recording.h 5.01 KB
 * Author: Jerome Ajot, Jon Fiscus, Nicolas Radde, Chris Laprun
 * This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by 
 * employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant
 * to title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code this software is not subject to
 * copyright protection and is in the public domain. ASCLITE is an experimental system.
 * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no
 * guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other
 * characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS."  With regard to this software, NIST MAKES NO EXPRESS

#include "stdinc.h"
#include "properties.h"
#include "speech.h"
#include "speechset.h"
#include "aligner.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "levenshtein.h"
#include "inputparser.h"
#include "ctm_inputparser.h"
#include "stm_inputparser.h"
#include "trn_inputparser.h"
#include "rttm_inputparser.h"
#include "reportgenerator.h"
#include "rawsys_reportgenerator.h"
#include "sgml_reportgenerator.h"
#include "scorer.h"
#include "stt_scorer.h"
#include "ctmstmrttm_segmentor.h"
#include "trntrn_segmentor.h"
#include "spkrautooverlap.h"
#include "uemfilter.h"
#include "speakermatch.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "sgml_generic_reportgenerator.h"

 * A recording contain all the data needed to score a testset.
 * From the argument to the list of parser (input) and generator (output report).
 * This is the main entry to the aligner.
class Recording
        // class constructor
        // class destructor

         * State constants
        static const int INITIALIZED = 0;
        static const int LOADED = 1;
        static const int ALIGNED = 2;
        static const int SCORED = 3;		
         * Load the reference&Hypothesis files into the system.
         * use the right loader based on the type.
        void Load(const string& refFile, const string& refType, const vector<string> & hypFiles, const vector<string> & HypTitles, const vector<string> & HypTypes, const string& uemFile, const string& speakeralignfile);
        void Load(const vector<string> & hypFiles, const vector<string> & HypTitles, const vector<string> & HypTypes, const string& uemFile, const string& speakeralignfile);
         * Filter the references and hypothesis with the availables filters.
        void Filter(const vector<string> & _filters);
         * Align the ref to the hyp with the select align algo
        void Align() { m_bGenericAlignment ? AlignGeneric() : AlignHypRef(); };
        void AlignHypRef();
        void AlignGeneric();
         * Score the Alignement with the selected scoring system
        void Score();
         * Generate the reports based on the scored alignment.
        void GenerateReport(const vector<string> & reportType);
		//void AddInterSegmentGapsToRefs();
         * contain all the available input parser
        map<string, InputParser*> inputParsers;
         * contain all the available report generator
        map<string, ReportGenerator*> reportGenerators;
		SGMLGenericReportGenerator* pSGMLGenericReportGenerator;
         * contain all the available Aligner
        map<string, Aligner*> aligner;
         * contain all the available Scorer
        map<string, Scorer*> scorer;
         * contain all the available Segmentors
        map<string, Segmentor*> segmentors;
		 * contain all the available Filters
        map<string, ::Filter*> filters;
		 * Database for the optimization speaker alignment 
		SpeakerMatch* m_pSpeakerMatch;
		/** the logger */
        static Logger* logger;
        // State dependents attribute
         * State of the Recording object
         * The different state can be 
         * - INITIALIZED
         * - LOADED
         * - ALIGNED
         * - SCORED
         * @todo Curently not implemented and use in the code
        int state;
         * The current segmentor
        Segmentor* segmentor;
		 * A list of all the references of the Recording.
		SpeechSet* references;
		 * A list of all the hypothesis of the Recording.
		 * More than one group of hypothesis can be done at once.
		map<string, SpeechSet*> hypothesis;
		 * Alignment object
		Alignment* alignments;
		bool m_bGenericAlignment;

#endif // RECORDING_H