# GMM and SGMM numbers reported on eval2000
for x in exp/*/decode_eval2000*; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 44.9 | 4459 42989 | 59.3 28.3 12.4 4.2 44.9 77.9 | exp/tri1a/decode_eval2000_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_1.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 44.0 | 4459 42989 | 60.0 27.3 12.7 4.0 44.0 77.4 | exp/tri1b/decode_eval2000_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12_0.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 39.5 | 4459 42989 | 64.8 25.0 10.2 4.3 39.5 75.7 | exp/tri2/decode_eval2000_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_0.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 37.3 | 4459 42989 | 66.1 22.6 11.2 3.4 37.3 74.2 | exp/tri3a/decode_eval2000_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_1.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 26.9 | 4459 42989 | 77.0 17.4 5.6 3.9 26.9 65.8 | exp/tri3b/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_0.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 27.5 | 4459 42989 | 75.8 17.7 6.5 3.3 27.5 66.2 | exp/tri3b/decode_eval2000_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12_0.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 24.6 | 4459 42989 | 78.6 15.6 5.7 3.3 24.6 63.6 | exp/tri4a/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_13_0.5/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 25.1 | 4459 42989 | 78.4 16.2 5.5 3.5 25.1 64.5 | exp/tri4a/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12_0.5/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 33.7 | 4459 42989 | 71.2 22.3 6.6 4.9 33.7 69.5 | exp/tri4a/
%WER 24.3 | 4459 42989 | 79.2 15.6 5.2 3.6 24.3 62.9 | exp/tri5a/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11_1.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 24.7 | 4459 42989 | 78.8 15.9 5.3 3.6 24.7 63.6 | exp/tri5a/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_1.0/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 32.8 | 4459 42989 | 71.7 21.6 6.7 4.5 32.8 68.5 | exp/tri5a/
%WER 24.4 | 4459 42989 | 78.9 15.6 5.5 3.3 24.4 64.1 | exp/tri6a/decode_dev_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 24.8 | 4459 42989 | 78.5 15.8 5.6 3.3 24.8 64.7 | exp/tri6a/decode_dev_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 32.2 | 4459 42989 | 71.9 21.1 7.0 4.1 32.2 69.3 | exp/tri6a/

# nnet2 result on eval2000
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000*_tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 16.7 | 4459 42989 | 85.3 10.2 4.4 2.0 16.7 55.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_10/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 17.4 | 4459 42989 | 84.6 10.5 4.9 2.0 17.4 56.9 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 16.7 | 4459 42989 | 85.3 10.2 4.5 2.0 16.7 55.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000*_fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 16.4 | 4459 42989 | 85.6 10.1 4.3 2.0 16.4 54.6 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_10/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 17.0 | 4459 42989 | 85.0 10.3 4.7 2.0 17.0 56.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_fsh_sw1_fg/score_12/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 16.3 | 4459 42989 | 85.6 10.0 4.4 2.0 16.3 54.5 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.filt.sys

# nnet2 result on eval2000 for swbd subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000*_tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 11.8 | 1831 21395 | 89.5 7.2 3.3 1.3 11.8 49.6 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 12.8 | 1831 21395 | 88.8 7.5 3.7 1.6 12.8 52.3 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12/eval2000.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 12.2 | 1831 21395 | 89.1 7.4 3.4 1.4 12.2 49.8 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000*_fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 11.5 | 1831 21395 | 89.9 7.0 3.1 1.3 11.5 48.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 12.3 | 1831 21395 | 89.2 7.2 3.5 1.5 12.3 50.8 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_fsh_sw1_fg/score_13/eval2000.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 11.8 | 1831 21395 | 89.6 7.2 3.2 1.4 11.8 49.0 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_eval2000_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/eval2000.ctm.swbd.filt.sys

# chain result on eval2000
# BLSTM ran for about 380 hours
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_eval2000*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 13.6 | 4459 42989 | 88.2 7.9 3.9 1.8 13.6 51.0 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_8_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 12.1 | 4459 42989 | 89.7 6.8 3.5 1.8 12.1 50.2 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_7_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_eval2000*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 13.3 | 4459 42989 | 88.4 7.8 3.8 1.8 13.3 50.1 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_8_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 12.0 | 4459 42989 | 89.6 6.5 3.8 1.7 12.0 49.3 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_8_0.5/eval2000_hires.ctm.filt.sys

# chain result on eval2000 for swbd subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_eval2000*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 9.4 | 1831 21395 | 91.7 5.4 2.9 1.2 9.4 43.9 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_10_0.5/eval2000_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 8.8 | 1831 21395 | 92.5 5.3 2.2 1.4 8.8 46.9 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_7_1.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_eval2000*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 9.2 | 1831 21395 | 92.1 5.6 2.3 1.3 9.2 42.4 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_relu_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_9_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 8.5 | 1831 21395 | 92.6 4.9 2.4 1.2 8.5 44.1 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_9_1.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys

# chain result on eval2000 for callhm subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_eval2000*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.callhm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 17.4 | 2628 21594 | 84.7 9.8 5.5 2.1 17.4 55.3 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_relu_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_8_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.callhm.filt.sys
%WER 15.3 | 2628 21594 | 86.9 8.3 4.8 2.2 15.3 52.4 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_tg/score_7_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.callhm.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_eval2000*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.callhm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 17.3 | 2628 21594 | 84.9 9.7 5.5 2.1 17.3 55.0 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_relu_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_8_0.0/eval2000_hires.ctm.callhm.filt.sys
%WER 15.3 | 2628 21594 | 87.0 8.6 4.4 2.4 15.3 52.1 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_eval2000_fsh_sw1_fg/score_6_0.5/eval2000_hires.ctm.callhm.filt.sys

# GMM and SGMM numbers reported on rt03
for x in exp/*/decode_rt03*; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 46.6 | 8420 76157 | 57.2 28.2 14.6 3.8 46.6 73.4 | exp/tri1a/decode_rt03_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 46.1 | 8420 76157 | 57.7 28.0 14.3 3.8 46.1 73.3 | exp/tri1b/decode_rt03_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 42.1 | 8420 76157 | 61.3 25.1 13.6 3.5 42.1 71.4 | exp/tri2/decode_rt03_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_1.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 39.4 | 8420 76157 | 64.2 23.8 12.0 3.6 39.4 69.6 | exp/tri3a/decode_rt03_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 26.3 | 8420 76157 | 76.8 16.8 6.4 3.1 26.3 59.1 | exp/tri3b/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_1.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 27.2 | 8420 76157 | 75.8 17.3 6.9 3.0 27.2 60.1 | exp/tri3b/decode_rt03_nosp_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 24.7 | 8420 76157 | 78.4 15.9 5.7 3.2 24.7 57.0 | exp/tri4a/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_12_1.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 25.2 | 8420 76157 | 78.0 16.1 6.0 3.2 25.2 57.8 | exp/tri4a/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 33.3 | 8420 76157 | 70.8 21.6 7.6 4.1 33.3 64.3 | exp/tri4a/
%WER 24.2 | 8420 76157 | 78.9 15.5 5.6 3.1 24.2 56.4 | exp/tri5a/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_12_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 24.6 | 8420 76157 | 78.4 15.7 5.9 3.0 24.6 57.2 | exp/tri5a/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_13_0.0/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 32.9 | 8420 76157 | 71.1 21.2 7.7 4.0 32.9 63.8 | exp/tri5a/
%WER 35.0 | 8420 76157 | 76.6 15.6 7.8 11.5 35.0 71.3 | exp/tri6a/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_14/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 35.4 | 8420 76157 | 76.1 15.9 8.0 11.5 35.4 71.6 | exp/tri6a/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_14/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 47.5 | 8420 76157 | 62.6 21.6 15.8 10.1 47.5 78.5 | exp/tri6a/

# nnet2 result on rt03
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03*_tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 23.3 | 8420 76157 | 85.7 9.7 4.6 9.0 23.3 63.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 29.9 | 8420 76157 | 85.3 10.0 4.7 15.2 29.9 75.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 29.6 | 8420 76157 | 85.9 9.5 4.5 15.5 29.6 73.1 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_tg/score_12/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03*_fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 23.1 | 8420 76157 | 86.0 9.6 4.5 9.1 23.1 62.6 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 29.6 | 8420 76157 | 85.6 9.9 4.5 15.3 29.6 74.8 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_fsh_sw1_fg/score_12/rt03.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 29.4 | 8420 76157 | 86.2 9.4 4.4 15.6 29.4 72.9 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_fg/score_12/rt03.ctm.filt.sys

# nnet2 result on rt03 for swbd subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03*_tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 17.0 | 3970 36721 | 88.3 8.2 3.6 5.3 17.0 62.9 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_10/rt03.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 20.4 | 3970 36721 | 88.0 8.2 3.8 8.4 20.4 74.8 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/rt03.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 19.4 | 3970 36721 | 88.4 7.9 3.6 7.8 19.4 72.5 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11/rt03.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03*_fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 16.8 | 3970 36721 | 88.5 8.0 3.5 5.4 16.8 62.2 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_10/rt03.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 20.2 | 3970 36721 | 88.3 8.1 3.6 8.5 20.2 74.3 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/rt03.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 19.1 | 3970 36721 | 88.8 7.8 3.4 7.9 19.1 72.2 | exp/nnet2_online/nnet_ms_a_online/decode_rt03_utt_offline_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11/rt03.ctm.swbd.filt.sys

# nnet3 result on rt03
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet3/*/decode_rt03*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 14.7 | 8420 76157 | 86.8 8.9 4.3 1.5 14.7 45.9 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 13.6 | 8420 76157 | 87.9 8.4 3.8 1.5 13.6 44.4 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp_smbr/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg_epoch2.adj/score_18_1.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 14.2 | 8420 76157 | 87.0 8.7 4.3 1.2 14.2 46.9 | exp/nnet3/lstm_bidirectional_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_8_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet3/*/decode_rt03*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 14.4 | 8420 76157 | 87.1 8.8 4.2 1.5 14.4 45.2 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 13.4 | 8420 76157 | 88.2 8.4 3.4 1.6 13.4 43.6 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp_smbr/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg_epoch2.adj/score_16_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 13.9 | 8420 76157 | 87.2 8.4 4.3 1.2 13.9 46.0 | exp/nnet3/lstm_bidirectional_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_9_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys

# nnet3 result on rt03 for swbd subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet3/*/decode_rt03*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 17.4 | 4450 39436 | 84.3 10.6 5.1 1.8 17.4 48.9 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_0.5/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 16.1 | 4450 39436 | 85.7 9.9 4.4 1.8 16.1 47.2 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp_smbr/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg_epoch2.adj/score_18_0.5/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 16.6 | 4450 39436 | 84.7 10.0 5.3 1.3 16.6 49.6 | exp/nnet3/lstm_bidirectional_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_10_0.5/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet3/*/decode_rt03*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 17.1 | 4450 39436 | 84.6 10.3 5.1 1.8 17.1 48.2 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_12_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 15.9 | 4450 39436 | 85.9 9.9 4.2 1.8 15.9 46.7 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp_smbr/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg_epoch2.adj/score_18_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 16.3 | 4450 39436 | 85.0 9.8 5.1 1.3 16.3 49.0 | exp/nnet3/lstm_bidirectional_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_10_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys

# nnet3 result on rt03 for fsh subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/nnet3/*/decode_rt03*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.fsh.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 11.8 | 3970 36721 | 89.4 7.2 3.5 1.2 11.8 42.5 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_11_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
%WER 10.9 | 3970 36721 | 90.4 6.8 2.7 1.3 10.9 40.6 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp_smbr/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg_epoch2.adj/score_15_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
%WER 11.6 | 3970 36721 | 89.4 7.1 3.5 1.0 11.6 43.6 | exp/nnet3/lstm_bidirectional_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_7_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/nnet3/*/decode_rt03*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.fsh.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 11.4 | 3970 36721 | 89.7 6.9 3.4 1.1 11.4 41.5 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_11_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
%WER 10.6 | 3970 36721 | 90.7 6.6 2.7 1.3 10.6 39.8 | exp/nnet3/tdnn_sp_smbr/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg_epoch2.adj/score_15_1.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
%WER 11.4 | 3970 36721 | 89.5 6.7 3.8 1.0 11.4 42.6 | exp/nnet3/lstm_bidirectional_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_10_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys

# chain result on rt03
# BLSTM ran for about 380 hours
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_rt03*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 12.7 | 8420 76157 | 88.5 7.2 4.2 1.3 12.7 43.2 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_9_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 11.7 | 8420 76157 | 89.8 6.6 3.6 1.5 11.7 43.7 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_7_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_rt03*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 12.4 | 8420 76157 | 88.9 7.0 4.1 1.3 12.4 42.7 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_9_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys
%WER 11.4 | 8420 76157 | 89.9 6.1 3.9 1.3 11.4 43.4 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_8_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.filt.sys

# chain result on rt03 for swbd subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_rt03*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 15.0 | 4450 39436 | 86.4 8.6 5.0 1.4 15.0 45.8 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_9_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 13.3 | 4450 39436 | 88.3 7.5 4.2 1.6 13.3 45.2 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_8_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_rt03*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.swbd.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 14.8 | 4450 39436 | 86.5 8.0 5.5 1.3 14.8 45.5 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_10_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys
%WER 13.0 | 4450 39436 | 88.5 7.3 4.2 1.6 13.0 44.8 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_8_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.swbd.filt.sys

# chain result on rt03 for fsh subset
# use tri-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_rt03*tg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.fsh.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 10.2 | 3970 36721 | 91.1 6.0 3.0 1.2 10.2 40.2 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_relu_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_8_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
%WER 9.8 | 3970 36721 | 91.4 5.3 3.3 1.2 9.8 42.0 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_tg/score_7_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
# rescore with four-gram
for x in exp/chain/*/decode_rt03*fg; do grep Sum  $x/score_*/*.ctm.fsh.filt.sys | utils/ ; done
%WER 9.8 | 3970 36721 | 91.4 5.8 2.8 1.2 9.8 39.6 | exp/chain/tdnn_7b_relu_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_8_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys
%WER 9.6 | 3970 36721 | 91.6 5.2 3.3 1.2 9.6 41.4 | exp/chain/blstm_6h_sp/decode_rt03_fsh_sw1_fg/score_7_0.0/rt03_hires.ctm.fsh.filt.sys