978 Bytes
// See www.openfst.org for extensive documentation on this weighted
// finite-state transducer library.
#include <fst/flags.h>
#include <fst/fst.h>
#include <fst/weight.h>
DEFINE_double(delta, fst::kDelta, "Comparison/quantization delta");
DEFINE_string(weight, "", "Weight threshold");
DEFINE_int64(nstate, fst::kNoStateId, "State number threshold");
DEFINE_int64(subsequential_label, 0,
"Input label of arc corresponding to residual final output when"
" producing a subsequential transducer");
DEFINE_string(det_type, "functional",
"Type of determinization: \"functional\", "
"\"nonfunctional\", \"disambiguate\"");
DEFINE_bool(increment_subsequential_label, false,
"Increment subsequential_label to obtain distinct labels for "
" subsequential arcs at a given state");
int fstdeterminize_main(int argc, char **argv);
int main(int argc, char **argv) { return fstdeterminize_main(argc, argv); }