fsp_make_trans.pl 2.56 KB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2014  Gaurav Kumar.   Apache 2.0

use utf8;
use File::Basename;
open(T, "<", "$trans") || die "Can't open transcripts file";
open(R, "|sort >$reco") || die "Can't open reco2file_and_channel file $!";
open(O, ">$tmpdir/text.1") || die "Can't open text file for writing";
open(G, ">$tmpdir/spk2gendertmp") || die "Can't open the speaker to gender map file";
binmode(O, ":utf8");
while (<T>) {
  $file = $_;
  m:([^/]+)\.tdf: || die "Bad filename $_";
  $call_id = $1;
  print R "$call_id-A $call_id A\n";
  print R "$call_id-B $call_id B\n";
  open(I, "<$file") || die "Opening file $_";
  binmode(I, ":utf8");
  # Get rid of header sections first
  foreach ( 0..2 ) {
    $tmpLine = <I>;
  #Now read each line and extract information
  while (<I>) {
    #20051017_215732_274_fsp.sph     1       0.0     0.909856781803  Audrey  female  native   <foreign lang="English"> Audrey </foreign>     0       0       -1
    my @stringComponents = split(/\t/);

    #Check number of components in this array
    if ((scalar @stringComponents) >= 11) {
      $start = sprintf("%06d", $stringComponents[2] * 100);
      $end = sprintf("%06d", $stringComponents[3] * 100);
      length($end) > 6 && die "Time too long $end in $file";
      $side = $stringComponents[1] ? "B" : "A";
      $words = $stringComponents[7];
      $utt_id = "${call_id}-$side-$start-$end";
      $speaker_id = "${call_id}-$side";
      $gender = "m";
      if  ($stringComponents[5] == "female") {
        $gender = "f";
      print G "$speaker_id $gender\n" || die "Error writing to speaker2gender file";
      $words =~ s:</:lendarrow:g;
      $words =~ s/</larrow/g;
      $words =~ s/>/rarrow/g;
      $words =~ s/[[:punct:]]//g;
      $words =~ s/larrow/</g;
      $words =~ s/rarrow/>/g;
      $words =~ s:lendarrow:</:g;
      $words =~ s/Á/á/g;
      $words =~ s/Í/í/g;
      $words =~ s/Ó/ó/g;
      $words =~ s/Ú/ú/g;
#      $words =~ s/ì/í/g;
#      $words =~ s/è/é/g;
#      $words =~ s/¡/i/g;
#      $words =~ s/J/J/g;
#      $words =~ s/S/S/g;
#      $words =~ s/à/á/g;
      $words =~ s/¨//g;
      $words =~ s/·//g;
      $words =~ s/´//g;
      $words =~ s/N/n/g;
#      $words =~ s/2//g;
      $words = lc($words);
#      $words =~ s:ü([eiéí]):w\1:g;
#      $words =~ s:ü:u:g;
#      $words =~ s:ñ:N:g;
      print O "$utt_id $words\n" || die "Error writing to text file";