TrainWorld.cfg~ 2.42 KB
*** TrainWorld Configuration File

numThread					4
verboseLevel					2

*	Miscellaneous
bigEndian					false	
featureServerBufferSize				ALL_FEATURES
featureServerMemAlloc				500000000
frameLength					0.01			%in seconds

*	In & Out
loadFeatureFileExtension			.norm.prm
loadFeatureFileFormat				SPRO4				% SPRO4 or HTK or RAW

loadMixtureFileExtension			.gmm
loadMixtureFileFormat				RAW				%RAW or XML
saveMixtureFileExtension			.gmm
saveMixtureFileFormat				RAW

*	Paths
featureFilesPath				spkDiarization/data/prm/
labelFilesPath					spkDiarization/data/lbl/
mixtureFilesPath				spkDiarization/gmm/

*	Feature options
loadFeatureFileBigEndian			false			% true for HTK by default
featureServerMask				0-18,20-50
addDefaultLabel					false
defaultLabel					speech
labelSelectedFrames				speech

*	Computation

maxLLK						200
minLLK						-200

*	TrainWorld specific options
baggedFrameProbability				0.3
baggedFrameInitProbability			0.7
normalizeModel					true
baggedMinimalLength				3
baggedMaximalLength				10
inputFeatureFilename				spkDiarization/lst/UBM.lst

use01						false		%initialise the mean and variance to 0 1or from data
nbFrameToSelect					100		% percentage of frame used to initialise the mixture if init from scratch
initVarianceFlooring				0.01
initVarianceCeiling				10

mixtureDistribCount				32
nbTrainIt					10
finalVarianceFlooring				0.01
finalVarianceCeiling				10
outputWorldFilename				world