680 Bytes
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Add counts to an oovlist.
# Reads in counts as output by uniq -c, and
# an oovlist, and prints out the counts of the oovlist.
(@ARGV == 1 || @ARGV == 2) || die "Usage: count_file [oovlist]\n";
$counts = shift @ARGV;
open(C, "<$counts") || die "Opening counts file $counts";
while(<C>) {
@A = split(" ", $_);
@A == 2 || die "Bad line in counts file: $_";
($count, $word) = @A;
$count =~ m:^\d+$: || die "Bad count $A[0]\n";
$counts{$word} = $count;
while(<>) {
$w = $_;
$w =~ m:\S+: || die "Bad word $w";
defined $counts{$w} || die "Word $w not present in counts file";
print "\t$counts{$w}\t$w\n";