1.94 KB

# Copyright 2016  Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey)
# Apache 2.0

# This script takes as input a data directory, such as data/train/, preferably
# with utt2dur file already existing (or the utt2dur file will be created if
# not), and it attempts to work out the approximate frame shift by comparing the
# utt2dur with the output of feat-to-len on the feats.scp.  It prints it out.
# if the shift is very close to, but above, 0.01 (the normal frame shift) it
# rounds it down.

. utils/
. ./

if [ $# != 1 ]; then
  cat >&2 <<EOF
Usage: frame_shift=\$($0 <datadir>)
e.g.:  frame_shift=\$($0 data/train)

This script prints the frame-shift in seconds (e.g. 0.01) to the standard out.
Its output is intended to be captured in a shell variable.

If <datadir> does not contain the file utt2dur, this script may invoke
utils/data/, which will require write permission to <datadir>.
  exit 1

export LC_ALL=C


if [[ -s $dir/frame_shift ]]; then
  cat $dir/frame_shift

if [ ! -f $dir/feats.scp ]; then
  echo "$0: $dir/feats.scp does not exist" 1>&2
  exit 1

if [ ! -s $dir/utt2dur ]; then
  if [ ! -e $dir/wav.scp ] && [ ! -s $dir/segments ]; then
    echo "$0: neither $dir/wav.scp nor $dir/segments exist; assuming a frame shift of 0.01." 1>&2
    echo 0.01
    exit 0
  echo "$0: $dir/utt2dur does not exist: creating it" 1>&2
  utils/data/ 1>&2 $dir || exit 1

temp=$(mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXX) || exit 1

feat-to-len --print-args=false "scp:head -n 10 $dir/feats.scp|" ark,t:- > $temp

if [[ ! -s $temp ]]; then
  rm $temp
  echo "$0: error running feat-to-len" 1>&2
  exit 1

frame_shift=$(head -n 10 $dir/utt2dur | paste - $temp | awk '
      { dur += $2; frames += $4; }
  END { shift = dur / frames;
        if (shift > 0.01 && shift < 0.0102) shift = 0.01;
        print shift; }') || exit 1;

rm $temp

echo $frame_shift > $dir/frame_shift
echo $frame_shift
exit 0