5.51 KB

# Copyright 2019 Beijing DataTang Tech. Co. Ltd. (Author: Liyuan Wang)
#           2017 Hui Bu
#           2017 Jiayu Du
#           2017 Xingyu Na
#           2017 Bengu Wu
#           2017 Hao Zheng
# Apache 2.0

# This is a shell script, but it's recommended that you run the commands one by
# one by copying and pasting into the shell.
# Caution: some of the graph creation steps use quite a bit of memory, so you
# should run this on a machine that has sufficient memory.

. ./ ## You'll want to change to something that will work on your system.
           ## This relates to the queue.
. ./

# corpus directory and download URL

# Obtain the database
#[ -d $data ] || mkdir -p $data || exit 1;
local/ $data $data_url aidatatang_200zh || exit 1;

# Data Preparation: generate text, wav.scp, utt2spk, spk2utt
local/ $data/aidatatang_200zh/corpus $data/aidatatang_200zh/transcript || exit 1;

# Lexicon Preparation: build a large lexicon that invovles words in both the training and decoding
local/ || exit 1;

# Prepare Language Stuff
# Phone Sets, questions, L compilation
utils/ --position-dependent-phones false data/local/dict "<UNK>" data/local/lang data/lang || exit 1;

# LM training
local/ || exit 1;

# G compilation, check LG composition

# Now make MFCC plus pitch features.
# mfccdir should be some place with a largish disk where you want to store MFCC features.
for x in train dev test; do
  steps/ --write_utt2dur false --write_utt2num_frames false --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 data/$x exp/make_mfcc/$x $mfccdir || exit 1;
  steps/ data/$x exp/make_mfcc/$x $mfccdir || exit 1;
  utils/ data/$x || exit 1;

steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/mono || exit 1;

# Monophone decoding
utils/ data/lang_test exp/mono exp/mono/graph || exit 1;
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config --nj 10 \
  exp/mono/graph data/dev exp/mono/decode_dev

steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config --nj 10 \
  exp/mono/graph data/test exp/mono/decode_test

# Get alignments from monophone system.
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/mono exp/mono_ali || exit 1;

# train tri1 [first triphone pass]
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
 2500 20000 data/train data/lang exp/mono_ali exp/tri1 || exit 1;

# decode tri1
utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri1 exp/tri1/graph || exit 1;
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config --nj 10 \
  exp/tri1/graph data/dev exp/tri1/decode_dev
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config --nj 10 \
  exp/tri1/graph data/test exp/tri1/decode_test

# align tri1
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri1 exp/tri1_ali || exit 1;

# train tri2 [delta+delta-deltas]
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
 2500 20000 data/train data/lang exp/tri1_ali exp/tri2 || exit 1;

# decode tri2
utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri2 exp/tri2/graph
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config --nj 10 \
  exp/tri2/graph data/dev exp/tri2/decode_dev
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config --nj 10 \
  exp/tri2/graph data/test exp/tri2/decode_test

#align tri2
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri2 exp/tri2_ali || exit 1;

# Train tri3a, which is LDA+MLLT,
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
 2500 20000 data/train data/lang exp/tri2_ali exp/tri3a || exit 1;

utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri3a exp/tri3a/graph || exit 1;
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 --config conf/decode.config \
  exp/tri3a/graph data/dev exp/tri3a/decode_dev
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 --config conf/decode.config \
  exp/tri3a/graph data/test exp/tri3a/decode_test

# From now, we start building a more serious system (with SAT), and we'll
# do the alignment with fMLLR.
steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri3a exp/tri3a_ali || exit 1;

steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
  2500 20000 data/train data/lang exp/tri3a_ali exp/tri4a || exit 1;

utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri4a exp/tri4a/graph
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 --config conf/decode.config \
  exp/tri4a/graph data/dev exp/tri4a/decode_dev
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 --config conf/decode.config \
  exp/tri4a/graph data/test exp/tri4a/decode_test

steps/  --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri4a exp/tri4a_ali

# Building a larger SAT system.

steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
  3500 100000 data/train data/lang exp/tri4a_ali exp/tri5a || exit 1;

utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri5a exp/tri5a/graph || exit 1;
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 --config conf/decode.config \
   exp/tri5a/graph data/dev exp/tri5a/decode_dev || exit 1;
steps/ --cmd "$decode_cmd" --nj 10 --config conf/decode.config \
   exp/tri5a/graph data/test exp/tri5a/decode_test || exit 1;

steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" --nj 10 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri5a exp/tri5a_ali || exit 1;

# nnet3

# chain

# getting results (see RESULTS file)
for x in exp/*/decode_test; do [ -d $x ] && grep WER $x/cer_* | utils/; done 2>/dev/null

exit 0;