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#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright 2012 Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey) # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, # MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. # See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # These options can be useful if we want to splice the input # features across time. $input_left_context = 0; $input_right_context = 0; $param_stddev_factor = 1.0; # can be used to adjust initial variance # of parameters. $initial_num_hidden_layers = -1; # if >= 0, the number of hidden layers # the model should start with, which may be less than the final number # (the final number is used to calculate the #neurons). $single_layer_config = ""; # a file to which we'll output a config corresponding # to a single layer; we'll later use this to add layers to the neural # network. $bias_stddev = 2.0; # Standard deviation for random initialization of the # bias terms (mean is zero). $splice_max_context = 0; # Relates to SpliceMaxComponent (experimental feature) $learning_rate = 0.001; $max_change = 0.0; $nonlinear_component_type = "Tanh"; $alpha = 4.0; $l2_penalty_opt = ""; # Option for AffineComponentPreconditioned layer. $tree_map = ""; # If supplied, a text file that maps from l2 to l1 tree nodes (output # by build-tree-two-level). Used for initializing mixture-prob component. $splice_context = 0; $dropout_scale = -1.0; # if not -1.0, scale for "lower" part of # dropout scale, typically 0 <= dropout_scale < 1. $additive_noise_stddev = 0.0; # I didn't find this helpful either. $lda_dim = 0; $expand_power = 1; $expand_scale = 1.0; $lda_mat = ""; for ($x = 1; $x < 10; $x++) { if ($ARGV[0] eq "--input-left-context") { $input_left_context = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--l2-penalty") { my $l2_penalty = $ARGV[1]; $l2_penalty_opt = "l2-penalty=$l2_penalty"; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--dropout-scale") { $dropout_scale = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--expand-power") { $expand_power = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--expand-scale") { $expand_scale = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--max-change") { $max_change = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--additive-noise-stddev") { $additive_noise_stddev = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--nonlinear-component-type") { $nonlinear_component_type = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--lda-mat") { $splice_context = $ARGV[1]; $lda_dim = $ARGV[2]; $lda_mat = $ARGV[3]; shift; shift; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--input-right-context") { $input_right_context = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--param-stddev-factor") { $param_stddev_factor = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--bias-stddev") { $bias_stddev = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--alpha") { $alpha = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--splice-max-context") { $splice_max_context = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--learning-rate") { $learning_rate = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--initial-num-hidden-layers") { $initial_num_hidden_layers = $ARGV[1]; $single_layer_config = $ARGV[2]; shift; shift; shift; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--tree-map") { # Note: this was for an idea that # didn't end up working for me; it relates to SCTM-like systems. $tree_map = $ARGV[1]; shift; shift; } } if (@ARGV != 4) { print STDERR "Usage: [options] <feat-dim> <num-leaves> <num-hidden-layers> <num-parameters> >config-file Options: --input-left-context <n> # #frames of left context for input features; default 0 (this separate from pre-LDA splicing). --input-right-context <n> # #frames of right context for input features; default 0 (this separate from pre-LDA splicing). --param-stdddev-factor <f> # Factor which can be used to modify the standard deviation of # randomly nitialized features (default, 1. Gets multiplied by # 1/sqrt of number of inputs). --initial-num-hidden-layers <n> <config-file> # If >0, number of hidden layers to initialize the network with. # In this case, the positional parameter <num-hidden-layers> is only # used to work out the number of units per hidden layer (based on # parameter count), and we write to <config-file> the config corresponding # to a single hidden layer. --alpha <f> # Factor (default 0.1) which affects the preconditioning. 0 < alpha <= 1; # smaller means more aggressive preconditioning / less smoothing of the Fisher # matrix. --learning-rate <f> # Initial learning rate, default 0.001 --lda-mat <splice-width> <lda-dimension> <lda-matrix-filename> # Allows the user to specify splice-and-lda # with a given transformation, as a fixed component in the network. E.g. # splice-width of 4 represents context of +- 4 frames. Here, lda-dimension is # the output dimension of LDA, which must be the same as in the file. "; exit(1); } ($feat_dim, $num_leaves, $num_hidden_layers, $num_params) = @ARGV; ($input_left_context < 0) && die "Invalid input left context $input_left_context"; ($input_right_context < 0) && die "Invalid input right context $input_right_context"; ($feat_dim <= 0) && die "Invalid feature dimension $feat_dim"; ($num_leaves <= 0) && die "Invalid number of leaves $num_leaves"; ($num_hidden_layers <= 0) && die "Invalid number of hidden layers $num_hidden_layers"; if ($initial_num_hidden_layers < 0) { $initial_num_hidden_layers = $num_hidden_layers; } if ($initial_num_hidden_layers > $num_hidden_layers) { print STDERR "Initial number of hidden layers is more than #hidden layers. " . "This does not really make sense but continuing anyway."; } $context_size = 1 + $input_left_context + $input_right_context; ($num_params < ($num_leaves + ($feat_dim * $context_size) + $num_hidden_layers + 1)) && die "Invalid number of params $num_params"; ## num_params = hidden_layer_size^2 * (num_hidden_layers-1) ## + hidden_layer_size * (num_leaves + feat_dim * context_size * expand_power) ## solve for hidden_layer_size = x. ## a x^2 + b + c, with ## a = num_hidden_layers - 1 ## b = num_leaves + feat_dim * context_size ## c = -num_params $a = $num_hidden_layers - 1; $b = $num_leaves + $feat_dim * $context_size * $expand_power; $c = -$num_params; if ($a > 0) { $hidden_layer_size = int((-$b + sqrt($b*$b - 4*$a*$c)) / (2*$a)); } else { $hidden_layer_size = int(-$c/$b); } $actual_num_params = $hidden_layer_size * $hidden_layer_size * ($num_hidden_layers - 1) + $hidden_layer_size * ($num_leaves + $feat_dim * $context_size * $expand_power); if (abs($actual_num_params - $num_params) > 0.1 * $num_params) { print STDERR "Warning: possible failure $actual_num_params != $num_params"; } if ($splice_context > 0) { # --lda-mat <splice-context> <lda-matrix> was specified... print "SpliceComponent input-dim=$feat_dim left-context=$splice_context right-context=$splice_context "; print "FixedLinearComponent matrix=$lda_mat "; # specify the filename. $feat_dim = $lda_dim; # This is now the input dimension. } if ($splice_max_context > 0) { print "SpliceMaxComponent dim=$feat_dim left-context=$splice_max_context right-context=$splice_max_context "; } if ($input_left_context + $input_right_context != 0) { # First component has to be splicing component... # Note: we might be interested in decorrelating this e.g. with # DCT layer at some point, but for now, splicing isn't seeming to be # that useful. print "SpliceComponent input-dim=$feat_dim left-context=$input_left_context right-context=$input_right_context "; } $cur_input_dim = $feat_dim * (1 + $input_left_context + $input_right_context); if ($expand_power > 1) { print "PowerExpandComponent input-dim=$cur_input_dim max-power=$expand_power higher-power-scale=$expand_scale "; $cur_input_dim *= $expand_power; } for ($hidden_layer = 0; $hidden_layer < $initial_num_hidden_layers; $hidden_layer++) { $param_stddev = $param_stddev_factor * 1.0 / sqrt($cur_input_dim); print "AffineComponentPreconditioned input-dim=$cur_input_dim output-dim=$hidden_layer_size alpha=$alpha max-change=$max_change " . "$l2_penalty_opt learning-rate=$learning_rate param-stddev=$param_stddev bias-stddev=$bias_stddev "; $cur_input_dim = $hidden_layer_size; print "${nonlinear_component_type}Component dim=$cur_input_dim "; if ($dropout_scale != -1.0) { print "DropoutComponent dim=$cur_input_dim dropout-scale=$dropout_scale "; } if ($additive_noise_stddev != 0.0) { print "AdditiveNoiseComponent dim=$cur_input_dim stddev=$additive_noise_stddev "; } } if ($single_layer_config ne "") { # Create a config file we'll use to add new hidden layers. open(F, ">$single_layer_config") || die "Error opening $single_layer_config for output"; $param_stddev = $param_stddev_factor * 1.0 / sqrt($hidden_layer_size); print F "AffineComponentPreconditioned input-dim=$hidden_layer_size output-dim=$hidden_layer_size alpha=$alpha max-change=$max_change " . "$l2_penalty_opt learning-rate=$learning_rate param-stddev=$param_stddev bias-stddev=$bias_stddev "; print F "${nonlinear_component_type}Component dim=$hidden_layer_size "; if ($dropout_scale != -1.0) { print F "DropoutComponent dim=$cur_input_dim dropout-scale=$dropout_scale "; } if ($additive_noise_stddev != 0.0) { print F "AdditiveNoiseComponent dim=$cur_input_dim stddev=$additive_noise_stddev "; } close (F) || die "Closing config file"; } ## Now the output layer. print "AffineComponentPreconditioned input-dim=$cur_input_dim output-dim=$num_leaves alpha=$alpha max-change=$max_change " . "$l2_penalty_opt learning-rate=$learning_rate param-stddev=0 bias-stddev=0 "; # we just set the parameters to zero for this layer. ## the softmax nonlinearity. print "SoftmaxComponent dim=$num_leaves "; if ($tree_map ne "") { # Create a MixtureProbComponent at the end, that shares "Gaussians" # among leaves that share the same level-1 tree index. open(F, "<$tree_map") || die "opening tree map file $tree_map"; $map = <F>; close(F); $map =~ s/\s*\[\s*// || die "Unexpected data in tree map file $tree_map"; $map =~ s/\s*\]\s*// || die "Unexpected data in tree map file $tree_map"; @map = split(" ", $map); @dims = (); while (@map > 0) { $index = shift @map; $n = 1; while (@map > 0 && $map[0] == $index) { shift @map; $n++; } push @dims, $n; } $dims = join(":", @dims); print "MixtureProbComponent learning-rate=$learning_rate diag-element=0.9 dims=$dims "; } ## |