readme.txt 2.38 KB
CMU-Cambridge Statistical Language Modeling Tookit v2


For installation and usage instructions for the toolkit, see 


(for the sake of convenience, the installation instructions are also
given below).


For "big-endian" machines (eg those running HP-UX, IRIX, SunOS,
Solaris) the installation procedure is simply to type

  cd src
  make install

The executables will then be copied into the bin/ directory, and the
library file SLM2.a will be copied into the lib/ directory.

For "little-endian" machines (eg those running Ultrix, Linux) the
variable "BYTESWAP_FLAG" will need to be set in the Makefile. This can
be done by editing src/Makefile directly, so that the line


is changed to 


Then the program can be installed as before.

If you are unsure of the "endian-ness" of your machine, then the shell
script should be able to provide some assistance.

In case of problems, then more information can be found by examining

------  Shell script to report "endian-ness" (see installation 
   instructions). Not terribly robust; needs to be able to see gcc, 
   for example.

doc/toolkit_documentation.html   The standard html documentation for the 
   toolkit. View using netscape or equivalent.

doc/toolkit_documentation_no_tables.html   As above, but doesn't use 
   tables, so is suitable for use with browsers which don't support
   tables (eg lynx).

doc/toolkit_documentation.txt   The documentation in flat text.

doc/change_log.html   List of changes from version to version.

doc/change_log.txt   The above in flat text. 

src/*.c src/*.h  The toolkit source files

src/Makefile  The standard make file.

src/install-sh  Shell script to install executables in the appropriate
   directory. An improvement on cp, as it will check to see whether it is 
   about to overwrite an execuatable which is already in use.

include/SLM2.h   File containing all of src/*.h, allowing 
   functions from the toolkit to be included in new software.

bin/   Directory where executables will be installed.

lib/   Directory where SLM2.a will be stored (useful in conjunction with 
   include/SLM2.h for including functions from the toolkit to be included 
   in new software.)