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// fstext/ // Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation // See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, // MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. // See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "fstext/context-fst.h" #include "fstext/fst-test-utils.h" #include "tree/context-dep.h" #include "util/kaldi-io.h" #include "base/kaldi-math.h" namespace fst { // GenAcceptorFromSequence generates a linear acceptor (identical input+output symbols) that has this // sequence of symbols, and template<class Arc> static VectorFst<Arc> *GenAcceptorFromSequence(const vector<typename Arc::Label> &symbols, float cost) { typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight; typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId; vector<float> split_cost(symbols.size()+1, 0.0); // for #-arcs + end-state. { // compute split_cost. it must sum to "cost". std::set<int32> indices; size_t num_indices = 1 + (kaldi::Rand() % split_cost.size()); while (indices.size() < num_indices) indices.insert(kaldi::Rand() % split_cost.size()); for (std::set<int32>::iterator iter = indices.begin(); iter != indices.end(); ++iter) { split_cost[*iter] = cost / num_indices; } } VectorFst<Arc> *fst = new VectorFst<Arc>(); StateId cur_state = fst->AddState(); fst->SetStart(cur_state); for (size_t i = 0; i < symbols.size(); i++) { StateId next_state = fst->AddState(); Arc arc; arc.ilabel = symbols[i]; arc.olabel = symbols[i]; arc.nextstate = next_state; arc.weight = (Weight) split_cost[i]; fst->AddArc(cur_state, arc); cur_state = next_state; } fst->SetFinal(cur_state, (Weight)split_cost[symbols.size()]); return fst; } // CheckPhones is used to test the correctness of an FST that is the result of // composition with a ContextFst. template<class Arc> static float CheckPhones(const VectorFst<Arc> &linear_fst, const vector<typename Arc::Label> &phone_ids, const vector<typename Arc::Label> &disambig_ids, const vector<typename Arc::Label> &phone_seq, const vector<vector<typename Arc::Label> > &ilabel_info, int N, int P) { typedef typename Arc::Label Label; typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId; typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight; assert(kaldi::IsSorted(phone_ids)); // so we can do binary_search. vector<int32> input_syms; vector<int32> output_syms; Weight tot_cost; bool ans = GetLinearSymbolSequence(linear_fst, &input_syms, &output_syms, &tot_cost); assert(ans); // should be linear. vector<int32> phone_seq_check; for (size_t i = 0; i < output_syms.size(); i++) if (std::binary_search(phone_ids.begin(), phone_ids.end(), output_syms[i])) phone_seq_check.push_back(output_syms[i]); assert(phone_seq_check == phone_seq); vector<vector<int32> > input_syms_long; for (size_t i = 0; i < input_syms.size(); i++) { Label isym = input_syms[i]; if (ilabel_info[isym].size() == 0) continue; // epsilon. if ( (ilabel_info[isym].size() == 1 && ilabel_info[isym][0] <= 0) ) continue; // disambig. input_syms_long.push_back(ilabel_info[isym]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < input_syms_long.size(); i++) { vector<int32> phone_context_window(N); // phone at pos i will be at pos P in this window. int pos = ((int)i) - P; // pos of first phone in window [ may be out of range] . for (int j = 0; j < N; j++, pos++) { if (static_cast<size_t>(pos) < phone_seq.size()) phone_context_window[j] = phone_seq[pos]; else phone_context_window[j] = 0; // 0 is a special symbol that context-dep-itf expects to see // when no phone is present due to out-of-window. context-fst knows about this too. } assert(input_syms_long[i] == phone_context_window); } return tot_cost.Value(); } template<class Arc> static VectorFst<Arc> *GenRandPhoneSeq(vector<typename Arc::Label> &phone_syms, vector<typename Arc::Label> &disambig_syms, typename Arc::Label subsequential_symbol, int num_subseq_syms, float seq_prob, vector<typename Arc::Label> *phoneseq_out) { KALDI_ASSERT(phoneseq_out != NULL); typedef typename Arc::Label Label; // Generate an FST that is a random phone sequence, ending // with "num_subseq_syms" subsequential symbols. It will // have disambiguation symbols randomly interspersed throughout. // The number of phones is random (possibly zero). size_t len = (kaldi::Rand() % 4) * (kaldi::Rand() % 3); // up to 3*2=6 phones. float disambig_prob = 0.33; phoneseq_out->clear(); vector<Label> syms; // the phones for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { while (kaldi::RandUniform() < disambig_prob) syms.push_back(disambig_syms[kaldi::Rand() % disambig_syms.size()]); Label phone_id = phone_syms[kaldi::Rand() % phone_syms.size()]; phoneseq_out->push_back(phone_id); // record in output the underlying phone sequence. syms.push_back(phone_id); } for (size_t i = 0; static_cast<int32>(i) < num_subseq_syms; i++) { while (kaldi::RandUniform() < disambig_prob) syms.push_back(disambig_syms[kaldi::Rand() % disambig_syms.size()]); syms.push_back(subsequential_symbol); } while (kaldi::RandUniform() < disambig_prob) syms.push_back(disambig_syms[kaldi::Rand() % disambig_syms.size()]); // OK, now have the symbols of the FST as a vector. return GenAcceptorFromSequence<Arc>(syms, seq_prob); } // Don't instantiate with log semiring, as RandEquivalent may fail. // TestContestFst also test ReadILabelInfo and WriteILabelInfo. static void TestContextFst(bool verbose, bool use_matcher) { typedef StdArc Arc; typedef Arc::Label Label; typedef Arc::StateId StateId; typedef Arc::Weight Weight; // Generate a random set of phones. size_t num_phones = 1 + kaldi::Rand() % 10; std::set<int32> phones_set; while (phones_set.size() < num_phones) phones_set.insert(1 + kaldi::Rand() % (num_phones + 5)); // don't use 0 [== epsilon] vector<int32> phones; kaldi::CopySetToVector(phones_set, &phones); int N = 1 + kaldi::Rand() % 4; // Context size, in range 1..4. int P = kaldi::Rand() % N; // 1.. N-1. if (verbose) std::cout << "N = "<< N << ", P = "<<P<<' '; Label subsequential_symbol = 1000; vector<int32> disambig_syms; for (size_t i =0; i < 5; i++) disambig_syms.push_back(500 + i); vector<int32> phone_syms; for (size_t i = 0; i < phones.size();i++) phone_syms.push_back(phones[i]); InverseContextFst inv_cfst(subsequential_symbol, phones, disambig_syms, N, P); /* Now create random phone-sequences and compose them with the context FST. */ for (size_t p = 0; p < 10; p++) { vector<int32> phone_seq; int num_subseq = N - P - 1; // zero if P == N-1, i.e. P is last element, i.e. left-context only. float tot_cost = 20.0 * kaldi::RandUniform(); VectorFst<Arc> *f = GenRandPhoneSeq<Arc>(phone_syms, disambig_syms, subsequential_symbol, num_subseq, tot_cost, &phone_seq); if (verbose) { std::cout << "Sequence FST is: "; { // Try to print the fst. FstPrinter<Arc> fstprinter(*f, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true, "\t"); fstprinter.Print(&std::cout, "standard output"); } } VectorFst<Arc> fst_composed; ComposeDeterministicOnDemandInverse(*f, &inv_cfst, &fst_composed); // Testing WriteILabelInfo and ReadILabelInfo. { bool binary = (kaldi::Rand() % 2 == 0); WriteILabelInfo(kaldi::Output("tmpf", binary).Stream(), binary, inv_cfst.IlabelInfo()); bool binary_in; vector<vector<int32> > ilabel_info; kaldi::Input ki("tmpf", &binary_in); ReadILabelInfo(ki.Stream(), binary_in, &ilabel_info); assert(ilabel_info == inv_cfst.IlabelInfo()); } if (verbose) { std::cout << "Composed FST is: "; { // Try to print the fst. FstPrinter<Arc> fstprinter(fst_composed, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, true, "\t"); fstprinter.Print(&std::cout, "standard output"); } } // now check the composed FST. float tot_cost_check = CheckPhones<Arc>(fst_composed, phone_syms, disambig_syms, phone_seq, inv_cfst.IlabelInfo(), N, P); kaldi::AssertEqual(tot_cost, tot_cost_check); delete f; } unlink("tmpf"); } } // namespace fst int main() { for (int i = 0;i < 16;i++) { bool verbose = (i < 4); bool use_matcher = ( (i/4) % 2 == 0); fst::TestContextFst(verbose, use_matcher); } } |