lvc_hyp2.ctm.sts 1.04 KB
Summary of Statistical Significance Tests:              
                         Comparing the System                         
                  for the  Test with other Systems:                   

                    MP            SI            WI            MN      
               ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
  lvc_hyp.ctm      same          same          same          same     

                        Test Name                            Abbrev.
  ------------------------------------------------------     -------
        Matched Pair Sentence Segment (Word Error)             MP   
  Signed Paired Comparison (Speaker Word Error Rate (%))       SI   
    Wilcoxon Signed Rank (Speaker Word Error Rate (%))         WI   
                 McNemar (Sentence Error)                      MN   

Note: System ID with lower error rate is printed if the Null
      Hypothesis is rejected at the 95% Confidence Level,
      if not, 'same' is printed.