16 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright 2016  Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey)
#           2018  Ruizhe Huang
# Apache 2.0.

# This is an implementation of computing Kneser-Ney smoothed language model
# in the same way as srilm. This is a back-off, unmodified version of
# Kneser-Ney smoothing, which produces the same results as the following
# command (as an example) of srilm:
# $ ngram-count -order 4 -kn-modify-counts-at-end -ukndiscount -gt1min 0 -gt2min 0 -gt3min 0 -gt4min 0 \
# -text corpus.txt -lm
# The data structure is based on: kaldi/egs/wsj/s5/utils/lang/
# The smoothing algorithm is based on:

import sys
import os
import re
import io
import math
import argparse
from collections import Counter, defaultdict

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
    Generate kneser-ney language model as arpa format. By default,
    it will read the corpus from standard input, and output to standard output.
parser.add_argument("-ngram-order", type=int, default=4, choices=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], help="Order of n-gram")
parser.add_argument("-text", type=str, default=None, help="Path to the corpus file")
parser.add_argument("-lm", type=str, default=None, help="Path to output arpa file for language models")
parser.add_argument("-verbose", type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], help="Verbose level")
args = parser.parse_args()

default_encoding = "latin-1"  # For encoding-agnostic scripts, we assume byte stream as input.
                              # Need to be very careful about the use of strip() and split()
                              # in this case, because there is a latin-1 whitespace character
                              # (nbsp) which is part of the unicode encoding range.
                              # Ref: kaldi/egs/wsj/s5/utils/lang/bpe/ @ 69cd717
strip_chars = " \t\r\n"
whitespace = re.compile("[ \t]+")

class CountsForHistory:
    # This class (which is more like a struct) stores the counts seen in a
    # particular history-state.  It is used inside class NgramCounts.
    # It really does the job of a dict from int to float, but it also
    # keeps track of the total count.
    def __init__(self):
        # The 'lambda: defaultdict(float)' is an anonymous function taking no
        # arguments that returns a new defaultdict(float).
        self.word_to_count = defaultdict(int)
        self.word_to_context = defaultdict(set)  # using a set to count the number of unique contexts
        self.word_to_f = dict()  # discounted probability
        self.word_to_bow = dict()  # back-off weight
        self.total_count = 0

    def words(self):
        return self.word_to_count.keys()

    def __str__(self):
        # e.g. returns ' total=12: 3->4, 4->6, -1->2'
        return ' total={0}: {1}'.format(
            ', '.join(['{0} -> {1}'.format(word, count)
                      for word, count in self.word_to_count.items()]))

    def add_count(self, predicted_word, context_word, count):
        assert count >= 0

        self.total_count += count
        self.word_to_count[predicted_word] += count
        if context_word is not None:

class NgramCounts:
    # A note on data-structure.  Firstly, all words are represented as
    # integers.  We store n-gram counts as an array, indexed by (history-length
    # == n-gram order minus one) (note: python calls arrays "lists") of dicts
    # from histories to counts, where histories are arrays of integers and
    # "counts" are dicts from integer to float.  For instance, when
    # accumulating the 4-gram count for the '8' in the sequence '5 6 7 8', we'd
    # do as follows: self.counts[3][[5,6,7]][8] += 1.0 where the [3] indexes an
    # array, the [[5,6,7]] indexes a dict, and the [8] indexes a dict.
    def __init__(self, ngram_order, bos_symbol='<s>', eos_symbol='</s>'):
        assert ngram_order >= 2

        self.ngram_order = ngram_order
        self.bos_symbol = bos_symbol
        self.eos_symbol = eos_symbol

        self.counts = []
        for n in range(ngram_order):
            self.counts.append(defaultdict(lambda: CountsForHistory()))

        self.d = []  # list of discounting factor for each order of ngram

    # adds a raw count (called while processing input data).
    # Suppose we see the sequence '6 7 8 9' and ngram_order=4, 'history'
    # would be (6,7,8) and 'predicted_word' would be 9; 'count' would be
    # 1.
    def add_count(self, history, predicted_word, context_word, count):
        self.counts[len(history)][history].add_count(predicted_word, context_word, count)

    # 'line' is a string containing a sequence of integer word-ids.
    # This function adds the un-smoothed counts from this line of text.
    def add_raw_counts_from_line(self, line):
        words = [self.bos_symbol] + whitespace.split(line) + [self.eos_symbol]

        for i in range(len(words)):
            for n in range(1, self.ngram_order+1):
                if i + n > len(words):

                ngram = words[i: i + n]
                predicted_word = ngram[-1]
                history = tuple(ngram[: -1])
                if i == 0 or n == self.ngram_order:
                    context_word = None
                    context_word = words[i-1]

                self.add_count(history, predicted_word, context_word, 1)

    def add_raw_counts_from_standard_input(self):
        lines_processed = 0
        infile = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding=default_encoding)  # byte stream as input
        for line in infile:
            line = line.strip(strip_chars)
            if line == '':
            lines_processed += 1
        if lines_processed == 0 or args.verbose > 0:
            print(" processed {0} lines of input".format(lines_processed), file=sys.stderr)

    def add_raw_counts_from_file(self, filename):
        lines_processed = 0
        with open(filename, encoding=default_encoding) as fp:
            for line in fp:
                line = line.strip(strip_chars)
                if line == '':
                lines_processed += 1
        if lines_processed == 0 or args.verbose > 0:
            print(" processed {0} lines of input".format(lines_processed), file=sys.stderr)

    def cal_discounting_constants(self):
        # For each order N of N-grams, we calculate discounting constant D_N = n1_N / (n1_N + 2 * n2_N),
        # where n1_N is the number of unique N-grams with count = 1 (counts-of-counts).
        # This constant is used similarly to absolute discounting.
        # Return value: d is a list of floats, where d[N+1] = D_N

        self.d = [0]  # for the lowest order, i.e., 1-gram, we do not need to discount, thus the constant is 0
                      # This is a special case: as we currently assumed having seen all vocabularies in the dictionary,
                      # but perhaps this is not the case for some other scenarios.
        for n in range(1, self.ngram_order):
            this_order_counts = self.counts[n]
            n1 = 0
            n2 = 0
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                stat = Counter(counts_for_hist.word_to_count.values())
                n1 += stat[1]
                n2 += stat[2]
            assert n1 + 2 * n2 > 0
            self.d.append(n1 * 1.0 / (n1 + 2 * n2))

    def cal_f(self):
        # f(a_z) is a probability distribution of word sequence a_z.
        # Typically f(a_z) is discounted to be less than the ML estimate so we have
        # some leftover probability for the z words unseen in the context (a_).
        # f(a_z) = (c(a_z) - D0) / c(a_)    ;; for highest order N-grams
        # f(_z)  = (n(*_z) - D1) / n(*_*)	;; for lower order N-grams

        # highest order N-grams
        n = self.ngram_order - 1
        this_order_counts = self.counts[n]
        for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
            for w, c in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.items():
                counts_for_hist.word_to_f[w] = max((c - self.d[n]), 0) * 1.0 / counts_for_hist.total_count

        # lower order N-grams
        for n in range(0, self.ngram_order - 1):
            this_order_counts = self.counts[n]
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():

                n_star_star = 0
                for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    n_star_star += len(counts_for_hist.word_to_context[w])

                if n_star_star != 0:
                    for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                        n_star_z = len(counts_for_hist.word_to_context[w])
                        counts_for_hist.word_to_f[w] = max((n_star_z - self.d[n]), 0) * 1.0 / n_star_star
                else:  # patterns begin with <s>, they do not have "modified count", so use raw count instead
                    for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                        n_star_z = counts_for_hist.word_to_count[w]
                        counts_for_hist.word_to_f[w] = max((n_star_z - self.d[n]), 0) * 1.0 / counts_for_hist.total_count

    def cal_bow(self):
        # Backoff weights are only necessary for ngrams which form a prefix of a longer ngram.
        # Thus, two sorts of ngrams do not have a bow:
        # 1) highest order ngram
        # 2) ngrams ending in </s>
        # bow(a_) = (1 - Sum_Z1 f(a_z)) / (1 - Sum_Z1 f(_z))
        # Note that Z1 is the set of all words with c(a_z) > 0

        # highest order N-grams
        n = self.ngram_order - 1
        this_order_counts = self.counts[n]
        for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
            for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                counts_for_hist.word_to_bow[w] = None

        # lower order N-grams
        for n in range(0, self.ngram_order - 1):
            this_order_counts = self.counts[n]
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    if w == self.eos_symbol:
                        counts_for_hist.word_to_bow[w] = None
                        a_ = hist + (w,)

                        assert len(a_) < self.ngram_order
                        assert a_ in self.counts[len(a_)].keys()

                        a_counts_for_hist = self.counts[len(a_)][a_]

                        sum_z1_f_a_z = 0
                        for u in a_counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                            sum_z1_f_a_z += a_counts_for_hist.word_to_f[u]

                        sum_z1_f_z = 0
                        _ = a_[1:]
                        _counts_for_hist = self.counts[len(_)][_]
                        for u in a_counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():  # Should be careful here: what is Z1
                            sum_z1_f_z += _counts_for_hist.word_to_f[u]

                        counts_for_hist.word_to_bow[w] = (1.0 - sum_z1_f_a_z) / (1.0 - sum_z1_f_z)

    def print_raw_counts(self, info_string):
        # these are useful for debug.
        res = []
        for this_order_counts in self.counts:
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    ngram = " ".join(hist) + " " + w
                    ngram = ngram.strip(strip_chars)

                    res.append("{0}\t{1}".format(ngram, counts_for_hist.word_to_count[w]))
        for r in res:

    def print_modified_counts(self, info_string):
        # these are useful for debug.
        res = []
        for this_order_counts in self.counts:
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    ngram = " ".join(hist) + " " + w
                    ngram = ngram.strip(strip_chars)

                    modified_count = len(counts_for_hist.word_to_context[w])
                    raw_count = counts_for_hist.word_to_count[w]

                    if modified_count == 0:
                        res.append("{0}\t{1}".format(ngram, raw_count))
                        res.append("{0}\t{1}".format(ngram, modified_count))
        for r in res:

    def print_f(self, info_string):
        # these are useful for debug.
        res = []
        for this_order_counts in self.counts:
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    ngram = " ".join(hist) + " " + w
                    ngram = ngram.strip(strip_chars)

                    f = counts_for_hist.word_to_f[w]
                    if f == 0:  # f(<s>) is always 0
                        f = 1e-99

                    res.append("{0}\t{1}".format(ngram, math.log(f, 10)))
        for r in res:

    def print_f_and_bow(self, info_string):
        # these are useful for debug.
        res = []
        for this_order_counts in self.counts:
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                for w in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    ngram = " ".join(hist) + " " + w
                    ngram = ngram.strip(strip_chars)

                    f = counts_for_hist.word_to_f[w]
                    if f == 0:  # f(<s>) is always 0
                        f = 1e-99

                    bow = counts_for_hist.word_to_bow[w]
                    if bow is None:
                        res.append("{1}\t{0}".format(ngram, math.log(f, 10)))
                        res.append("{1}\t{0}\t{2}".format(ngram, math.log(f, 10), math.log(bow, 10)))
        for r in res:

    def print_as_arpa(self, fout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='latin-1')):
        # print as ARPA format.

        print('\\data\\', file=fout)
        for hist_len in range(self.ngram_order):
            # print the number of n-grams.
            print('ngram {0}={1}'.format(
                hist_len + 1,
                sum([len(counts_for_hist.word_to_f) for counts_for_hist in self.counts[hist_len].values()])),

        print('', file=fout)

        for hist_len in range(self.ngram_order):
            print('\\{0}-grams:'.format(hist_len + 1), file=fout)

            this_order_counts = self.counts[hist_len]
            for hist, counts_for_hist in this_order_counts.items():
                for word in counts_for_hist.word_to_count.keys():
                    ngram = hist + (word,)
                    prob = counts_for_hist.word_to_f[word]
                    bow = counts_for_hist.word_to_bow[word]

                    if prob == 0:  # f(<s>) is always 0
                        prob = 1e-99

                    line = '{0}\t{1}'.format('%.7f' % math.log10(prob), ' '.join(ngram))
                    if bow is not None:
                        line += '\t{0}'.format('%.7f' % math.log10(bow))
                    print(line, file=fout)
            print('', file=fout)
        print('\\end\\', file=fout)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    ngram_counts = NgramCounts(args.ngram_order)

    if args.text is None:
        assert os.path.isfile(args.text)


    if args.lm is None:
        with open(args.lm, 'w', encoding=default_encoding) as f: