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# Copyright 2012-2013  Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey);
#                      Arnab Ghoshal
#                2014  Guoguo Chen
#                2015  Hainan Xu
#                2016  FAU Erlangen (Author: Axel Horndasch)

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This script prepares a directory such as data/lang/, in the standard format,
# given a source directory containing a dictionary lexicon.txt in a form like:
# word phone1 phone2 ... phoneN
# per line (alternate prons would be separate lines), or a dictionary with probabilities
# called lexiconp.txt in a form:
# word pron-prob phone1 phone2 ... phoneN
# (with 0.0 < pron-prob <= 1.0); note: if lexiconp.txt exists, we use it even if
# lexicon.txt exists.
# and also files silence_phones.txt, nonsilence_phones.txt, optional_silence.txt
# and extra_questions.txt
# Here, silence_phones.txt and nonsilence_phones.txt are lists of silence and
# non-silence phones respectively (where silence includes various kinds of
# noise, laugh, cough, filled pauses etc., and nonsilence phones includes the
# "real" phones.)
# In each line of those files is a list of phones, and the phones on each line
# are assumed to correspond to the same "base phone", i.e. they will be
# different stress or tone variations of the same basic phone.
# The file "optional_silence.txt" contains just a single phone (typically SIL)
# which is used for optional silence in the lexicon.
# extra_questions.txt might be empty; typically will consist of lists of phones,
# all members of each list with the same stress or tone; and also possibly a
# list for the silence phones.  This will augment the automatically generated
# questions (note: the automatically generated ones will treat all the
# stress/tone versions of a phone the same, so will not "get to ask" about
# stress or tone).

# This script adds word-position-dependent phones and constructs a host of other
# derived files, that go in data/lang/.

# Begin configuration section.
# position_dependent_phones is false also when position dependent phones and word_boundary.txt
# have been generated by another source
share_silence_phones=false  # if true, then share pdfs of different silence
                            # phones together.
unk_fst=        # if you want to model the unknown-word (<oov-dict-entry>)
                # with a phone-level LM as created by,
                # provide the text-form FST via this flag, e.g. <work-dir>/unk_fst.txt
                # where <work-dir> was the 2nd argument of
phone_symbol_table=              # if set, use a specified phones.txt file.
extra_word_disambig_syms=        # if set, add disambiguation symbols from this file (one per line)
                                 # to phones/disambig.txt, phones/wdisambig.txt and words.txt
num_extra_phone_disambig_syms=1 # Standard one phone disambiguation symbol is used for optional silence.
                                # Increasing this number does not harm, but is only useful if you later
                                # want to introduce this labels to L_disambig.fst

# end configuration sections

echo "$0 $@"  # Print the command line for logging

. utils/

if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
  echo "Usage: utils/ <dict-src-dir> <oov-dict-entry> <tmp-dir> <lang-dir>"
  echo "e.g.: utils/ data/local/dict <SPOKEN_NOISE> data/local/lang data/lang"
  echo "<dict-src-dir> should contain the following files:"
  echo " extra_questions.txt  lexicon.txt nonsilence_phones.txt  optional_silence.txt  silence_phones.txt"
  echo "See for more info."
  echo "options: "
  echo "<dict-src-dir> may also, for the grammar-decoding case (see"
  echo "contain a file nonterminals.txt containing symbols like #nonterm:contact_list, one per line."
  echo "     --num-sil-states <number of states>             # default: 5, #states in silence models."
  echo "     --num-nonsil-states <number of states>          # default: 3, #states in non-silence models."
  echo "     --position-dependent-phones (true|false)        # default: true; if true, use _B, _E, _S & _I"
  echo "                                                     # markers on phones to indicate word-internal positions. "
  echo "     --share-silence-phones (true|false)             # default: false; if true, share pdfs of "
  echo "                                                     # all silence phones. "
  echo "     --sil-prob <probability of silence>             # default: 0.5 [must have 0 <= silprob < 1]"
  echo "     --phone-symbol-table <filename>                 # default: \"\"; if not empty, use the provided "
  echo "                                                     # phones.txt as phone symbol table. This is useful "
  echo "                                                     # if you use a new dictionary for the existing setup."
  echo "     --unk-fst <text-fst>                            # default: none.  e.g. exp/make_unk_lm/unk_fst.txt."
  echo "                                                     # This is for if you want to model the unknown word"
  echo "                                                     # via a phone-level LM rather than a special phone"
  echo "                                                     # (this should be more useful for test-time than train-time)."
  echo "     --extra-word-disambig-syms <filename>           # default: \"\"; if not empty, add disambiguation symbols"
  echo "                                                     # from this file (one per line) to phones/disambig.txt,"
  echo "                                                     # phones/wdisambig.txt and words.txt"
  exit 1;


if [ -d $dir/phones ]; then
  rm -r $dir/phones
mkdir -p $dir $tmpdir $dir/phones

[ -f $srcdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt ] && silprob=true

[ -f ] && . ./

! utils/ $srcdir && \
  echo "*Error validating directory $srcdir*" && exit 1;

if [[ ! -f $srcdir/lexicon.txt ]]; then
  echo "**Creating $srcdir/lexicon.txt from $srcdir/lexiconp.txt"
  perl -ape 's/(\S+\s+)\S+\s+(.+)/$1$2/;' < $srcdir/lexiconp.txt > $srcdir/lexicon.txt || exit 1;
if [[ ! -f $srcdir/lexiconp.txt ]]; then
  echo "**Creating $srcdir/lexiconp.txt from $srcdir/lexicon.txt"
  perl -ape 's/(\S+\s+)(.+)/${1}1.0\t$2/;' < $srcdir/lexicon.txt > $srcdir/lexiconp.txt || exit 1;

if [ ! -z "$unk_fst" ] && [ ! -f "$unk_fst" ]; then
  echo "$0: expected --unk-fst $unk_fst to exist as a file"
  exit 1

if ! utils/ $srcdir >&/dev/null; then
  utils/ $srcdir  # show the output.
  echo "Validation failed (second time)"
  exit 1;

# phones.txt file provided, we will do some sanity check here.
if [[ ! -z $phone_symbol_table ]]; then
  # Checks if we have position dependent phones
  n1=`cat $phone_symbol_table | grep -v -E "^#[0-9]+$" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u | wc -l`
  n2=`cat $phone_symbol_table | grep -v -E "^#[0-9]+$" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/_[BIES]$//g' | sort -u | wc -l`
  $position_dependent_phones && [ $n1 -eq $n2 ] &&\
    echo "$0: Position dependent phones requested, but not in provided phone symbols" && exit 1;
  ! $position_dependent_phones && [ $n1 -ne $n2 ] &&\
      echo "$0: Position dependent phones not requested, but appear in the provided phones.txt" && exit 1;

  # Checks if the phone sets match.
  cat $srcdir/{,non}silence_phones.txt | awk -v f=$phone_symbol_table '
  BEGIN { while ((getline < f) > 0) { sub(/_[BEIS]$/, "", $1); phones[$1] = 1; }}
  { for (x = 1; x <= NF; ++x) { if (!($x in phones)) {
      print "Phone appears in the lexicon but not in the provided phones.txt: "$x; exit 1; }}}' || exit 1;

# In case there are extra word-level disambiguation symbols we need
# to make sure that all symbols in the provided file are valid.
if [ ! -z "$extra_word_disambig_syms" ]; then
  if ! utils/lang/ --allow-numeric "false" $extra_word_disambig_syms; then
    echo "$0: Validation of disambiguation file \"$extra_word_disambig_syms\" failed."
    exit 1;

if $position_dependent_phones; then
  # Create $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt from $srcdir/lexiconp.txt (or
  # $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt from $srcdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt) by
  # adding the markers _B, _E, _S, _I depending on word position.
  # In this recipe, these markers apply to silence also.
  # Do this starting from lexiconp.txt only.
  if "$silprob"; then
    perl -ane '@A=split(" ",$_); $w = shift @A; $p = shift @A; $silword_p = shift @A;
              $wordsil_f = shift @A; $wordnonsil_f = shift @A; @A>0||die;
         if(@A==1) { print "$w $p $silword_p $wordsil_f $wordnonsil_f $A[0]_S\n"; }
         else { print "$w $p $silword_p $wordsil_f $wordnonsil_f $A[0]_B ";
         for($n=1;$n<@A-1;$n++) { print "$A[$n]_I "; } print "$A[$n]_E\n"; } ' \
                < $srcdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt > $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt
    perl -ane '@A=split(" ",$_); $w = shift @A; $p = shift @A; @A>0||die;
         if(@A==1) { print "$w $p $A[0]_S\n"; } else { print "$w $p $A[0]_B ";
         for($n=1;$n<@A-1;$n++) { print "$A[$n]_I "; } print "$A[$n]_E\n"; } ' \
         < $srcdir/lexiconp.txt > $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt || exit 1;

  # create $tmpdir/phone_map.txt
  # this has the format (on each line)
  # <original phone> <version 1 of original phone> <version 2> ...
  # where the versions depend on the position of the phone within a word.
  # For instance, we'd have:
  # for (B)egin, (E)nd, (I)nternal and (S)ingleton
  # and in the case of silence
  # [because SIL on its own is one of the variants; this is for when it doesn't
  #  occur inside a word but as an option in the lexicon.]

  # This phone map expands the phone lists into all the word-position-dependent
  # versions of the phone lists.
  cat <(set -f; for x in `cat $srcdir/silence_phones.txt`; do for y in "" "" "_B" "_E" "_I" "_S"; do echo -n "$x$y "; done; echo; done) \
    <(set -f; for x in `cat $srcdir/nonsilence_phones.txt`; do for y in "" "_B" "_E" "_I" "_S"; do echo -n "$x$y "; done; echo; done) \
    > $tmpdir/phone_map.txt
  if "$silprob"; then
    cp $srcdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt
    cp $srcdir/lexiconp.txt $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt

  cat $srcdir/silence_phones.txt $srcdir/nonsilence_phones.txt | \
    awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++) print $n; }' > $tmpdir/phones
  paste -d' ' $tmpdir/phones $tmpdir/phones > $tmpdir/phone_map.txt

# Sets of phones for use in clustering, and making monophone systems.

if $share_silence_phones; then
  # build a roots file that will force all the silence phones to share the
  # same pdf's. [three distinct states, only the transitions will differ.]
  # 'shared'/'not-shared' means, do we share the 3 states of the HMM
  # in the same tree-root?
  # Sharing across models(phones) is achieved by writing several phones
  # into one line of roots.txt (shared/not-shared doesn't affect this).
  # 'not-shared not-split' means we have separate tree roots for the 3 states,
  # but we never split the tree so they remain stumps,
  # so all phones in the line correspond to the same model.

  cat $srcdir/silence_phones.txt | awk '{printf("%s ", $0); } END{printf("\n");}' | cat - $srcdir/nonsilence_phones.txt | \
    utils/ $tmpdir/phone_map.txt > $dir/phones/sets.txt
  cat $dir/phones/sets.txt | \
    awk '{if(NR==1) print "not-shared", "not-split", $0; else print "shared", "split", $0;}' > $dir/phones/roots.txt
  # different silence phones will have different GMMs.  [note: here, all "shared split" means
  # is that we may have one GMM for all the states, or we can split on states.  because they're
  # context-independent phones, they don't see the context.]
  cat $srcdir/{,non}silence_phones.txt | utils/ $tmpdir/phone_map.txt > $dir/phones/sets.txt
  cat $dir/phones/sets.txt | awk '{print "shared", "split", $0;}' > $dir/phones/roots.txt

cat $srcdir/silence_phones.txt | utils/ $tmpdir/phone_map.txt | \
  awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++) print $n;}' > $dir/phones/silence.txt
cat $srcdir/nonsilence_phones.txt | utils/ $tmpdir/phone_map.txt | \
  awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++) print $n;}' > $dir/phones/nonsilence.txt
cp $srcdir/optional_silence.txt $dir/phones/optional_silence.txt
cp $dir/phones/silence.txt $dir/phones/context_indep.txt

# if extra_questions.txt is empty, it's OK.
cat $srcdir/extra_questions.txt 2>/dev/null | utils/ $tmpdir/phone_map.txt \

# Want extra questions about the word-start/word-end stuff. Make it separate for
# silence and non-silence. Probably doesn't matter, as silence will rarely
# be inside a word.
if $position_dependent_phones; then
  for suffix in _B _E _I _S; do
    (set -f; for x in `cat $srcdir/nonsilence_phones.txt`; do echo -n "$x$suffix "; done; echo) >>$dir/phones/extra_questions.txt
  for suffix in "" _B _E _I _S; do
    (set -f; for x in `cat $srcdir/silence_phones.txt`; do echo -n "$x$suffix "; done; echo) >>$dir/phones/extra_questions.txt

# is responsible for adding disambiguation symbols to
# the lexicon, for telling us how many disambiguation symbols it used,
# and and also for modifying the unknown-word's pronunciation (if the
# --unk-fst was provided) to the sequence "#1 #2 #3", and reserving those
# disambig symbols for that purpose.
# The #2 will later be replaced with the actual unk model.  The reason
# for the #1 and the #3 is for disambiguation and also to keep the
# FST compact.  If we didn't have the #1, we might have a different copy of
# the unk-model FST, or at least some of its arcs, for each start-state from
# which an <unk> transition comes (instead of per end-state, which is more compact);
# and adding the #3 prevents us from potentially having 2 copies of the unk-model
# FST due to the optional-silence [the last phone of any word gets 2 arcs].
if [ ! -z "$unk_fst" ]; then  # if the --unk-fst option was provided...
  if "$silprob"; then
    utils/lang/internal/ $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt "$oov_word" || exit 1
    utils/lang/internal/ $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt "$oov_word" || exit 1
  unk_opt="--first-allowed-disambig 4"

if "$silprob"; then
  ndisambig=$(utils/ $unk_opt --pron-probs --sil-probs $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob_disambig.txt)
  ndisambig=$(utils/ $unk_opt --pron-probs $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt $tmpdir/lexiconp_disambig.txt)
ndisambig=$[$ndisambig+$num_extra_phone_disambig_syms]; # add (at least) one disambig symbol for silence in lexicon FST.
echo $ndisambig > $tmpdir/lex_ndisambig

# Format of lexiconp_disambig.txt:
# !SIL	1.0   SIL_S
# <SPOKEN_NOISE>	1.0   SPN_S #1
# <UNK>	1.0  SPN_S #2
# <NOISE>	1.0  NSN_S

( for n in `seq 0 $ndisambig`; do echo '#'$n; done ) >$dir/phones/disambig.txt

# In case there are extra word-level disambiguation symbols they also
# need to be added to the list of phone-level disambiguation symbols.
if [ ! -z "$extra_word_disambig_syms" ]; then
  # We expect a file containing valid word-level disambiguation symbols.
  cat $extra_word_disambig_syms | awk '{ print $1 }' >> $dir/phones/disambig.txt

# Create phone symbol table.
if [[ ! -z $phone_symbol_table ]]; then
  start_symbol=`grep \#0 $phone_symbol_table | awk '{print $2}'`
  echo "<eps>" | cat - $dir/phones/{silence,nonsilence}.txt | awk -v f=$phone_symbol_table '
  BEGIN { while ((getline < f) > 0) { phones[$1] = $2; }} { print $1" "phones[$1]; }' | sort -k2 -g |\
    cat - <(cat $dir/phones/disambig.txt | awk -v x=$start_symbol '{n=x+NR-1; print $1, n;}') > $dir/phones.txt
  echo "<eps>" | cat - $dir/phones/{silence,nonsilence,disambig}.txt | \
    awk '{n=NR-1; print $1, n;}' > $dir/phones.txt

# Create a file that describes the word-boundary information for
# each phone.  5 categories.
if $position_dependent_phones; then
  cat $dir/phones/{silence,nonsilence}.txt | \
    awk '/_I$/{print $1, "internal"; next;} /_B$/{print $1, "begin"; next; }
         /_S$/{print $1, "singleton"; next;} /_E$/{print $1, "end"; next; }
         {print $1, "nonword";} ' > $dir/phones/word_boundary.txt
  # word_boundary.txt might have been generated by another source
  [ -f $srcdir/word_boundary.txt ] && cp $srcdir/word_boundary.txt $dir/phones/word_boundary.txt

# Create word symbol table.
# <s> and </s> are only needed due to the need to rescore lattices with
# ConstArpaLm format language model. They do not normally appear in G.fst or
# L.fst.

if "$silprob"; then
  # remove the silprob
  cat $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt |\
    awk '{
      for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
        if(i!=3 && i!=4 && i!=5) printf("%s\t", $i); if(i==NF) print "";
    }' > $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt

cat $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq  | awk '
    print "<eps> 0";
    if ($1 == "<s>") {
      print "<s> is in the vocabulary!" | "cat 1>&2"
      exit 1;
    if ($1 == "</s>") {
      print "</s> is in the vocabulary!" | "cat 1>&2"
      exit 1;
    printf("%s %d\n", $1, NR);
  END {
    printf("#0 %d\n", NR+1);
    printf("<s> %d\n", NR+2);
    printf("</s> %d\n", NR+3);
  }' > $dir/words.txt || exit 1;

# In case there are extra word-level disambiguation symbols they also
# need to be added to words.txt
if [ ! -z "$extra_word_disambig_syms" ]; then
  # Since words.txt already exists, we need to extract the current word count.
  word_count=`tail -n 1 $dir/words.txt | awk '{ print $2 }'`

  # We expect a file containing valid word-level disambiguation symbols.
  # The list of symbols is attached to the current words.txt (including
  # a numeric identifier for each symbol).
  cat $extra_word_disambig_syms | \
    awk -v WC=$word_count '{ printf("%s %d\n", $1, ++WC); }' >> $dir/words.txt || exit 1;

# format of $dir/words.txt:
#<eps> 0
#a 1
#aa 2
#aarvark 3

silphone=`cat $srcdir/optional_silence.txt` || exit 1;
[ -z "$silphone" ] && \
  ( echo "You have no optional-silence phone; it is required in the current scripts"
    echo "but you may use the option --sil-prob 0.0 to stop it being used." ) && \
   exit 1;

# create $dir/phones/align_lexicon.{txt,int}.
# This is the method we use for lattice word alignment if we are not
# using word-position-dependent phones.

# First remove pron-probs from the lexicon.
perl -ape 's/(\S+\s+)\S+\s+(.+)/$1$2/;' <$tmpdir/lexiconp.txt >$tmpdir/align_lexicon.txt

# Note: here, $silphone will have no suffix e.g. _S because it occurs as optional-silence,
# and is not part of a word.
[ ! -z "$silphone" ] && echo "<eps> $silphone" >> $tmpdir/align_lexicon.txt

cat $tmpdir/align_lexicon.txt | \
  perl -ane '@A = split; print $A[0], " ", join(" ", @A), "\n";' | sort | uniq > $dir/phones/align_lexicon.txt

if [ -f $srcdir/nonterminals.txt ]; then
  utils/lang/grammar/ $dir/phones.txt $srcdir/nonterminals.txt $dir/phones.txt
  utils/lang/grammar/ $dir/words.txt $srcdir/nonterminals.txt $dir/words.txt
  cp $srcdir/nonterminals.txt $dir/phones/nonterminals.txt
  utils/ $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/nonterminals.txt >$dir/phones/

  for w in "#nonterm_begin" "#nonterm_end" $(cat $srcdir/nonterminals.txt); do
    echo $w $w  # These are words without pronunciations, so leave those prons
                # empty.
  done >> $dir/phones/align_lexicon.txt
  nonterm_phones_offset=$(grep '#nonterm_bos' <$dir/phones.txt | awk '{print $2}')
  echo $nonterm_phones_offset > $dir/phones/
  echo '#nonterm_bos' > $dir/phones/nonterm_phones_offset.txt  # temporary.

  if [ -f $dir/phones/word_boundary.txt ]; then
    # word-position-dependent system.  Only include the optional-silence phone,
    # and phones that can end a word, plus the special symbol #nonterm_bos, in the
    # left-context phones.
    awk '{if ($2 == "end" || $2 == "singleton") print $1; }' <$dir/phones/word_boundary.txt | \
        cat - $dir/phones/optional_silence.txt $dir/phones/nonterm_phones_offset.txt > $dir/phones/left_context_phones.txt
    cat $dir/phones/{silence,nonsilence}.txt $dir/phones/nonterm_phones_offset.txt > $dir/phones/left_context_phones.txt
  utils/ $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/left_context_phones.txt >$dir/phones/

  # we need to write utils/lang/ before this can work.
  grammar_opts="--left-context-phones=$dir/phones/left_context_phones.txt --nonterminals=$srcdir/nonterminals.txt"

# create phones/ from phones/align_lexicon.txt
cat $dir/phones/align_lexicon.txt | utils/ -f 3- $dir/phones.txt | \
  utils/ -f 1-2 $dir/words.txt > $dir/phones/

# Create the basic L.fst without disambiguation symbols, for use
# in training.

if $silprob; then
  # Add silence probabilities (models the prob. of silence before and after each
  # word).  On some setups this helps a bit.  See utils/
  # and where it's called in the example scripts (
  utils/lang/ $grammar_opts --sil-phone=$silphone \
         $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob.txt $srcdir/silprob.txt | \
     fstcompile --isymbols=$dir/phones.txt --osymbols=$dir/words.txt \
       --keep_isymbols=false --keep_osymbols=false |   \
     fstarcsort --sort_type=olabel > $dir/L.fst || exit 1;
  utils/lang/ $grammar_opts --sil-prob=$sil_prob --sil-phone=$silphone \
            $tmpdir/lexiconp.txt | \
    fstcompile --isymbols=$dir/phones.txt --osymbols=$dir/words.txt \
      --keep_isymbols=false --keep_osymbols=false | \
    fstarcsort --sort_type=olabel > $dir/L.fst || exit 1;

# The file oov.txt contains a word that we will map any OOVs to during
# training.
echo "$oov_word" > $dir/oov.txt || exit 1;
cat $dir/oov.txt | utils/ $dir/words.txt >$dir/ || exit 1;
# integer version of oov symbol, used in some scripts.

# the file wdisambig.txt contains a (line-by-line) list of the text-form of the
# disambiguation symbols that are used in the grammar and passed through by the
# lexicon.  At this stage it's hardcoded as '#0', but we're laying the groundwork
# for more generality (which probably would be added by another script).
# contains the corresponding list interpreted by the
# symbol table words.txt, and contains the corresponding
# list interpreted by the symbol table phones.txt.
echo '#0' >$dir/phones/wdisambig.txt

# In case there are extra word-level disambiguation symbols they need
# to be added to the existing word-level disambiguation symbols file.
if [ ! -z "$extra_word_disambig_syms" ]; then
  # We expect a file containing valid word-level disambiguation symbols.
  # The regular expression for awk is just a paranoia filter (e.g. for empty lines).
  cat $extra_word_disambig_syms | awk '{ print $1 }' >> $dir/phones/wdisambig.txt

utils/ $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/wdisambig.txt >$dir/phones/
utils/ $dir/words.txt <$dir/phones/wdisambig.txt >$dir/phones/

# Create these lists of phones in colon-separated integer list form too,
# for purposes of being given to programs as command-line options.
for f in silence nonsilence optional_silence disambig context_indep; do
  utils/ $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/$f.txt >$dir/phones/$
  utils/ $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/$f.txt | \
   awk '{printf(":%d", $1);} END{printf "\n"}' | sed s/:// > $dir/phones/$f.csl || exit 1;

for x in sets extra_questions; do
  utils/ $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/$x.txt > $dir/phones/$ || exit 1;

utils/ -f 3- $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/roots.txt \
   > $dir/phones/ || exit 1;

if [ -f $dir/phones/word_boundary.txt ]; then
  utils/ -f 1 $dir/phones.txt <$dir/phones/word_boundary.txt \
    > $dir/phones/ || exit 1;

silphonelist=`cat $dir/phones/silence.csl`
nonsilphonelist=`cat $dir/phones/nonsilence.csl`

# Note: it's OK, after generating the 'lang' directory, to overwrite the topo file
# with another one of your choice if the 'topo' file you want can't be generated by
# utils/  We do this in the 'chain' recipes.  Of course, the 'topo' file
# should cover all the phones.  Try running utils/ to check that
# everything is OK after modifying the topo file.
utils/ $num_nonsil_states $num_sil_states $nonsilphonelist $silphonelist >$dir/topo

# Create the lexicon FST with disambiguation symbols, and put it in lang_test.
# There is an extra step where we create a loop to "pass through" the
# disambiguation symbols from G.fst.

if $silprob; then
  utils/lang/ $grammar_opts \
     --sil-phone=$silphone --sil-disambig='#'$ndisambig \
     $tmpdir/lexiconp_silprob_disambig.txt $srcdir/silprob.txt | \
     fstcompile --isymbols=$dir/phones.txt --osymbols=$dir/words.txt \
       --keep_isymbols=false --keep_osymbols=false |   \
     fstaddselfloops  $dir/phones/ $dir/phones/ | \
     fstarcsort --sort_type=olabel > $dir/L_disambig.fst || exit 1;
  utils/lang/ $grammar_opts \
       --sil-prob=$sil_prob --sil-phone=$silphone --sil-disambig='#'$ndisambig \
         $tmpdir/lexiconp_disambig.txt | \
     fstcompile --isymbols=$dir/phones.txt --osymbols=$dir/words.txt \
       --keep_isymbols=false --keep_osymbols=false |   \
     fstaddselfloops  $dir/phones/ $dir/phones/ | \
     fstarcsort --sort_type=olabel > $dir/L_disambig.fst || exit 1;

if [ ! -z "$unk_fst" ]; then
  utils/lang/internal/ $unk_fst $dir || exit 1

  if ! $position_dependent_phones; then
    echo "$0: warning: you are using the --unk-lm option and setting --position-dependent-phones false."
    echo " ... this will make it impossible to properly work out the word boundaries after"
    echo " ... decoding; quite a few scripts will not work as a result, and many scoring scripts"
    echo " ... will die."
    sleep 4

echo "$(basename $0): validating output directory"
! utils/ $dir && echo "$(basename $0): error validating output" &&  exit 1;

exit 0;