Commit d1012a7a1689588ac0d1e4a716497562663c14c2

Authored by Killian
1 parent ee9023b1c9
Exists in master

update LDA/.py

Showing 7 changed files with 8 additions and 289 deletions Inline Diff

1 import sys 1 import sys
2 import os 2 import os
3 3
4 import pandas 4 import pandas
5 import numpy 5 import numpy
6 import shelve 6 import shelve
7 7
8 from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer 8 from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
9 9
10 from utils import select_mmf as select 10 from utils import select_mmf as select
11 11
12 input_dir = sys.argv[1] # Dossier de premire niveau contient ASR et TRS 12 input_dir = sys.argv[1] # Dossier de premire niveau contient ASR et TRS
13 level = sys.argv[2] # taille de LDA ( -5) voulu 13 level = sys.argv[2] # taille de LDA ( -5) voulu
14 output_dir = sys.argv[3] 14 output_dir = sys.argv[3]
15 15
16 lb=LabelBinarizer() 16 lb=LabelBinarizer()
17 #y_train=lb.fit_transform([ for ligneid in origin_corps["LABEL"]["TRAIN"]]) 17 #y_train=lb.fit_transform([ for ligneid in origin_corps["LABEL"]["TRAIN"]])
18 18
19 19
20 data ="{}/mmf_{}.shelve".format(output_dir,level),writeback=True) 20 data ="{}/mmf_{}.shelve".format(output_dir,level),writeback=True)
21 data["LABEL"]= {} 21 data["LABEL"]= {}
22 data["LDA"] = {"ASR":{},"TRS":{}} 22 data["LDA"] = {"ASR":{},"TRS":{}}
23 for mod in ["ASR", "TRS" ]: 23 for mod in ["ASR", "TRS" ]:
24 train = pandas.read_table("{}/{}/train_{}.ssv".format(input_dir, mod, level), sep=" ", header=None ) 24 train = pandas.read_table("{}/{}/train_{}.tab".format(input_dir, mod, level), sep=" ", header=None )
25 dev = pandas.read_table("{}/{}/dev_{}.ssv".format(input_dir, mod, level), sep=" ", header=None ) 25 dev = pandas.read_table("{}/{}/dev_{}.tab".format(input_dir, mod, level), sep=" ", header=None )
26 test = pandas.read_table("{}/{}/test_{}.ssv".format(input_dir, mod, level), sep=" ", header=None ) 26 test = pandas.read_table("{}/{}/test_{}.tab".format(input_dir, mod, level), sep=" ", header=None )
27 27
28 y_train = train.iloc[:,0].apply(select) 28 y_train = train.iloc[:,0].apply(select)
29 y_dev = dev.iloc[:,0].apply(select) 29 y_dev = dev.iloc[:,0].apply(select)
30 y_test = test.iloc[:,0].apply(select) 30 y_test = test.iloc[:,0].apply(select)
31 31
32 data["LABEL"][mod]={"TRAIN":lb.transform(y_train),"DEV":lb.transform(y_dev), "TEST": lb.transform(y_test)} 32 data["LABEL"][mod]={"TRAIN":lb.transform(y_train),"DEV":lb.transform(y_dev), "TEST": lb.transform(y_test)}
33 33
34 # data["LDA"][mod]={'ASR':[]} 34 # data["LDA"][mod]={'ASR':[]}
35 print data["LDA"][mod]
36 print train.values 35 print train.values
37 data["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"]=train.iloc[:,1:-1].values 36 data["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"]=train.iloc[:,1:-1].values
38 data["LDA"][mod]["DEV"]=dev.iloc[:,1:-1].values 37 data["LDA"][mod]["DEV"]=dev.iloc[:,1:-1].values
39 data["LDA"][mod]["TEST"]=test.iloc[:,1:-1].values 38 data["LDA"][mod]["TEST"]=test.iloc[:,1:-1].values
40 39
40 print data["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"].shape
41 data.sync() 41 data.sync()
42 data.close() 42 data.close()
1 import gensim File was deleted
2 import os
3 import sys
4 import pickle
5 from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel
6 from gensim.models.ldamulticore import LdaMulticore
7 from collections import Counter
8 import numpy as np
9 import codecs
10 import shelve
11 import logging
13 def calc_perp(in_dir,train):
14 name = in_dir.split("/")[-1]
15 # s40_it1_sw50_a0.01_e0.1_p6_c1000
16 sw_size = int(name.split("_")[2][2:])
18 logging.warning(" go {} ".format(name))
21 logging.warning("Redo Vocab and stop")
22 asr_count=Counter([ x for y in train["ASR_wid"]["TRAIN"] for x in y])
23 trs_count=Counter([ x for y in train["TRS_wid"]["TRAIN"] for x in y])
24 asr_sw = [ x[0] for x in asr_count.most_common(sw_size) ]
25 trs_sw = [ x[0] for x in trs_count.most_common(sw_size) ]
26 stop_words=set(asr_sw) | set(trs_sw)
28 logging.warning("TRS to be done")
29 entry = Query()
30 == name)
31 if len(value) > 0 :
32 logging.warning("{} already done".format(name))
33 return
35 dev_trs=[ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["TRS_wid"]["DEV"]]
36 lda_trs = LdaModel.load("{}/lda_trs.model".format(in_dir))
37 perp_trs = lda_trs.log_perplexity(dev_trs)
38 logging.warning("ASR to be done")
39 dev_asr = [ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["ASR_wid"]["DEV"]]
40 lda_asr = LdaModel.load("{}/lda_asr.model".format(in_dir))
41 perp_asr = lda_asr.log_perplexity(dev_asr)
42 logging.warning("ASR saving")
43 res_dict = {"name" : name, "asr" : perp_asr, "trs" : perp_trs}
44 return res_dict
49 def train_lda(out_dir,train,name,size,it,sw_size,alpha,eta,passes,chunk):
50 output_dir = "{}/s{}_it{}_sw{}_a{}_e{}_p{}_c{}".format(out_dir,size,it,sw_size,alpha,eta,passes,chunk)
51 os.mkdir(output_dir)
52" to be done")
53 asr_count=Counter([ x for y in train["ASR_wid"]["TRAIN"] for x in y])
54 trs_count=Counter([ x for y in train["TRS_wid"]["TRAIN"] for x in y])
55 asr_sw = [ x[0] for x in asr_count.most_common(sw_size) ]
56 trs_sw = [ x[0] for x in trs_count.most_common(sw_size) ]
57 stop_words=set(asr_sw) | set(trs_sw)
59"TRS to be done")
61 lda_trs = LdaModel(corpus=[ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["TRS_wid"]["TRAIN"]], id2word=train["vocab"], num_topics=int(size), chunksize=1000,iterations=it)
63"ASR to be done")
64 lda_asr = LdaModel(corpus=[ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["ASR_wid"]["TRAIN"]], id2word=train["vocab"], num_topics=int(size), chunksize=1000,iterations=it)
66"ASR saving")
74 dico = train["vocab"]
75 print >>out_file_asr, ",\t".join( [ dico[x] for x in range(len(train["vocab"]))])
76 for line in lda_asr.expElogbeta:
77 nline = line / np.sum(line)
78 print >>out_file_asr, ",\t".join( str(x) for x in nline)
79 out_file_asr.close()
81 print >>out_file_trs, ",\t".join( [ dico[x] for x in range(len(train["vocab"]))])
82 for line in lda_trs.expElogbeta:
83 nline = line / np.sum(line)
84 print >>out_file_trs, ",\t".join( str(x) for x in nline)
85 out_file_trs.close()
87 K = lda_asr.num_topics
88 topicWordProbMat = lda_asr.print_topics(K,10)
90 for i in topicWordProbMat:
91 print >>out_file_asr,i
92 out_file_asr.close()
94 K = lda_trs.num_topics
95 topicWordProbMat = lda_trs.print_topics(K,10)
97 for i in topicWordProbMat:
98 print >>out_file_trs,i
99 out_file_trs.close()
101 if __name__ == "__main__":
102 logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)
104 input_shelve = sys.argv[1]
105 output_dir = sys.argv[2]
106 size = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[3].split("_")]
107 workers = int(sys.argv[4])
108 name = sys.argv[5]
109 it = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[6].split("_")]
110 sw_size = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[7].split("_")]
111 alpha = ["auto" , "symmetric"] + [ float(x) for x in sys.argv[8].split("_")]
112 eta = ["auto"] + [ float(x) for x in sys.argv[9].split("_")]
113 passes = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[10].split("_")]
114 chunk = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[11].split("_")]
116 #train=pickle.load(open("{}/".format(input_dir)))
117 train =
118 out_dir = "{}/{}".format(output_dir,name)
119 os.mkdir(out_dir)
121 for s in size:
122 for i in it :
123 for sw in sw_size:
124 for a in alpha:
125 for e in eta:
126 for p in passes:
127 for c in chunk:
128 train_lda(out_dir,train,name,s,i,sw,a,e,p,c)
129 1 import gensim
130 2 import os
1 import gensim File was deleted
2 import os
3 import sys
4 import pickle
5 from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel
6 from gensim.models.ldamulticore import LdaMulticore
7 from collections import Counter
8 import numpy as np
9 import codecs
10 import shelve
11 import logging
12 import dill
13 from tinydb import TinyDB, where, Query
14 import time
15 from joblib import Parallel, delayed
17 def calc_perp(models,train):
20 stop_words=models[1]
21 name = models[0]
23 logging.warning(" go {} ".format(name))
24 logging.warning("TRS to be done")
25 entry = Query()
26 == name)
27 if len(value) > 0 :
28 logging.warning("{} already done".format(name))
29 return
31 dev_trs=[ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["TRS_wid"]["DEV"]]
32 lda_trs = models[2]
33 perp_trs = lda_trs.log_perplexity(dev_trs)
35 logging.warning("ASR to be done")
36 dev_asr = [ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["ASR_wid"]["DEV"]]
37 lda_asr = models[5]
38 perp_asr = lda_asr.log_perplexity(dev_asr)
39 logging.warning("ASR saving")
40 res_dict = {"name" : name, "asr" : perp_asr, "trs" : perp_trs }
41 return res_dict
46 def train_lda(out_dir,train,size,it,sw_size,alpha,eta,passes,chunk):
47 name = "s{}_it{}_sw{}_a{}_e{}_p{}_c{}".format(size,it,sw_size,alpha,eta,passes,chunk)
48 logging.warning(name)
49 deep_out_dir = out_dir+"/"+name
50 if os.path.isdir(deep_out_dir):
51 logging.error(name+" already done")
52 return
53 logging.warning(name+" to be done")
54 asr_count=Counter([ x for y in train["ASR_wid"]["TRAIN"] for x in y])
55 trs_count=Counter([ x for y in train["TRS_wid"]["TRAIN"] for x in y])
56 asr_sw = [ x[0] for x in asr_count.most_common(sw_size) ]
57 trs_sw = [ x[0] for x in trs_count.most_common(sw_size) ]
58 stop_words=set(asr_sw) | set(trs_sw)
60 logging.warning("TRS to be done")
62 lda_trs = LdaModel(corpus=[ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["TRS_wid"]["TRAIN"]], id2word=train["vocab"], num_topics=int(size), chunksize=chunk,iterations=it,alpha=alpha,eta=eta,passes=passes)
64 logging.warning("ASR to be done")
65 lda_asr = LdaModel(corpus=[ [ (x,y) for x,y in Counter(z).items() if x not in stop_words] for z in train["ASR_wid"]["TRAIN"]], id2word=train["vocab"], num_topics=int(size), chunksize=chunk,iterations=it,alpha=alpha,eta=eta,passes=passes)
67 dico = train["vocab"]
68 word_list = [ dico[x] for x in range(len(train["vocab"]))]
69 asr_probs = []
70 for line in lda_asr.expElogbeta:
71 nline = line / np.sum(line)
72 asr_probs.append([ str(x) for x in nline])
73 trs_probs = []
74 for line in lda_trs.expElogbeta:
75 nline = line / np.sum(line)
76 trs_probs.append([str(x) for x in nline])
78 K = lda_asr.num_topics
79 topicWordProbMat_asr = lda_asr.print_topics(K,10)
81 K = lda_trs.num_topics
82 topicWordProbMat_trs = lda_trs.print_topics(K,10)
83 os.mkdir(deep_out_dir)
84 dill.dump([x for x in stop_words],open(deep_out_dir+"/stopwords.dill","w"))
87 dill.dump([x for x in asr_probs],open(deep_out_dir+"/lda_asr_probs.dill","w"))
88 dill.dump([x for x in trs_probs],open(deep_out_dir+"/lda_trs_probs.dill","w"))
90 return [name, stop_words, lda_asr , asr_probs , topicWordProbMat_asr, lda_trs, trs_probs, topicWordProbMat_trs]
92 def train_one(name,train,s,i,sw,a,e,p,c):
93 st=time.time()
94 logging.warning(" ; ".join([str(x) for x in [s,i,sw,a,e,p,c]]))
95 models = train_lda(name,train,s,i,sw,a,e,p,c)
96 if models:
97 m = calc_perp(models,train)
98 #dill.dump(models,open("{}/{}.dill".format(name,models[0]),"wb"))
99 else :
100 m = None
101 e = time.time()
102 logging.warning("fin en : {}".format(e-st))
103 return m
108 if __name__ == "__main__":
109 logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)
111 input_shelve = sys.argv[1]
112 db_path = sys.argv[2]
113 size = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[3].split("_")]
114 workers = int(sys.argv[4])
115 name = sys.argv[5]
116 it = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[6].split("_")]
117 sw_size = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[7].split("_")]
118 if sys.argv[8] != "None" :
119 alpha = [ "symmetric", "auto" ] + [ float(x) for x in sys.argv[8].split("_")]
120 eta = ["auto"] + [ float(x) for x in sys.argv[9].split("_")]
121 else :
122 alpha = ["symmetric"]
123 eta = ["auto"]
124 passes = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[10].split("_")]
125 chunk = [ int(x) for x in sys.argv[11].split("_")]
127 #train=pickle.load(open("{}/".format(input_dir)))
128 train =
129 try :
130 os.mkdir(name)
131 except :
132 logging.warning(" folder already existe " )
133 db = TinyDB(db_path)
134 nb_model = len(passes) * len(chunk) * len(it) * len(sw_size) * len(alpha) * len(eta) * len(size)
135 logging.warning(" hey will train {} models ".format(nb_model))
137 args_list=[]
138 for p in passes:
139 for c in chunk:
140 for i in it :
141 for sw in sw_size:
142 for a in alpha:
143 for e in eta:
144 for s in size:
145 args_list.append((name,train,s,i,sw,a,e,p,c))
146 res_list= Parallel(n_jobs=15)(delayed(train_one)(*args) for args in args_list)
147 for m in res_list :
148 db.insert(m)
150 1 import gensim
1 1
2 # coding: utf-8 2 # coding: utf-8
3 3
4 # In[2]: 4 # In[2]:
5 5
6 # Import 6 # Import
7 import gensim 7 import gensim
8 from scipy import sparse 8 from scipy import sparse
9 import itertools 9 import itertools
10 from sklearn import preprocessing 10 from sklearn import preprocessing
11 from keras.models import Sequential 11 from keras.models import Sequential
12 from keras.optimizers import SGD,Adam 12 from keras.optimizers import SGD,Adam
13 from mlp import * 13 from mlp import *
14 import mlp 14 import mlp
15 import sklearn.metrics 15 import sklearn.metrics
16 import shelve 16 import shelve
17 import pickle 17 import pickle
18 from utils import * 18 from utils import *
19 import sys 19 import sys
20 import os 20 import os
21 import json 21 import json
22 # In[4]: 22 # In[4]:
23 23
24"{}".format(sys.argv[2])) 24"{}".format(sys.argv[2]))
25 in_dir = sys.argv[1] 25 in_dir = sys.argv[1]
26"{}/infer.shelve".format(in_dir)) 26"{}/infer.shelve".format(in_dir))
27 #['ASR', 'TRS', 'LABEL'] 27 #['ASR', 'TRS', 'LABEL']
28 # In[6]: 28 # In[6]:
29 ASR=sparse_model["ASR_wid"] 29 ASR=sparse_model["ASR_wid"]
30 TRS=sparse_model["TRS_wid"] 30 TRS=sparse_model["TRS_wid"]
31 LABEL=sparse_model["LABEL"] 31 LABEL=sparse_model["LABEL"]
32 32
33 33
34 hidden_size=40 34 hidden_size=40
35 input_activation="tanh" 35 input_activation="tanh"
36 out_activation="tanh" 36 out_activation="tanh"
37 loss="mse" 37 loss="mse"
38 epochs=500 38 epochs=500
39 batch=1 39 batch=1
40 patience=60 40 patience=60
41 do_do=False 41 do_do=False
42 sgd = Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.00001,nesterov=False) #'rmsprop'# Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) 42 sgd = Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.00001,nesterov=False) #'rmsprop'# Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
43 try : 43 try :
44 sgd_repr=sgd.get_config()["name"] 44 sgd_repr=sgd.get_config()["name"]
45 except AttributeError : 45 except AttributeError :
46 sgd_repr=sgd 46 sgd_repr=sgd
47 47
48 params={ "h1" : hidden_size, 48 params={ "h1" : hidden_size,
49 "inside_activation" : input_activation, 49 "inside_activation" : input_activation,
50 "out_activation" : out_activation, 50 "out_activation" : out_activation,
51 "do_dropout": do_do, 51 "do_dropout": do_do,
52 "loss" : loss, 52 "loss" : loss,
53 "epochs" : epochs , 53 "epochs" : epochs ,
54 "batch_size" : batch, 54 "batch_size" : batch,
55 "patience" : patience, 55 "patience" : patience,
56 "sgd" : sgd_repr} 56 "sgd" : sgd_repr}
57 name = "_".join([ str(x) for x in params.values()]) 57 name = "_".join([ str(x) for x in params.values()])
58 try: 58 try:
59 os.mkdir("{}/{}".format(in_dir,name)) 59 os.mkdir("{}/{}".format(in_dir,name))
60 except: 60 except:
61 pass 61 pass
62 db ="{}/{}/ae_model.shelve".format(in_dir,name),writeback=True) 62 db ="{}/{}/ae_model.shelve".format(in_dir,name),writeback=True)
63 db["params"] = params 63 db["params"] = params
64 db["LABEL"]=LABEL 64 db["LABEL"]=LABEL
65 # 65 #
66 json.dump(params, 66 json.dump(params,
67 open("{}/{}/ae_model.json".format(in_dir,name),"w"), 67 open("{}/{}/ae_model.json".format(in_dir,name),"w"),
68 indent=4) 68 indent=4)
69 69
70 keys = ["ASR","TRS"] 70 keys = ["ASR","TRS"]
71 71
72 mlp_h = [ 40 , 25 , 40] 72 mlp_h = [ 512 , 1024 , 2048]
73 mlp_loss ="categorical_crossentropy" 73 mlp_loss ="categorical_crossentropy"
74 mlp_dropouts = [0,0,0,0] 74 mlp_dropouts = [0,0,0,0]
75 mlp_sgd = Adam(0.0001) 75 mlp_sgd = Adam(0.0001)
76 mlp_epochs = 200 76 mlp_epochs = 200
77 mlp_batch_size = 8 77 mlp_batch_size = 8
78 78
79 db["AE"] = {} 79 db["AE"] = {}
80 for mod in keys : 80 for mod in keys :
81 res=train_ae(infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["DEV"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TEST"],[params["h1"]],patience = params["patience"],sgd=sgd,in_activation="tanh",out_activation="tanh",loss=loss,epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch,verbose=0) 81 res=train_ae(infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["DEV"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TEST"],[params["h1"]],patience = params["patience"],sgd=sgd,in_activation="tanh",out_activation="tanh",loss=loss,epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch,verbose=0)
82 mlp_res_list=[] 82 mlp_res_list=[]
83 for layer in res : 83 for layer in res :
84 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],LABEL["TRAIN"],layer[1],LABEL["DEV"],layer[2],LABEL["TEST"],mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs,batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0)) 84 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],LABEL["TRAIN"],layer[1],LABEL["DEV"],layer[2],LABEL["TEST"],mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs,batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0))
85 db["AE"][mod]=mlp_res_list 85 db["AE"][mod]=mlp_res_list
86 86
87 mod = "ASR" 87 mod = "ASR"
88 mod2= "TRS" 88 mod2= "TRS"
89 mlp_res_list=[] 89 mlp_res_list=[]
90 90
91 res = train_ae(infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["DEV"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TEST"],[params["h1"]],dropouts=[0],patience = params["patience"],sgd=sgd,in_activation="tanh",out_activation="tanh",loss=loss,epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch,y_train=infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"],y_dev=infer_model["LDA"][mod2]["DEV"],y_test=infer_model["LDA"][mod2]["TEST"]) 91 res = train_ae(infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["DEV"],infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TEST"],[params["h1"]],dropouts=[0],patience = params["patience"],sgd=sgd,in_activation="tanh",out_activation="tanh",loss=loss,epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch,y_train=infer_model["LDA"][mod]["TRAIN"],y_dev=infer_model["LDA"][mod2]["DEV"],y_test=infer_model["LDA"][mod2]["TEST"])
92 for layer in res : 92 for layer in res :
93 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],LABEL["TRAIN"],layer[1],LABEL["DEV"],layer[2],LABEL["TEST"],mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs,batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0)) 93 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],LABEL["TRAIN"],layer[1],LABEL["DEV"],layer[2],LABEL["TEST"],mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs,batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0))
94 94
95 db["AE"]["SPE"] = mlp_res_list 95 db["AE"]["SPE"] = mlp_res_list
96 96
97 97
98 db.close() 98 db.close()
99 99
1 1
2 # coding: utf-8 2 # coding: utf-8
3 import gensim 3 import gensim
4 from scipy import sparse 4 from scipy import sparse
5 import itertools 5 import itertools
6 from sklearn import preprocessing 6 from sklearn import preprocessing
7 from keras.models import Sequential 7 from keras.models import Sequential
8 from keras.optimizers import SGD,Adam 8 from keras.optimizers import SGD,Adam
9 from mlp import * 9 from mlp import *
10 from vae import * 10 from vae import *
11 import sklearn.metrics 11 import sklearn.metrics
12 import shelve 12 import shelve
13 import pickle 13 import pickle
14 from utils import * 14 from utils import *
15 import sys 15 import sys
16 import os 16 import os
17 import json 17 import json
18 # In[4]: 18 # In[4]:
19 19
20"{}".format(sys.argv[2])) 20"{}".format(sys.argv[2]))
21 in_dir = sys.argv[1] 21 in_dir = sys.argv[1]
22 #['ASR', 'TRS', 'LABEL'] 22 #['ASR', 'TRS', 'LABEL']
23 # In[6]: 23 # In[6]:
24 if len(sys.argv) > 4 : 24 if len(sys.argv) > 4 :
25 features_key = sys.argv[4] 25 features_key = sys.argv[4]
26 else : 26 else :
27 features_key = "LDA" 27 features_key = "LDA"
28 28
29 save_projection = True 29 save_projection = True
30 json_conf =json.load(open(sys.argv[3])) 30 json_conf =json.load(open(sys.argv[3]))
31 vae_conf = json_conf["vae"] 31 vae_conf = json_conf["vae"]
32 32
33 hidden_size= vae_conf["hidden_size"] 33 hidden_size= vae_conf["hidden_size"]
34 input_activation=vae_conf["input_activation"] 34 input_activation=vae_conf["input_activation"]
35 output_activation=vae_conf["output_activation"] 35 output_activation=vae_conf["output_activation"]
36 epochs=vae_conf["epochs"] 36 epochs=vae_conf["epochs"]
37 batch=vae_conf["batch"] 37 batch=vae_conf["batch"]
38 patience=vae_conf["patience"] 38 patience=vae_conf["patience"]
39 latent_dim = vae_conf["latent"] 39 latent_dim = vae_conf["latent"]
40 try: 40 try:
41 k = vae_conf["sgd"] 41 k = vae_conf["sgd"]
42 if vae_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "adam": 42 if vae_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "adam":
43 sgd = Adam(lr=vae_conf["sgd"]["lr"])#SGD(lr=0.00001,nesterov=False) #'rmsprop'# Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) 43 sgd = Adam(lr=vae_conf["sgd"]["lr"])#SGD(lr=0.00001,nesterov=False) #'rmsprop'# Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
44 elif vae_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "sgd": 44 elif vae_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "sgd":
45 sgd = SGD(lr=vae_conf["sgd"]["lr"]) 45 sgd = SGD(lr=vae_conf["sgd"]["lr"])
46 except: 46 except:
47 sgd = vae_conf["sgd"] 47 sgd = vae_conf["sgd"]
48 48
49 mlp_conf = json_conf["mlp"] 49 mlp_conf = json_conf["mlp"]
50 mlp_h = mlp_conf["hidden_size"] 50 mlp_h = mlp_conf["hidden_size"]
51 mlp_loss = mlp_conf["loss"] 51 mlp_loss = mlp_conf["loss"]
52 mlp_dropouts = mlp_conf["do"] 52 mlp_dropouts = mlp_conf["do"]
53 mlp_epochs = mlp_conf["epochs"] 53 mlp_epochs = mlp_conf["epochs"]
54 mlp_batch_size = mlp_conf["batch"] 54 mlp_batch_size = mlp_conf["batch"]
55 mlp_input_activation=mlp_conf["input_activation"] 55 mlp_input_activation=mlp_conf["input_activation"]
56 mlp_output_activation=mlp_conf["output_activation"] 56 mlp_output_activation=mlp_conf["output_activation"]
57 57
58 58
59 try: 59 try:
60 k = mlp_conf["sgd"] 60 k = mlp_conf["sgd"]
61 if mlp_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "adam": 61 if mlp_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "adam":
62 mlp_sgd = Adam(lr=mlp_conf["sgd"]["lr"])#SGD(lr=0.00001,nesterov=False) #'rmsprop'# Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) 62 mlp_sgd = Adam(lr=mlp_conf["sgd"]["lr"])#SGD(lr=0.00001,nesterov=False) #'rmsprop'# Adam(lr=0.00001)#SGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
63 elif mlp_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "sgd": 63 elif mlp_conf["sgd"]["name"] == "sgd":
64 mlp_sgd = SGD(lr=mlp_conf["sgd"]["lr"]) 64 mlp_sgd = SGD(lr=mlp_conf["sgd"]["lr"])
65 except: 65 except:
66 mlp_sgd = mlp_conf["sgd"] 66 mlp_sgd = mlp_conf["sgd"]
67 67
68 68
69 name = json_conf["name"] 69 name = json_conf["name"]
70 70
71 try : 71 try :
72 print "make folder " 72 print "make folder "
73 os.mkdir("{}/{}".format(in_dir,name)) 73 os.mkdir("{}/{}".format(in_dir,name))
74 except: 74 except:
75 print "folder not maked" 75 print "folder not maked"
76 pass 76 pass
77 77
78 78
79 db ="{}/{}/ae_model.shelve".format(in_dir,name),writeback=True) 79 db ="{}/{}/ae_model.shelve".format(in_dir,name),writeback=True)
80 db["LABEL"]=infer_model["LABEL"] 80 db["LABEL"]=infer_model["LABEL"]
81 # 81 #
82 82
83 83
84 keys = infer_model[features_key].keys() 84 keys = infer_model[features_key].keys()
85 85
86 db["VAE"] = {} 86 db["VAE"] = {}
87 db[features_key] = {} 87 db[features_key] = {}
88 for mod in keys : 88 for mod in keys :
89 #print mod 89 #print mod
90 db[features_key][mod] = train_mlp(infer_model[features_key][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TRAIN"], 90 db[features_key][mod] = train_mlp(infer_model[features_key][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TRAIN"],
91 infer_model[features_key][mod]["DEV"],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["DEV"], 91 infer_model[features_key][mod]["DEV"],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["DEV"],
92 infer_model[features_key][mod]["TEST"],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TEST"], 92 infer_model[features_key][mod]["TEST"],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TEST"],
93 mlp_h ,sgd=mlp_sgd, 93 mlp_h ,sgd=mlp_sgd,
94 epochs=mlp_epochs, 94 epochs=mlp_epochs,
95 batch_size=mlp_batch_size, 95 batch_size=mlp_batch_size,
96 input_activation=input_activation, 96 input_activation=input_activation,
97 output_activation=mlp_output_activation, 97 output_activation=mlp_output_activation,
98 dropouts=mlp_dropouts, 98 dropouts=mlp_dropouts,
99 fit_verbose=0) 99 fit_verbose=0)
100 100
101 res=train_vae(infer_model[features_key][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model[features_key][mod]["DEV"],infer_model[features_key][mod]["TEST"], 101 res=train_vae(infer_model[features_key][mod]["TRAIN"],infer_model[features_key][mod]["DEV"],infer_model[features_key][mod]["TEST"],
102 hidden_size=hidden_size[0], 102 hidden_size=hidden_size[0],
103 latent_dim=latent_dim,sgd=sgd, 103 latent_dim=latent_dim,sgd=sgd,
104 input_activation=input_activation,output_activation=output_activation, 104 input_activation=input_activation,output_activation=output_activation,
105 nb_epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch) 105 nb_epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch)
106 mlp_res_list=[] 106 mlp_res_list=[]
107 for nb,layer in enumerate(res) : 107 for nb,layer in enumerate(res) :
108 if save_projection: 108 if save_projection:
109 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[0]) 109 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[0])
110 col_count = (pd.sum(axis=0) != 0) 110 col_count = (pd.sum(axis=0) != 0)
111 pd = pd.loc[:,cyyol_count] 111 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count]
112 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,mod),"TRAIN") 112 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,mod),"TRAIN")
113 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[1]) 113 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[1])
114 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count] 114 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count]
115 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,mod),"DEV") 115 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,mod),"DEV")
116 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[2]) 116 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[2])
117 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count] 117 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count]
118 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,mod),"TEST") 118 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,mod),"TEST")
119 del pd 119 del pd
120 120
121 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],infer_model['LABEL'][mod]["TRAIN"], 121 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],infer_model['LABEL'][mod]["TRAIN"],
122 layer[1],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["DEV"], 122 layer[1],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["DEV"],
123 layer[2],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TEST"], 123 layer[2],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TEST"],
124 mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs, 124 mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs,
125 output_activation=mlp_output_activation, 125 output_activation=mlp_output_activation,
126 input_activation=input_activation, 126 input_activation=input_activation,
127 batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0)) 127 batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0))
128 db["VAE"][mod]=mlp_res_list 128 db["VAE"][mod]=mlp_res_list
129 129
130 if "ASR" in keys and "TRS" in keys : 130 if "ASR" in keys and "TRS" in keys :
131 mod = "ASR" 131 mod = "ASR"
132 mod2= "TRS" 132 mod2= "TRS"
133 mlp_res_list=[] 133 mlp_res_list=[]
134 134
135 res = train_vae(infer_model[features_key][mod]["TRAIN"], 135 res = train_vae(infer_model[features_key][mod]["TRAIN"],
136 infer_model[features_key][mod]["DEV"], 136 infer_model[features_key][mod]["DEV"],
137 infer_model[features_key][mod]["TEST"], 137 infer_model[features_key][mod]["TEST"],
138 hidden_size=hidden_size[0], 138 hidden_size=hidden_size[0],
139 sgd=sgd,input_activation=input_activation,output_activation=output_activation, 139 sgd=sgd,input_activation=input_activation,output_activation=output_activation,
140 latent_dim=latent_dim, 140 latent_dim=latent_dim,
141 nb_epochs=epochs, 141 nb_epochs=epochs,
142 batch_size=batch, 142 batch_size=batch,
143 y_train=infer_model[features_key][mod2]["TRAIN"], 143 y_train=infer_model[features_key][mod2]["TRAIN"],
144 y_dev=infer_model[features_key][mod2]["DEV"], 144 y_dev=infer_model[features_key][mod2]["DEV"],
145 y_test=infer_model[features_key][mod2]["TEST"]) 145 y_test=infer_model[features_key][mod2]["TEST"])
146 146
147 for nb,layer in enumerate(res) : 147 for nb,layer in enumerate(res) :
148 if save_projection: 148 if save_projection:
149 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[0]) 149 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[0])
150 col_count = (pd.sum(axis=0) != 0) 150 col_count = (pd.sum(axis=0) != 0)
151 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count] 151 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count]
152 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,"SPE"),"TRAIN") 152 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,"SPE"),"TRAIN")
153 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[1]) 153 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[1])
154 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count] 154 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count]
155 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,"SPE"),"DEV") 155 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,"SPE"),"DEV")
156 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[2]) 156 pd = pandas.DataFrame(layer[2])
157 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count] 157 pd = pd.loc[:,col_count]
158 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,"SPE"),"TEST") 158 pd.to_hdf("{}/{}/VAE_{}_{}_df.hdf".format(in_dir,name,nb,"SPE"),"TEST")
159 del pd 159 del pd
160 160
161 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TRAIN"], 161 mlp_res_list.append(train_mlp(layer[0],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TRAIN"],
162 layer[1],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["DEV"], 162 layer[1],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["DEV"],
163 layer[2],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TEST"], 163 layer[2],infer_model["LABEL"][mod]["TEST"],
164 mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs, 164 mlp_h,loss=mlp_loss,dropouts=mlp_dropouts,sgd=mlp_sgd,epochs=mlp_epochs,
165 output_activation=mlp_output_activation, 165 output_activation=mlp_output_activation,
166 input_activation=input_activation, 166 input_activation=input_activation,
167 batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0)) 167 batch_size=mlp_batch_size,fit_verbose=0))
168 168
169 db["VAE"]["SPE"] = mlp_res_list 169 db["VAE"]["SPE"] = mlp_res_list
170 170
171 db.sync() 171 db.sync()
172 db.close() 172 db.close()
173 173
1 python File was deleted
2 python DECODA_list_wid.shelve output_v1/ 100 12 test2 1 400
3 python DECODA_list_wid.shelve output_v1/test2 output_v1/t2db.json
4 1 python
1 '''This script demonstrates how to build a variational autoencoder with Keras. 1 '''This script demonstrates how to build a variational autoencoder with Keras.
2 Reference: "Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes" 2 Reference: "Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes"
3 ''' 3 '''
4 4
5 import itertools 5 import itertools
6 import sys 6 import sys
7 import json 7 import json
8 8
9 import numpy as np 9 import numpy as np
10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
11 from scipy import sparse 11 from scipy import sparse
12 import 12 import
13 13
14 from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Lambda 14 from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Lambda
15 from keras.models import Model 15 from keras.models import Model
16 from keras import backend as K 16 from keras import backend as K
17 from keras import objectives 17 from keras import objectives
18 from keras.datasets import mnist 18 from keras.datasets import mnist
19 from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping,Callback 19 from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping,Callback
20 20
21 import pandas 21 import pandas
22 import shelve 22 import shelve
23 import pickle 23 import pickle
24 24
25 25
26 class ZeroStopping(Callback): 26 class ZeroStopping(Callback):
27 '''Stop training when a monitored quantity has stopped improving. 27 '''Stop training when a monitored quantity has stopped improving.
28 # Arguments 28 # Arguments
29 monitor: quantity to be monitored. 29 monitor: quantity to be monitored.
30 patience: number of epochs with no improvement 30 patience: number of epochs with no improvement
31 after which training will be stopped. 31 after which training will be stopped.
32 verbose: verbosity mode. 32 verbose: verbosity mode.
33 mode: one of {auto, min, max}. In 'min' mode, 33 mode: one of {auto, min, max}. In 'min' mode,
34 training will stop when the quantity 34 training will stop when the quantity
35 monitored has stopped decreasing; in 'max' 35 monitored has stopped decreasing; in 'max'
36 mode it will stop when the quantity 36 mode it will stop when the quantity
37 monitored has stopped increasing. 37 monitored has stopped increasing.
38 ''' 38 '''
39 def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, mode='auto', thresh = 0): 39 def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, mode='auto', thresh = 0):
40 super(ZeroStopping, self).__init__() 40 super(ZeroStopping, self).__init__()
41 41
42 self.monitor = monitor 42 self.monitor = monitor
43 self.verbose = verbose 43 self.verbose = verbose
44 self.thresh = thresh # is a rythme 44 self.thresh = thresh # is a rythme
45 45
46 if mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']: 46 if mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
47 warnings.warn('EarlyStopping mode %s is unknown, ' 47 warnings.warn('EarlyStopping mode %s is unknown, '
48 'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode), 48 'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode),
49 RuntimeWarning) 49 RuntimeWarning)
50 mode = 'auto' 50 mode = 'auto'
51 51
52 if mode == 'min': 52 if mode == 'min':
53 self.monitor_op = np.less 53 self.monitor_op = np.less
54 elif mode == 'max': 54 elif mode == 'max':
55 self.monitor_op = np.greater 55 self.monitor_op = np.greater
56 else: 56 else:
57 if 'acc' in self.monitor: 57 if 'acc' in self.monitor:
58 self.monitor_op = np.greater 58 self.monitor_op = np.greater
59 else: 59 else:
60 self.monitor_op = np.less 60 self.monitor_op = np.less
61 61
62 def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): 62 def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
63 current = logs.get(self.monitor) 63 current = logs.get(self.monitor)
64 if current is None: 64 if current is None:
65 warnings.warn('Zero stopping requires %s available!' % 65 warnings.warn('Zero stopping requires %s available!' %
66 (self.monitor), RuntimeWarning) 66 (self.monitor), RuntimeWarning)
67 67
68 if self.monitor_op(current, self.thresh): 68 if self.monitor_op(current, self.thresh):
69 = current 69 = current
70 self.model.stop_training = True 70 self.model.stop_training = True
71 71
72 #batch_size = 16 72 #batch_size = 16
73 #original_dim = 784 73 #original_dim = 784
74 #latent_dim = 2 74 #latent_dim = 2
75 #intermediate_dim = 128 75 #intermediate_dim = 128
76 #epsilon_std = 0.01 76 #epsilon_std = 0.01
77 #nb_epoch = 40 77 #nb_epoch = 40
78 78
79 79
80 80
81 81
82 def train_vae(x_train,x_dev,x_test,y_train=None,y_dev=None,y_test=None,hidden_size=80,latent_dim=12,batch_size=8,nb_epochs=10,sgd="rmsprop",input_activation = "relu",output_activation = "sigmoid",epsilon_std=0.01): 82 def train_vae(x_train,x_dev,x_test,y_train=None,y_dev=None,y_test=None,hidden_size=80,latent_dim=12,batch_size=8,nb_epochs=10,sgd="rmsprop",input_activation = "relu",output_activation = "sigmoid",epsilon_std=0.01):
83 83
84 84
85 85
86 def sampling(args): 86 def sampling(args):
87 z_mean, z_log_std = args 87 z_mean, z_log_std = args
88 epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, latent_dim), 88 epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, latent_dim),
89 mean=0., std=epsilon_std) 89 mean=0., std=epsilon_std)
90 return z_mean + K.exp(z_log_std) * epsilon 90 return z_mean + K.exp(z_log_std) * epsilon
91 91
92 def vae_loss(x, x_decoded_mean): 92 def vae_loss(x, x_decoded_mean):
93 xent_loss = objectives.binary_crossentropy(x, x_decoded_mean) 93 xent_loss = objectives.binary_crossentropy(x, x_decoded_mean)
94 kl_loss = - 0.5 * K.mean(1 + z_log_std - K.square(z_mean) - K.exp(z_log_std), axis=-1) 94 kl_loss = - 0.5 * K.mean(1 + z_log_std - K.square(z_mean) - K.exp(z_log_std), axis=-1)
95 return xent_loss + kl_loss 95 return xent_loss + kl_loss
96 96
97 original_dim = x_train.shape[1] 97 original_dim = x_train.shape[1]
98 98
99 99
100 x = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, original_dim)) 100 x = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, original_dim))
101 h = Dense(hidden_size, activation=input_activation)(x) 101 h = Dense(hidden_size, activation=input_activation)(x)
102 z_mean = Dense(latent_dim)(h) 102 z_mean = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
103 z_log_std = Dense(latent_dim)(h) 103 z_log_std = Dense(latent_dim)(h)
104 104
105 105
106 # note that "output_shape" isn't necessary with the TensorFlow backend 106 # note that "output_shape" isn't necessary with the TensorFlow backend
107 # so you could write `Lambda(sampling)([z_mean, z_log_std])` 107 # so you could write `Lambda(sampling)([z_mean, z_log_std])`
108 z = Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(latent_dim,))([z_mean, z_log_std]) 108 z = Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(latent_dim,))([z_mean, z_log_std])
109 109
110 # we instantiate these layers separately so as to reuse them later 110 # we instantiate these layers separately so as to reuse them later
111 decoder_h = Dense(hidden_size, activation=input_activation) 111 decoder_h = Dense(hidden_size, activation=input_activation)
112 decoder_mean = Dense(original_dim, activation=output_activation) 112 decoder_mean = Dense(original_dim, activation=output_activation)
113 h_decoded = decoder_h(z) 113 h_decoded = decoder_h(z)
114 x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(h_decoded) 114 x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(h_decoded)
115 115
116 116
117 vae = Model(x, x_decoded_mean) 117 vae = Model(x, x_decoded_mean)
118 vae.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss=vae_loss) 118 vae.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss=vae_loss)
119 119
120 # train the VAE on MNIST digits 120 # train the VAE on MNIST digits
121 if y_train is None or y_dev is None or y_test is None : 121 if y_train is None or y_dev is None or y_test is None :
122 y_train = x_train 122 y_train = x_train
123 y_dev = x_dev 123 y_dev = x_dev
124 y_test = x_test 124 y_test = x_test
125 125
126, y_train, 126, y_train,
127 shuffle=True, 127 shuffle=True,
128 nb_epoch=nb_epochs, 128 nb_epoch=nb_epochs,
129 verbose = 1, 129 verbose = 1,
130 batch_size=batch_size, 130 batch_size=batch_size,
131 validation_data=(x_dev, y_dev), 131 validation_data=(x_dev, y_dev)
132 callbacks = [ZeroStopping(monitor='val_loss', thresh=0, verbose=0, mode='min')] 132 #callbacks = [ZeroStopping(monitor='val_loss', thresh=0, verbose=0, mode='min')]
133 ) 133 )
134 134
135 # build a model to project inputs on the latent space 135 # build a model to project inputs on the latent space
136 encoder = Model(x, z_mean) 136 encoder = Model(x, z_mean)
137 pred_train = encoder.predict(x_train, batch_size=batch_size) 137 pred_train = encoder.predict(x_train, batch_size=batch_size)
138 pred_dev = encoder.predict(x_dev, batch_size=batch_size) 138 pred_dev = encoder.predict(x_dev, batch_size=batch_size)
139 pred_test = encoder.predict(x_test,batch_size=batch_size) 139 pred_test = encoder.predict(x_test,batch_size=batch_size)
140 return [ [ pred_train, pred_dev, pred_test ] ] 140 return [ [ pred_train, pred_dev, pred_test ] ]
141 # display a 2D plot of the digit classes in the latent space 141 # display a 2D plot of the digit classes in the latent space
142 #x_test_encoded = encoder.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size) 142 #x_test_encoded = encoder.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size)
143 # build a digit generator that can sample from the learned distribution 143 # build a digit generator that can sample from the learned distribution
144 #decoder_input = Input(shape=(latent_dim,)) 144 #decoder_input = Input(shape=(latent_dim,))
145 #_h_decoded = decoder_h(decoder_input) 145 #_h_decoded = decoder_h(decoder_input)
146 #_x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(_h_decoded) 146 #_x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(_h_decoded)
147 #generator = Model(decoder_input, _x_decoded_mean) 147 #generator = Model(decoder_input, _x_decoded_mean)
148 #x_decoded = generator.predict(z_sample) 148 #x_decoded = generator.predict(z_sample)
149 149
150 150