SCTK Basic Installation for Version 2.4.1

To install compile and install sctk, from the main directory type the commands:

	% make config
	% make all
	% make check
	% make install
	% make doc

The 'make config' command executes the script '' in the src/sclite 
directory and initialized the makefiles in the rest of the src directories.  

You can specify installation directory by changing the 'PREFIX' variable in the 
'src/makefile' file.  By default, all executables will be installed in 'bin' of 
this directory.  Be sure to add the installation directory to your PATH variable 
in order to accesss the programs.

The 'make all' command will compile all toolkit executables and libraries.
Compilation of rfilter1 may fail if your version of libC is very new because it 
now includes the strcmp* family of functions. You can use the libC versions, and
 avoid compilation complaints, by following the isntrcutions in 

The 'make check' will perform self tests on the toolkit.  Please report any 
problems to Jon Fiscus at NIST with any bug reports or comments at the email 
address or by phone, (+1) (301) 975-3182.  Please 
include the version number and any other relevant information such as OS, 
compiler, etc.

The 'make install' command will copy the executables to $PREFIX, (See make 
config above.)