3.5 KB
# Copyright 2018  Ewald Enzinger
#           2018  David Snyder
# Usage: /export/voxceleb1 data/
# Note that this script also downloads a list of speakers that overlap
# with our evaluation set, SITW.  These speakers are removed from VoxCeleb1
# prior to preparing the dataset.

if (@ARGV != 2) {
  print STDERR "Usage: $0 <path-to-voxceleb1> <path-to-data-dir>\n";
  print STDERR "e.g. $0 /export/voxceleb1 data/\n";

($data_base, $out_dir) = @ARGV;
my $out_dir = "$out_dir/voxceleb1";

if (system("mkdir -p $out_dir") != 0) {
  die "Error making directory $out_dir";

# This file provides the list of speakers that overlap between SITW and VoxCeleb1.
if (! -e "$out_dir/voxceleb1_sitw_overlap.txt") {
  system("wget -O $out_dir/voxceleb1_sitw_overlap.txt");

if (! -e "$data_base/vox1_meta.csv") {
  system("wget -O $data_base/vox1_meta.csv");

# sitw_overlap contains the list of speakers that also exist in our evaluation set, SITW.
my %sitw_overlap = ();
open(OVERLAP, "<", "$out_dir/voxceleb1_sitw_overlap.txt") or die "Could not open the overlap file $out_dir/voxceleb1_sitw_overlap.txt";
while (<OVERLAP>) {
  my $spkr_id = $_;
  $sitw_overlap{$spkr_id} = ();
close(OVERLAP) or die;

open(META_IN, "<", "$data_base/vox1_meta.csv") or die "Could not open the meta data file $data_base/vox1_meta.csv";

# Also add the banned speakers to sitw_overlap using their ID format in the
# newest version of VoxCeleb.
while (<META_IN>) {
  my ($vox_id, $spkr_id, $gender, $nation, $set) = split;
  if (exists($sitw_overlap{$spkr_id})) {
    $sitw_overlap{$vox_id} = ();
close(META_IN) or die;

opendir my $dh, "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav" or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
my @spkr_dirs = grep {-d "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav/$_" && ! /^\.{1,2}$/} readdir($dh);
closedir $dh;

open(SPKR, ">", "$out_dir/utt2spk") or die "Could not open the output file $out_dir/utt2spk";
open(WAV, ">", "$out_dir/wav.scp") or die "Could not open the output file $out_dir/wav.scp";

foreach (@spkr_dirs) {
  my $spkr_id = $_;
  # Only keep the speaker if it isn't in the overlap list.
  if (not exists $sitw_overlap{$spkr_id}) {
    opendir my $dh, "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav/$spkr_id/" or die "Cannot open directory: $!";
    my @files = map{s/\.[^.]+$//;$_}grep {/\.wav$/} readdir($dh);
    closedir $dh;
    foreach (@files) {
      my $filename = $_;
      my $rec_id = substr($filename, 0, 11);
      my $segment = substr($filename, 12, 7);
      my $utt_id = "$spkr_id-$rec_id-$segment";
      my $wav = "$data_base/voxceleb1_wav/$spkr_id/$filename.wav";
      print WAV "$utt_id", " $wav", "\n";
      print SPKR "$utt_id", " $spkr_id", "\n";

close(SPKR) or die;
close(WAV) or die;

if (system(
  "utils/ $out_dir/utt2spk >$out_dir/spk2utt") != 0) {
  die "Error creating spk2utt file in directory $out_dir";
system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ $out_dir");
if (system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ --no-text --no-feats $out_dir") != 0) {
  die "Error validating directory $out_dir";

if (system(
  "utils/ $out_dir/utt2spk >$out_dir/spk2utt") != 0) {
  die "Error creating spk2utt file in directory $out_dir";

system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ $out_dir");
if (system("env LC_COLLATE=C utils/ --no-text --no-feats $out_dir") != 0) {
  die "Error validating directory $out_dir";