Commit 8797ed0e3d83e1d195efa72a1a8404eb849eaf57
1 parent
Exists in
requirements for pip if you want to install libraries automatically
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 0 deletions Side-by-side Diff
1 | +absl-py==0.7.1 | |
2 | +astor==0.7.1 | |
3 | +attrs==19.1.0 | |
4 | +backcall==0.1.0 | |
5 | +backports.weakref==1.0rc1 | |
6 | +bleach==1.5.0 | |
7 | +cycler==0.10.0 | |
8 | +decorator==4.4.0 | |
9 | +defusedxml==0.5.0 | |
10 | +entrypoints==0.3 | |
11 | +gast==0.2.2 | |
12 | +grpcio==1.19.0 | |
13 | +h5py==2.9.0 | |
14 | +html5lib==0.9999999 | |
15 | +ipykernel==5.1.0 | |
16 | +ipython==7.4.0 | |
17 | +ipython-genutils==0.2.0 | |
18 | +ipywidgets==7.4.2 | |
19 | +jedi==0.13.3 | |
20 | +Jinja2==2.10 | |
21 | +jsonschema==3.0.1 | |
22 | +jupyter==1.0.0 | |
23 | +jupyter-client==5.2.4 | |
24 | +jupyter-console==6.0.0 | |
25 | +jupyter-core==4.4.0 | |
26 | +Keras==2.1.2 | |
27 | +Keras-Applications==1.0.7 | |
28 | +Keras-Preprocessing==1.0.9 | |
29 | +kiwisolver==1.0.1 | |
30 | +Markdown==2.2.0 | |
31 | +MarkupSafe==1.1.1 | |
32 | +matplotlib==3.0.3 | |
33 | +mistune==0.8.4 | |
34 | +mock==2.0.0 | |
35 | +nbconvert==5.4.1 | |
36 | +nbformat==4.4.0 | |
37 | +notebook==5.7.8 | |
38 | +numpy==1.16.2 | |
39 | +pandas==0.24.2 | |
40 | +pandocfilters==1.4.2 | |
41 | +parso==0.4.0 | |
42 | +pbr==5.1.3 | |
43 | +pexpect==4.6.0 | |
44 | +pickleshare==0.7.5 | |
45 | +prometheus-client==0.6.0 | |
46 | +prompt-toolkit==2.0.9 | |
47 | +protobuf==3.7.0 | |
48 | +ptyprocess==0.6.0 | |
49 | +Pygments==2.3.1 | |
50 | +pyparsing==2.3.1 | |
51 | +pyrsistent==0.14.11 | |
52 | +python-dateutil==2.8.0 | |
53 | +pytz==2018.9 | |
54 | +PyYAML==5.1 | |
55 | +pyzmq==18.0.1 | |
56 | +qtconsole==4.4.3 | |
57 | +scikit-learn==0.20.3 | |
58 | +scipy==1.2.1 | |
59 | +seaborn==0.9.0 | |
60 | +Send2Trash==1.5.0 | |
61 | +six==1.12.0 | |
62 | +sklearn==0.0 | |
63 | +tensorboard==1.13.1 | |
64 | +tensorflow-estimator==1.13.0 | |
65 | +tensorflow-gpu==1.2.0 | |
66 | +termcolor==1.1.0 | |
67 | +terminado==0.8.2 | |
68 | +testpath==0.4.2 | |
69 | +tornado==6.0.2 | |
70 | +traitlets==4.3.2 | |
71 | +wcwidth==0.1.7 | |
72 | +Werkzeug==0.15.1 | |
73 | +widgetsnbextension==3.4.2 |