num_jobs # Set up features. sdata1=$data1/split$nj; sdata2=$data2/split$nj; [[ -d $sdata1 && $data1/feats.scp -ot $sdata1 ]] || $data1 $nj || exit 1; [[ -d $sdata2 && $data2/feats.scp -ot $sdata2 ]] || $data2 $nj || exit 1; # set up feature stream 1; here we assume spectral features which we will # splice instead of deltas feats1="ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --norm-vars=false --utt2spk=ark:$sdata1/JOB/utt2spk scp:$sdata1/JOB/cmvn.scp scp:$sdata1/JOB/feats.scp ark:- | add-deltas ark:- ark:- |" # set up feature stream 2; this are usually bottleneck or posterior features, # which may be normalized if desired feats2="scp:$sdata2/JOB/feats.scp" if [ "$normft2" == "true" ]; then feats2="ark,s,cs:apply-cmvn --norm-vars=false --utt2spk=ark:$sdata2/JOB/utt2spk scp:$sdata2/JOB/cmvn.scp $feats2 ark:- |" fi # assemble tandem features; note: $feats gets overwritten later in the script # once we have MLLT matrices tandemfeats="ark,s,cs:paste-feats '$feats1' '$feats2' ark:- |" feats="$tandemfeats" # keep track of splicing/normalization options echo $feats > $dir/tandem echo $normft2 > $dir/normft2 # Begin training; initially, we have no MLLT matrix cur_mllt_iter=0 if [ $stage -le -4 -a $extra_lda == true ]; then echo "Accumulating LDA statistics (for tandem features this time)." $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/lda_acc.JOB.log \ ali-to-post "ark:gunzip -c $alidir/ali.JOB.gz|" ark:- \| \ weight-silence-post 0.0 $silphonelist $alidir/final.mdl ark:- ark:- \| \ acc-lda --rand-prune=$randprune $alidir/final.mdl "$tandemfeats" ark,s,cs:- \ $dir/lda.JOB.acc || exit 1; est-lda --write-full-matrix=$dir/full.mat --dim=$dim2 $dir/0.mat $dir/lda.*.acc \ 2>$dir/log/lda_est.log || exit 1; rm $dir/lda.*.acc feats="$tandemfeats transform-feats $dir/0.mat ark:- ark:- |" fi if [ $stage -le -3 ]; then echo "Accumulating tree stats" $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/acc_tree.JOB.log \ acc-tree-stats --ci-phones=$ciphonelist $alidir/final.mdl "$feats" \ "ark:gunzip -c $alidir/ali.JOB.gz|" $dir/JOB.treeacc || exit 1; [ `ls $dir/*.treeacc | wc -w` -ne "$nj" ] && echo "Wrong #tree-accs" && exit 1; $cmd $dir/log/sum_tree_acc.log \ sum-tree-stats $dir/treeacc $dir/*.treeacc || exit 1; rm $dir/*.treeacc fi if [ $stage -le -2 ]; then echo "Getting questions for tree clustering." # preparing questions, roots file... cluster-phones $dir/treeacc $lang/phones/ $dir/ 2> $dir/log/questions.log || exit 1; cat $lang/phones/ >> $dir/ compile-questions $lang/topo $dir/ $dir/questions.qst 2>$dir/log/compile_questions.log || exit 1; echo "Building the tree" $cmd $dir/log/build_tree.log \ build-tree --verbose=1 --max-leaves=$numleaves \ --cluster-thresh=$cluster_thresh $dir/treeacc $lang/phones/ \ $dir/questions.qst $lang/topo $dir/tree || exit 1; gmm-init-model --write-occs=$dir/1.occs \ $dir/tree $dir/treeacc $lang/topo $dir/1.mdl 2> $dir/log/init_model.log || exit 1; grep 'no stats' $dir/log/init_model.log && echo "This is a bad warning."; # could mix up if we wanted: # gmm-mixup --mix-up=$numgauss $dir/1.mdl $dir/1.occs $dir/1.mdl 2>$dir/log/mixup.log || exit 1; rm $dir/treeacc fi if [ $stage -le -1 ]; then # Convert the alignments. echo "Converting alignments from $alidir to use current tree" $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/convert.JOB.log \ convert-ali $alidir/final.mdl $dir/1.mdl $dir/tree \ "ark:gunzip -c $alidir/ali.JOB.gz|" "ark:|gzip -c >$dir/ali.JOB.gz" || exit 1; fi if [ $stage -le 0 ]; then echo "Compiling graphs of transcripts" $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/compile_graphs.JOB.log \ compile-train-graphs $dir/tree $dir/1.mdl $lang/L.fst \ "ark:utils/ --map-oov $oov -f 2- $lang/words.txt < $data1/split$nj/JOB/text |" \ "ark:|gzip -c >$dir/fsts.JOB.gz" || exit 1; fi x=1 while [ $x -lt $num_iters ]; do echo Training pass $x if echo $realign_iters | grep -w $x >/dev/null && [ $stage -le $x ]; then echo Aligning data mdl="gmm-boost-silence --boost=$boost_silence `cat $lang/phones/optional_silence.csl` $dir/$x.mdl - |" $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/align.$x.JOB.log \ gmm-align-compiled $scale_opts --beam=$beam --retry-beam=$retry_beam "$mdl" \ "ark:gunzip -c $dir/fsts.JOB.gz|" "$feats" \ "ark:|gzip -c >$dir/ali.JOB.gz" || exit 1; fi if echo $mllt_iters | grep -w $x >/dev/null; then if [ $stage -le $x ]; then echo "Estimating MLLT" $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/macc.$x.JOB.log \ ali-to-post "ark:gunzip -c $dir/ali.JOB.gz|" ark:- \| \ weight-silence-post 0.0 $silphonelist $dir/$x.mdl ark:- ark:- \| \ gmm-acc-mllt --rand-prune=$randprune $dir/$x.mdl "$feats" ark:- $dir/$x.JOB.macc \ || exit 1; est-mllt $dir/$ $dir/$x.*.macc 2> $dir/log/mupdate.$x.log || exit 1; gmm-transform-means $dir/$ $dir/$x.mdl $dir/$x.mdl \ 2> $dir/log/transform_means.$x.log || exit 1; # see if this is the first MLLT iteration and there is no lda; otherwise compose transforms if [ $cur_mllt_iter == 0 -a $extra_lda == false ]; then mv $dir/$ $dir/$x.mat || exit 1; else compose-transforms --print-args=false $dir/$ $dir/$cur_mllt_iter.mat $dir/$x.mat || exit 1; fi rm $dir/$x.*.macc fi # update features feats="$tandemfeats transform-feats $dir/$x.mat ark:- ark:- |" cur_mllt_iter=$x fi if [ $stage -le $x ]; then $cmd JOB=1:$nj $dir/log/acc.$x.JOB.log \ gmm-acc-stats-ali $dir/$x.mdl "$feats" \ "ark,s,cs:gunzip -c $dir/ali.JOB.gz|" $dir/$x.JOB.acc || exit 1; $cmd $dir/log/update.$x.log \ gmm-est --write-occs=$dir/$[$x+1].occs --mix-up=$numgauss --power=$power \ $dir/$x.mdl "gmm-sum-accs - $dir/$x.*.acc |" $dir/$[$x+1].mdl || exit 1; rm $dir/$x.mdl $dir/$x.*.acc $dir/$x.occs fi [ $x -le $max_iter_inc ] && numgauss=$[$numgauss+$incgauss]; x=$[$x+1]; done rm $dir/final.{mdl,mat,occs} 2>/dev/null ln -s $x.mdl $dir/final.mdl ln -s $x.occs $dir/final.occs ln -s $cur_mllt_iter.mat $dir/final.mat # Summarize warning messages... utils/ $dir/log echo Done training system with LDA+MLLT tandem features in $dir |