02a_RUN_spro_front-end.sh 2.42 KB

#	RUN Spro Front-End
#	This script is distributed in the hope that it will useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
#	This tutorial is designed to help getting an hand on the LIA_RAL toolkit  by introducting 
#	the main executables in context.
#	Executables used in this script are part of the ALIZE toolkit.
#	When using ALIZE, please use the citation provided below:
#	A. Larcher, J.-F. Bonastre, B. Fauve, K.A. Lee, C. Levy, H. Li, J.S.D. Mason, J.-Y Parfait, 
#	"ALIZE 3.0 - Open Source Toolkit for State-of-the-Art Speaker Recognition," 
#	in Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2013
#		by Anthony Larcher
#		alarcher - at- i2r.a-star.edu.sg
#		07/06/2013
# This script process the acoustic feature files extracted from the SPHERE files by using Spro
# If those features have not been generated (in directory ./spkDiarization/data/prm/) you need to run 
#	01_RUN_feature_extraction.sh
# or decompress the archive SPRO_features.tar.gz located in ./spkDiarization/data/ into ./spkDiarization/data/prm/
# After this script is completed, you will get normalized feature files in ./spkDiarization/data/prm/ (extension *.norm.prm)
# as well as label files indicating the time label of speech frames in ./spkDiarization/data/lbl/
        echo "Normalise energy : `date` "
	CMD_NORM_E="spkDiarization/bin/NormFeat --config spkDiarization/cfg/NormFeat_energy_SPro.cfg --inputFeatureFilename spkDiarization/data/data.lst --featureFilesPath  spkDiarization/data/prm/"
	echo $CMD_NORM_E
        echo "End normalise energy : `date`\n "

        echo "Energy Detector : `date` "
        CMD_ENERGY="spkDiarization/bin/EnergyDetector --config spkDiarization/cfg/EnergyDetector_SPro.cfg --inputFeatureFilename spkDiarization/data/data.lst --featureFilesPath  spkDiarization/data/prm/ --labelFilesPath spkDiarization/data/lbl/"
        echo "End energy detector : `date`\n "

        echo "Normalise Features : `date`"
        CMD_NORM="spkDiarization/bin/NormFeat --config spkDiarization/cfg/NormFeat_SPro.cfg --inputFeatureFilename spkDiarization/data/data.lst --featureFilesPath spkDiarization/data/prm/ --labelFilesPath spkDiarization/data/lbl/"
	echo $CMD_NORM
        echo "End Normalise Features : `date`"