10.9 KB
# Copyright 2018  Nagendra Goel, Saikiran Valluri  Apache 2.0
# Copyright 2014  Gaurav Kumar.   Apache 2.0
# Recipe for Fisher/Callhome-Spanish


# call the next line with the directory where the Spanish Fisher data is
# (the values below are just an example).



. ./
if [ -f ]; then . ./; fi
. || exit 1;

set -e

if [ $stage -le 1 ]; then
  local/ $sfisher_speech $sfisher_transcripts

  local/ $callhome_speech $callhome_transcripts

  # The lexicon is created using the LDC spanish lexicon, the words from the
  # fisher spanish corpus. Additional (most frequent) words are added from the
  # ES gigaword corpus to bring the total to 64k words. The ES frequency sorted
  # wordlist is downloaded if it is not available.
  local/ $spanish_lexicon

  # Added c,j, v to the non silences phones manually
  utils/ data/local/dict "<unk>" data/local/lang data/lang

  # Make sure that you do not use your test and your dev sets to train the LM
  # Some form of cross validation is possible where you decode your dev/set based on an
  # LM that is trained on  everything but that that conversation
  # When in doubt about what your data partitions should be use local/
  # to get the numbers. Depending on your needs, you might have to change the size of
  # the splits within that file. The default paritions are based on the Kaldi + Joshua
  # requirements which means that I have very large dev and test sets
  local/ $split

  utils/ data/local/data/train_all

  steps/ --nj 20 --cmd "$train_cmd" data/local/data/train_all exp/make_mfcc/train_all $mfccdir || exit 1;

  utils/ data/local/data/train_all
  utils/ data/local/data/train_all

  cp -r data/local/data/train_all data/train_all

  # For the CALLHOME corpus
  utils/ data/local/data/callhome_train_all

  steps/ --nj 20 --cmd "$train_cmd" data/local/data/callhome_train_all exp/make_mfcc/callhome_train_all $mfccdir || exit 1;

  utils/ data/local/data/callhome_train_all
  utils/ data/local/data/callhome_train_all

  cp -r data/local/data/callhome_train_all data/callhome_train_all

  # Creating data partitions for the pipeline
  # We need datasets for both the ASR and SMT system
  # We have 257455 utterances left, so the partitions are roughly as follows
  # ASR Train : 100k utterances
  # ASR Tune : 17455 utterances
  # ASR Eval : 20k utterances
  # MT Train : 100k utterances
  # MT Tune : Same as the ASR eval set (Use the lattices from here)
  # MT Eval : 20k utterances
  # The dev and the test sets need to be carefully chosen so that there is no conversation/speaker
  # overlap. This has been setup and the script local/fsp_ideal_data_partitions provides the numbers that are needed below.
  # As noted above, the LM has not been trained on the dev and the test sets.
  #utils/ --first data/train_all 158126 data/dev_and_test
  #utils/ --first data/dev_and_test 37814 data/asr_dev_and_test
  #utils/ --last data/dev_and_test 120312 data/mt_train_and_test
  #utils/ --first data/asr_dev_and_test 17662 data/dev
  #utils/ --last data/asr_dev_and_test 20152 data/test
  #utils/ --first data/mt_train_and_test 100238 data/mt_train
  #utils/ --last data/mt_train_and_test 20074 data/mt_test
  #rm -r data/dev_and_test
  #rm -r data/asr_dev_and_test
  #rm -r data/mt_train_and_test

  local/ $split
  local/ $split_callhome

if [ $stage -le 2 ]; then
  # Now compute CMVN stats for the train, dev and test subsets
  steps/ data/dev exp/make_mfcc/dev $mfccdir
  steps/ data/test exp/make_mfcc/test $mfccdir
  steps/ data/dev2 exp/make_mfcc/dev2 $mfccdir
  #steps/ data/mt_train exp/make_mfcc/mt_train $mfccdir
  #steps/ data/mt_test exp/make_mfcc/mt_test $mfccdir

  #n=$[`cat data/train_all/segments | wc -l` - 158126]
  #utils/ --last data/train_all $n data/train
  steps/ data/train exp/make_mfcc/train $mfccdir

  steps/ data/callhome_dev exp/make_mfcc/callhome_dev $mfccdir
  steps/ data/callhome_test exp/make_mfcc/callhome_test $mfccdir
  steps/ data/callhome_train exp/make_mfcc/callhome_train $mfccdir

  # Again from Dan's recipe : Reduced monophone training data
  # Now-- there are 1.6 million utterances, and we want to start the monophone training
  # on relatively short utterances (easier to align), but not only the very shortest
  # ones (mostly uh-huh).  So take the 100k shortest ones, and then take 10k random
  # utterances from those.

  utils/ --shortest data/train 90000 data/train_100kshort
  utils/  data/train_100kshort 10000 data/train_10k
  utils/data/ 100 data/train_10k data/train_10k_nodup
  utils/ --speakers data/train 30000 data/train_30k
  utils/ --speakers data/train 90000 data/train_100k

if [ $stage -le 3 ]; then
  steps/ --nj 10 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/train_10k_nodup data/lang exp/mono0a

  steps/ --nj 30 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/train_30k data/lang exp/mono0a exp/mono0a_ali || exit 1;

  steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    2500 20000 data/train_30k data/lang exp/mono0a_ali exp/tri1 || exit 1;

  (utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri1 exp/tri1/graph
  steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
    exp/tri1/graph data/dev exp/tri1/decode_dev)&

  steps/ --nj 30 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/train_30k data/lang exp/tri1 exp/tri1_ali || exit 1;

  steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    2500 20000 data/train_30k data/lang exp/tri1_ali exp/tri2 || exit 1;

    utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri2 exp/tri2/graph || exit 1;
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri2/graph data/dev exp/tri2/decode_dev || exit 1;

if [ $stage -le 4 ]; then
  steps/ --nj 30 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/train_100k data/lang exp/tri2 exp/tri2_ali || exit 1;

# Train tri3a, which is LDA+MLLT, on 100k data.
  steps/ --cmd "$train_cmd" \
   --splice-opts "--left-context=3 --right-context=3" \
   3000 40000 data/train_100k data/lang exp/tri2_ali exp/tri3a || exit 1;
    utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri3a exp/tri3a/graph || exit 1;
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
     exp/tri3a/graph data/dev exp/tri3a/decode_dev || exit 1;

if [ $stage -le 5 ]; then
# Next we'll use fMLLR and train with SAT (i.e. on
# fMLLR features)
  steps/ --nj 30 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/train_100k data/lang exp/tri3a exp/tri3a_ali || exit 1;

  steps/  --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    4000 60000 data/train_100k data/lang exp/tri3a_ali  exp/tri4a || exit 1;

    utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri4a exp/tri4a/graph
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri4a/graph data/dev exp/tri4a/decode_dev

  steps/ --nj 30 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    data/train data/lang exp/tri4a exp/tri4a_ali || exit 1;

# Reduce the number of gaussians
  steps/  --cmd "$train_cmd" \
    5000 120000 data/train data/lang exp/tri4a_ali  exp/tri5a || exit 1;

    utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri5a exp/tri5a/graph
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri5a/graph data/dev exp/tri5a/decode_dev
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri5a/graph data/test exp/tri5a/decode_test

  # Decode CALLHOME
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri5a/graph data/callhome_test exp/tri5a/decode_callhome_test
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri5a/graph data/callhome_dev exp/tri5a/decode_callhome_dev
    steps/ --nj 25 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --config conf/decode.config \
      exp/tri5a/graph data/callhome_train exp/tri5a/decode_callhome_train
    ) &

   steps/ \
     --boost-silence 0.5 --nj 32 --cmd "$train_cmd" \
     data/train data/lang exp/tri5a exp/tri5a_ali

if $train_sgmm2; then

steps/ \
  --cmd "$train_cmd" 750 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri5a_ali exp/ubm5

steps/ \
  --cmd "$train_cmd" 5000 18000 \
  data/train data/lang exp/tri5a_ali exp/ubm5/final.ubm exp/sgmm5

utils/ data/lang_test exp/sgmm5 exp/sgmm5/graph

  steps/ --nj 13 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --num-threads 5 \
    --config conf/decode.config  --scoring-opts "--min-lmwt 8 --max-lmwt 16" --transform-dir exp/tri5a/decode_dev \
   exp/sgmm5/graph data/dev exp/sgmm5/decode_dev

steps/ \
  --nj 32  --cmd "$train_cmd" --transform-dir exp/tri5a_ali \
  --use-graphs true --use-gselect true \
  data/train data/lang exp/sgmm5 exp/sgmm5_ali

steps/ \
  --nj 32 --sub-split 32 --num-threads 4 \
  --beam 10.0 --lattice-beam 6 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --transform-dir exp/tri5a_ali \
  data/train data/lang exp/sgmm5_ali exp/sgmm5_denlats

steps/ \
  --cmd "$train_cmd" --drop-frames true --transform-dir exp/tri5a_ali --boost 0.1 \
  data/train data/lang exp/sgmm5_ali exp/sgmm5_denlats \

utils/ data/lang_test exp/tri5a exp/tri5a/graph
steps/ --nj 13 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --num-threads 4 --parallel-opts " -pe smp 4" \
  --config conf/decode.config  --scoring-opts "--min-lmwt 8 --max-lmwt 12"\
 exp/tri5a/graph data/dev exp/tri5a/decode_dev
utils/ data/lang_test exp/sgmm5 exp/sgmm5/graph
steps/ --nj 13 --cmd "$decode_cmd" --num-threads 5 \
  --config conf/decode.config  --scoring-opts "--min-lmwt 8 --max-lmwt 16" --transform-dir exp/tri5a/decode_dev \
 exp/sgmm5/graph data/dev exp/sgmm5/decode_dev
for iter in 1 2 3 4; do
  mkdir -p $decode
  steps/  \
    --cmd "$decode_cmd" --iter $iter --transform-dir exp/tri5a/decode_dev \
    data/lang_test data/dev/  exp/sgmm5/decode_dev $decode
) &


local/chain/ --stage $stage --train-stage $train_stage || exit 1;
exit 0;