5.57 KB

# Copyright 2012-2013  Brno University of Technology (Author: Karel Vesely)
# Apache 2.0

# In this recipe we build DNN in four stages:
# 1) Data preparations : the fMLLR features are stored to disk
# 2) RBM pre-training : in this unsupervised stage we train stack of RBMs, a good starting point for Cross-entropy trainig
# 3) Frame-level cross-entropy training : in this stage the objective is to classify frames correctly.
# 4) Sequence-criterion training : in this stage the objective is to classify the whole sequence correctly,
#     the idea is similar to the 'Discriminative training' in context of GMM-HMMs.

. ./ ## You'll want to change to something that will work on your system.
           ## This relates to the queue.

. ./ ## Source the tools/utils (import the

#false && \

### Generate the alignments of dev93 
### (held-out set for Cross-entropy training)
steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
  data/dev lang $gmmdir exp/tri3b_ali_dev || exit 1

### Store the fMLLR features, so we can train on them easily

# train si284
# generate the features
steps/ --nj 20 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
   --transform-dir exp/tri3b_ali \
   $dir data/train $gmmdir $dir/_log $dir/_data || exit 1

# dev93 (unsupervised fMLLR)
# held-out set of Cross-entropy training
steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
   --transform-dir exp/tri3b/decode_dev \
   $dir data/dev $gmmdir $dir/_log $dir/_data || exit 1

### Now we can pre-train stack of RBMs
#false && \
{ # Pre-train the DBN
(tail --pid=$$ -F $dir/_pretrain_dbn.log 2>/dev/null)&
$cuda_cmd $dir/_pretrain_dbn.log \
  steps/ --rbm-iter 3 data-fmllr-tri3b/train $dir

### Now we train the DNN optimizing cross-entropy.
### This will take quite some time.

#false && \
{ # Train the MLP
(tail --pid=$$ -F $dir/_train_nnet.log 2>/dev/null)& 
$cuda_cmd $dir/_train_nnet.log \
  steps/ --feature-transform $feature_transform --dbn $dbn --hid-layers 0 --learn-rate 0.008 \
  data-fmllr-tri3b/train data-fmllr-tri3b/dev lang ${ali} ${ali}_dev $dir || exit 1;
# decode with 'big-dictionary' (reuse HCLG graph)
steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --acwt 0.10 --config conf/decode_dnn.config \
  exp/tri3b/graph data-fmllr-tri3b/dev $dir/decode_dev || exit 1;

### Finally we train using sMBR criterion.
### We do Stochastic-GD with per-utterance updates. 
### To get faster convergence, we will re-generate 
### the lattices after 1st epoch of sMBR.


# First we need to generate lattices and alignments:
#false && \
steps/ --nj 100 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
  data-fmllr-tri4b/train_si284 lang $srcdir ${srcdir}_ali_si284 || exit 1;
steps/ --nj 100 --cmd "$decode_cmd" \
  --config conf/decode_dnn.config --acwt $acwt \
  data-fmllr-tri4b/train_si284 lang $srcdir ${srcdir}_denlats_si284  || exit 1;
# Now we re-train the hybrid by single iteration of sMBR 
#false && \
steps/ --cmd "$cuda_cmd" --num-iters 1 --acwt $acwt --do-smbr true \
  data-fmllr-tri4b/train_si284 lang $srcdir \
  ${srcdir}_ali_si284 ${srcdir}_denlats_si284 $dir || exit 1
# Decode
#false && \
for ITER in 1; do
  # decode dev93 with big dict graph_bd_tgpr
  steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode_dnn.config \
    --nnet $dir/${ITER}.nnet --acwt $acwt \
    exp/tri4b/graph_bd_tgpr data-fmllr-tri4b/test_dev93 $dir/decode_dev93_bd_tgpr_it${ITER} || exit 1
  # decode eval92 with big dict graph_bd_tgpr
  steps/ --nj 8 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode_dnn.config \
    --nnet $dir/${ITER}.nnet --acwt $acwt \
    exp/tri4b/graph_bd_tgpr data-fmllr-tri4b/test_eval92 $dir/decode_eval92_bd_tgpr_it${ITER} || exit 1

### Re-generate lattices and run several more iterations of sMBR


# First we need to generate lattices and alignments:
#false && \
steps/ --nj 100 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
  data-fmllr-tri4b/train_si284 lang $srcdir ${srcdir}_ali_si284 || exit 1;
steps/ --nj 100 --cmd "$decode_cmd" \
  --config conf/decode_dnn.config --acwt $acwt \
  data-fmllr-tri4b/train_si284 lang $srcdir ${srcdir}_denlats_si284  || exit 1;
# Now we re-train the hybrid by several iterations of sMBR 
#false && \
steps/ --cmd "$cuda_cmd" --num-iters 4 --acwt $acwt --do-smbr true \
  data-fmllr-tri4b/train_si284 lang $srcdir \
  ${srcdir}_ali_si284 ${srcdir}_denlats_si284 $dir 
# Decode
#false && \
for ITER in 1 2 3 4; do
  # decode dev93 with big dict graph_bd_tgpr
  steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode_dnn.config \
    --nnet $dir/${ITER}.nnet --acwt $acwt \
    exp/tri4b/graph_bd_tgpr data-fmllr-tri4b/test_dev93 $dir/decode_dev93_bd_tgpr_it${ITER} || exit 1
  # decode eval92 with big dict graph_bd_tgpr
  steps/ --nj 8 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode_dnn.config \
    --nnet $dir/${ITER}.nnet --acwt $acwt \
    exp/tri4b/graph_bd_tgpr data-fmllr-tri4b/test_eval92 $dir/decode_eval92_bd_tgpr_it${ITER} || exit 1

# Getting results [see RESULTS file]
# for x in exp/*/decode*; do [ -d $x ] && grep WER $x/wer_* | utils/; done